Redblade wrote:
So not only did you shut down the server, which I totally understand, wasting my map. But then you proceed to delete a 4 perfect stat chest that dropped for me in the map you wasted without at the very least refunding open maps at the time of emergency shutdown.
I really hope you add a map refund system on emergency shutdown to your to do list. Losing high level maps during a stint of bad map RNG because of a reboot is beyond irritating.
I say that is not necesary
Other people lose their items u lose ur map
Its completly possibly that the item was more worth than a 79 map
thats just bad luck
Posted byWilhelm#7969on Mar 26, 2014, 8:22:07 AM
TheAnuhart wrote:
DirkAustin wrote:
Even some of the most pro of pro-GGG fans will tell you there are some severely broken fundamental designs of PoE among a lot of very, very, good, amazing, brilliant designs.
Because they care.
While others will blatant fanboi without a care, if the ship sinks, wtf, they just move to another company and repeat the blind fanboism.
What they don't realise, is, they are every developer's worse nightmare. They don't give the feedback the company wants, they don't tell the company what is wrong, to better the future, they praise and convince that all is well, all the time, with every design and decision. If that wasn't bad enough, they actively try to remove anyone not doing the same from actually giving feedback.
Carry on, Dirk, there's plenty of companies out there for you to spoil. None of them will thank you, though.
I know you from the previous SFL threads and as another SFL supporter I agree with you on most points but you left the phase where you give feedback and be benefical to company.
From what I see you're angry that developers didn't listen to your feedback and now you only mean to hurt them with your words.
You're currently not the person you picture in your response to Dirk, so that post didn't make perfect sense for me.
That said I also agree that Dirk tend to conservatively defend everything GGG does.
Hopefully you'll return back when private leagues introduced and join a SF league of your preference and enjoy the game to it's fullest.
No longer a forum dweller, please use PM for contact purposes. Last edited by ignarsoll#5178 on Mar 26, 2014, 8:25:26 AM
Posted byignarsoll#5178on Mar 26, 2014, 8:24:10 AM
MauranKilom wrote:
I would like to tell you guys how deeply grateful I am that you actually tell us in such detail what happened. It really sets you apart that you share such intrinsic details of a failure to everybody who wants to know. Really, thanks.
That said, i'd have loved to try these:

damn teaser from the corrupted incident that occurred? :D
good choise they didnt rollback! great GGG as always
Beta Member Since 2010
Posted byKalidor#1039on Mar 26, 2014, 8:25:04 AMBanned
I had a skin transfer and a microtransaction effect on the corrupted item
now how do I ask those back.......
someone help me?
Posted byjamesho2013#2566on Mar 26, 2014, 8:28:21 AM
I love you guys for explaining situations like this. Thank you !
Posted bySyy#5733on Mar 26, 2014, 8:28:57 AM
ignarsoll wrote:
TheAnuhart wrote:
DirkAustin wrote:
Even some of the most pro of pro-GGG fans will tell you there are some severely broken fundamental designs of PoE among a lot of very, very, good, amazing, brilliant designs.
Because they care.
While others will blatant fanboi without a care, if the ship sinks, wtf, they just move to another company and repeat the blind fanboism.
What they don't realise, is, they are every developer's worse nightmare. They don't give the feedback the company wants, they don't tell the company what is wrong, to better the future, they praise and convince that all is well, all the time, with every design and decision. If that wasn't bad enough, they actively try to remove anyone not doing the same from actually giving feedback.
Carry on, Dirk, there's plenty of companies out there for you to spoil. None of them will thank you, though.
I know you from the previous SFL threads and as another SFL supporter I agree with you on most points but you left the phase where you give feedback and be benefical to company.
From what I see you're angry that developers didn't listen to your feedback and now you only mean to hurt them with your words.
You're currently not the person you picture in your response to Dirk, so that post didn't make perfect sense for me.
That said I also agree that Dirk tend to conservatively defend everything GGG does.
Hopefully you'll return back when private leagues introduced and join a SF league of your preference and enjoy the game to it's fullest.
Game is in worse shape today than it was 12 months ago. It will be interesting to see what the future holds. Maybe they'll actually fix some of the more broken aspects of their game, things that have been broken since OB, or even CB, and never touched, but I expect it'll just be "MOAR RNG!".
No. Calm down. Learn to enjoy losing.
Posted byb15h09#7812on Mar 26, 2014, 8:29:25 AM
What exactly happened to old skill gems that were slotted into the invalid items? Were they also deleted?
I think a flat roll back would have been a more ideal solution.
"Danger is like jello, there's always room for more."
ScrotieMcB wrote:
JohnGrammaticus wrote:
More incident reports please, awesome reads!
Actually... no.
Don't get me wrong: taking accountability for the mistakes one makes is superior to not taking accountability for them. It's kind of sad that, in today's computer game industry, even this element of common human decency is something which we find both rare and precious; it should be far more common.
But not making mistakes in the first place is superior to making mistakes and then taking accountability for them.
Sometimes I wonder if Jonathan and the rest of GGG are getting lazy, based off the theory that, when they do eventually slip up or are called out for their actions, they won't have to worry about it, because they'll just make it up to the playerbase somehow.
Two incidents within the past couple weeks, plus the whole Fidelitas thing.
Come on, GGG! You guys are better than this.
Everyone makes mistakes - even you and me, I'm sure about that :) So don't be hard on those who make mistakes, we learn from them and move on.
Hi Jonatan
I LOVE your description of the failure since its show how poe works.
I would like Chris take the time an write more about the game then making videos or something what other people can do.
He s a verry nice troll (as with fishing rod) but he often dont give helpful descriptions an i see it often as blabla.
I wish more articles like yours. More background. More internals.
For the failure. Thats was what i understand what vaal orbs do :-) Corrupted items.
I think queen atziri and her vaal orbs has kidding you and your server tables :-)
but you beat back and deleted all!
Good solution.
But the best is you dont hide the problem and do nothing, and tell us exactly was happend.
this is why i love you.
The most HATING point is still there. DESYNC!!!
You promised month ago to do someting against. But more then 50 % of deaths from my chars is from desync. Exspecially i use leap slam and farm catacombs.
today its my new wish who must die :-(((
All in all its a good game. Without desync it will be the best game ever.
Last edited by ichbinwerichbi#6654 on Mar 26, 2014, 8:40:55 AM
ignarsoll wrote:
TheAnuhart wrote:
DirkAustin wrote:
Even some of the most pro of pro-GGG fans will tell you there are some severely broken fundamental designs of PoE among a lot of very, very, good, amazing, brilliant designs.
Because they care.
While others will blatant fanboi without a care, if the ship sinks, wtf, they just move to another company and repeat the blind fanboism.
What they don't realise, is, they are every developer's worse nightmare. They don't give the feedback the company wants, they don't tell the company what is wrong, to better the future, they praise and convince that all is well, all the time, with every design and decision. If that wasn't bad enough, they actively try to remove anyone not doing the same from actually giving feedback.
Carry on, Dirk, there's plenty of companies out there for you to spoil. None of them will thank you, though.
I know you from the previous SFL threads and as another SFL supporter I agree with you on most points but you left the phase where you give feedback and be benefical to company.
From what I see you're angry that developers didn't listen to your feedback and now you only mean to hurt them with your words.
You're currently not the person you picture in your response to Dirk, so that post didn't make perfect sense for me.
That said I also agree that Dirk tend to conservatively defend everything GGG does.
Hopefully you'll return back when private leagues introduced and join a SF league of your preference and enjoy the game to it's fullest.
At no point did I reference myself in my post, I didn't mean to claim to be any person pictured.
You are correct, though, that I'm past giving constructive feedback. Most of it has been given already numerous times. I just make a noise now and then as a reminder that it has been given.
I did almost give a long, constructive final feedback consisting of everything from the highest praise where due to the harshest criticism. Two things stopped me; firstly, I'm not entirely sure any more that this company deserves it, I'm more coming to terms with that they deserve exactly what I expect will unfold (and is doing) as a result of their stubbornness. It surprises me that I feel this way, but it is what it is. Secondly, fuck taking time to construct a long assed thread for Dirk etc to shit all over.
FWIW, I don't want a SFL, 'to my preference' as a league to my preference would not be to any one else's. This is why SFL is not the answer, very few people want the same thing. Fixing what IS UNDOUBTEDLY BROKEN in current leagues is the only hope I have but I wouldn't put a single penny on that ever happening.
Casually casual.
Posted byTheAnuhart#4741on Mar 26, 2014, 8:51:17 AM