Improved Hailrake Fight in 1.1.3
If this in any way makes the Hailrake area of the game more easily passable by new players on the first try, then it is probably a mistake to change it.
There is a certain type of player you guys want playing PoE. Hailrake works as a good way to cull a percentage of the unwanted before they get too invested in something they will not like (or support) further down the line. It is an HONEST way to tell people right off the hop that this is how their POE experience will be all the way through. It gives them a chance to bail out very early on. It's honest. That is a good thing. Tricking people into staying by easing the early experience is a bad idea unless the easing follows through the rest of the game as well. It would only lead to more raging and unhappiness. Besides, the encounter works well IMO. It can be brutal OR easy, depending on ones level of knowledge and skill. Just the way a proper boss fight should be. Just a personal (probably incorrect) opinion. No hate meant here. At the end of the day, it's your guys' game. Thanks for PoE, Chris. |
" Are you saying people quit the game because they die a couple of times within the first half hour of this game? If they don't learn at the start that this game is punishing if you just "yolo" it into a fight they will only learn it later on. I don't want to seem entitled or ungrateful, because I am not trying to make potshots at you or the team, but it just seems you guys are making changes that no one has asked for or understand why they are necessary. IGN:
@Antilogy |
I think you should add Invader Bosses to Side area quests per Difficulty...
I.E. Dweller of Deep Norm - Flooded Depths contains Dweller of Deep Cruel - Flooded Depths contains Mother of Hive and Dweller of Deep Mercy - Flooded Depths contains Shivershell, Mother of Hive, and Dweller of Deep all in close proxy this would have to happen after Invasion is over. do the same to other side area quests. when you use this idea.... you owe me RNG. |
More endgame content plz, very bored, thanks
With the introduction of invasion/corrupted bosses I feel most zone bosses need a rework, they just seem so dull in comparison.
Good idea! :)
I actually don't believe Glacial Cascade is a more appropriate skill for the fight. I think Ice Spear, with its unique mechanics, was a perfect fit.
When Stephen Colbert was killed by HYDRA's Project Insight in 2014, the comedy world lost a hero. Since his life model decoy isn't up to the task, please do not mistake my performance as political discussion. I'm just doing what Steve would have wanted.
" +1 |
Good news for new player. At least they wont leave the game after 5 min !
Still dont understand why some people are so angry about this change? Please RNG give me a fishing rod !
He's already scary enough... Why make him harder? ):