Incident Report for 26th March Item Corruption
" While I agree with ya partly, the sheer amount of QQ if there was a rollback I fear would've been monumental! Now this way is not ideal by any means, but at least people didn't lose progress, servers didn't need a long shutdown, and at least some people got currency (some at the misfortune of others). But because of RNG one could just tell oneself that the awesome Shaves or Khoms that they just lost didn't drop in the 1st place as opposed to getting removed. It's not like RNG is cumulative where once something drops you lose RNG-goddess's blessing (at least I hope not) : D But I do hope people who lost gems are able to be compensated in some fashion. GL SSF since ~OB
" IGN: Scordalia_
" They didn't rollback because they would have had to identify and complete the MTx's from the 18 minute window, which could be a good bit of work. I seriously doubt they'd compensate people for something non-monetary, which they're nonliable for. Finding the gems would probably be a lot more work than the MTx's, and no money is involved. No. Calm down. Learn to enjoy losing.
" Yeah, I never read them saying they couldn't do it, but rather chose not to. Why so butthurt? Play new leagues anyways :) IGN Ken__Kaniff
I was playing when this suddenly started happening. I expected some sort of rollback. Thanks for isolating the problem so quickly and telling us all how your process worked.
Not doing a rollback was a pretty stupid decision. Not only am I out the quest gems I picked up during the time, I lost a pair of gloves along with a MTX in them.
I'll contact support but since I've yet to receive a race reward from SEASON 5 yet in the same sort of "issue", I have little hope that this will be resolved. Maybe in the future, it'd be worth it to have a calm discussion in the office about what options are best and implement them, regardless of how long the servers go down. "When I close my eyes, I see this thing, a sign, I see this name in bright blue neon lights with a purple outline. And this name is so bright and so sharp that the sign - it just blows up because the name is so powerful... It says, "Diamond Supporter."
" Players like you are the reason we don't often see good games. Not only did their small team of dev's promptly correct their situation, they had the balls to own up to their mistake! I'd love to see how well you would perform in this situation if this problem were to fall in YOUR lap! #ClimbsDownFromSoapBox 18 minutes is a sizeable span of time though, and for those affected, could have been quite frustrating, knowing that the (on average) 2-3 boss runs or maps that may have yielded upgrades, or progression items (note the person's post about losing his level 73 map). Simply deleting generated items was a good call to circumvent the mishap, but now that the emergency is averted, I think what players are looking to get back, is the time they lost. |
" just check the item tooltip next time ALLOCATING SPACE
Atziri corrupting the realm too! Flavor!
@Moylin (Beyond)
This is how I imagine Jonathan every time these things happen.