Incident Report for 26th March Item Corruption

Why does the exciting stuff always happen when I am not playing? I feel like I am missing out!

Johnathan, please break the game during evening time for the east coast US.

The_Rain_Man wrote:
Seems you guy have ran into a couple of technical issues over the past couple of weeks. This one was pretty funny. Lets just hope the next one spits mirrors out of chests like i won $500 on a pokie machine :)

I hope no one gets the axe for these Incidents that keep occurring.. :S

Compared to other companies, GGG really goes above and beyond, and I hope that doesn't translate to everyone getting spoiled and lashing out when these slight mishaps do occur..
EA IGN: We_Have_Monk_at_Home

*Burnt out and waiting for either PoE1 League or new PoE2 Classes.*
I really liked some of the new skills that showed up :).
Spectral Throw
great again
I, for one, ENJOYED this happened.

Sincerely, it was hilarious and beyond imagination what could happen in those 18 minutes. Two handed ring? Hell yeah!

I vote for one separate fun realm where such "absolutely crazy random" stuff would happen.

No big deal - thanks for the resume
It would be awesome if not for the fact that I created a decent bow at that time.. lost it and all the gems I had in it.
Why didn't they just rollback? I'd think it'd be better to wipe out 18 minutes of peoples xp gains, rather than their gems.
No. Calm down. Learn to enjoy losing.
fisselt wrote:
It would be awesome if not for the fact that I created a decent bow at that time.. lost it and all the gems I had in it.

looool I didn't think about gems!

you know somebody out there had their 20/20s socketed in some crazy thing
luckily the char I was on was low level so I'm not really freaking out. But it does mean I'll have to re-purchase some gems and level them up, again. Until then that character is unplayable.

In my opinion a pretty lame way of solving their problem. A rollback would have saved me, and I'm sure others, a lot of pain.
Jonathan wrote:

I'm very sorry for this issue, and for any items that you may have lost during that 18 minutes of play time. This isn't the level of service that you deserve from us and I hope you will find that we do better in the future.

Hi, I just wanted to say this, you took the time to explain what happened, why it happened, and why you took the action you did. You haven't tried to sugar coat or cover this up like any of the dozen other game companies would have, and for that alone you have my support (not that you didn't have it before) I am very impressed by the level of professionalism I have seen from GGG, and I look forward to playing your games for some time to come.

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