[1.2.0] Rampage/Beyond - Exiled Fiery Dragons (self-found / newbie friendly / hc tested)

GgrrrH wrote:

read through the posts, you don't need armor and eva to be tanky.

I am yet to find a CoD and jump like a tank into mobs on 75+ maps, because I got a feeling for my character how it works and what I can take and what not.

and you kind of need CoD for EB, i took it regardless and run at about 1700 mana, 1100 reserved with clarity + discipline, which is still plenty to spam my 180 mana cost totems


what kind of gems should be at 20% in your opinion for maximize effectiveness of the build? I got a 20% flame totem now as first step.
Last edited by danteafk#2688 on Sep 9, 2014, 6:30:00 AM
I'm saving up for a Cloak of Defiance, 5L f possible^^

I can do lvl 70 map, but i take some times...it depends on what kind of mob I'm facing...lvling up a 17Q totem that will help for sure.

~1600 dps atm, 4k hp

GgrrrH wrote:
hey, love your build, used it as early as possible with a 4 link flametotem, GMP, faster casting, fire pen, just insane how stuff melts compared to my sword and shield multistrike reave char.

2 questions:

first of all, i know you told us to drop discipline, but i still need to ask this since i dont get how it should work. so you use discipline for ES and convert it to mana with eldrich batterie for high manapool for artic armor, clarity and mind over matter?

but discipline only gets me around 245 ES(mana) and takes up 45% of my 1000 mana? so it takes more than it gives. am i doing sth wrong or do i dont get the plan behind this in first place?

dont you guys feel super squishy? i dont have the cloak, if some mobs jump me ( frogs in solaris and battelfield), im so scared. resis are maxed, 3,2k hp with 850 armor and 470 evasion.

thanks :)

Yes he's using discipline to have more mana, once you have some good gear you can easily drop it, I'm stil using it at lvl 72 and doing low lvl maps(66-70), with a mana pool of ~1800.

You need to get some more life, probably that's because of your gear... and a CWDT setup if you don't already have it, for me it's working like a charm; CWDT lvl4-Molten Shell lvl.9-Enduring Cry lvl.7-Immortal Call lvl.5.

I'm now lvl 72 and doing low lvl maps(66-70)

You don't need armor but till you get a Cloak of Defiance in my opinion is good to have some^^
IGN: Mad_Brululul
Last edited by valerio07#4990 on Sep 9, 2014, 9:11:43 AM
i still dont get it, discipline takes around 45% of your mana only to add you 200, that seems always to be less then it takes....
GgrrrH wrote:
i still dont get it, discipline takes around 45% of your mana only to add you 200, that seems always to be less then it takes....

maybe at low lvl, mine adds ~500 mana to my pool

sure it adds around 200 but with all the points in the tree(mana,es) you get the double from it.
IGN: Mad_Brululul
Last edited by valerio07#4990 on Sep 9, 2014, 9:23:31 AM
GgrrrH wrote:
i still dont get it, discipline takes around 45% of your mana only to add you 200, that seems always to be less then it takes....

I run Discipline because i like running high level artic armor + Flame Totem linked to GMP (mana hungry) so i need a lot of mana regen that my gear cant provide atm. I still have about 900 unreserved mana.

In my case i have no issue at all, i can farm Lunaris 3 and 67 maps with almost 0 issue. Only problem would be chaos rest, but i feel pretty tanky.

GgrrrH wrote:
hey, love your build, used it as early as possible with a 4 link flametotem, GMP, faster casting, fire pen, just insane how stuff melts compared to my sword and shield multistrike reave char.

2 questions:

first of all, i know you told us to drop discipline, but i still need to ask this since i dont get how it should work. so you use discipline for ES and convert it to mana with eldrich batterie for high manapool for artic armor, clarity and mind over matter?

but discipline only gets me around 245 ES(mana) and takes up 45% of my 1000 mana? so it takes more than it gives. am i doing sth wrong or do i dont get the plan behind this in first place?

dont you guys feel super squishy? i dont have the cloak, if some mobs jump me ( frogs in solaris and battelfield), im so scared. resis are maxed, 3,2k hp with 850 armor and 470 evasion.

thanks :)

At lower levels, I do say not to use Discipline.. or use if you with it on have enough mana for two consecutive totem casts, start using Disc only in this scenario.... afterwards, it'll turn into positive reserve.... again till you get gg ES pieces, then it's again negative, so at that time... get Cloak and turn off discipline and you're good to go.

In addition, eva is only good for leveling, afterwards... apart from invest in block nodes, going peranduhs/rathpiths/lahzar/strides etc.... Why I say armor isn't that important? Because I built this to have huge effective life pool, to take "oh shit" hits that were happening in invasion, and it's good at that... armor will help you very little there, and if spell based, none at all. But armor will help and go hand in hand with AA for more consistent tanking from smaller > medium hits.

And lastly, even though Cloak is insanely dfensively good... it's all about play and knowing your surroundings and character limits, strengths and weaknesses. ;) Also don't forget, res flasks and iron skin granite. ;)
[1.1.0] Invasion/Ambush - Exiled Fiery Dragons (self-found / newbie friendly / invasion tested)
danteafk wrote:
GgrrrH wrote:

read through the posts, you don't need armor and eva to be tanky.

I am yet to find a CoD and jump like a tank into mobs on 75+ maps, because I got a feeling for my character how it works and what I can take and what not.

and you kind of need CoD for EB, i took it regardless and run at about 1700 mana, 1100 reserved with clarity + discipline, which is still plenty to spam my 180 mana cost totems


what kind of gems should be at 20% in your opinion for maximize effectiveness of the build? I got a 20% flame totem now as first step.

If effectives in defense, get inc. duration and Immortal Call, and those inc duration of buffs nodes... even if on medium level CWDT it will inc. time by quite, so to have 3 or so seconds phys immunity isn't such a bad thing.

Dmg wise, faster casting and lmp/gmp, that's what I'd get q on first, fire pen and flammability/el. weakness too. Again for dmg, can always try arc based dual cursing with deodre's if you got links for it (Arc - curse on hit - flam - el. weakness), or enf/temp chains if wanting more defense.

valerio07 wrote:

You don't need armor but till you get a Cloak of Defiance in my opinion is good to have some^^

Yes. Never said armor was bad, it's good... just don't obsess over it, get how much you can, and use iron skin granite... actually use it, mostly for me it's there till the time I see pack of devourers and instantly empty all charges by hitting it repeatedly. XD It aids in over error tolerance.

And... best defense is don't stand there when things like a pack of blue rhoas with extra dmg is charging at you.

GgrrrH wrote:
i still dont get it, discipline takes around 45% of your mana only to add you 200, that seems always to be less then it takes....

Said above, at lower levels... when lvl 16 if you had crappy > ok gear like me... it turns into a positive, whilst giving huge mana regen.
[1.1.0] Invasion/Ambush - Exiled Fiery Dragons (self-found / newbie friendly / invasion tested)
can you do atziri with this build?

without ripping
Last edited by danteafk#2688 on Sep 12, 2014, 6:21:56 AM
danteafk wrote:
can you do atziri with this build?

without ripping

Haven't tried, tried with other builds though so can comment. As such, not exactly suited for boss fights, as endurance isn't a strongfactor, because you can't regen HP that fast, and can't leech, high effective pool was to counter oh shit situations, and general mapping. So... shold be done, because you don't need to stand in place to actually attack, so you're really only vulnerable when summoning totems, otherwise, just kite shit. As for ripping, can't comment on that either... if you'd never done atziri with a totem build before (or any build) you'll most likely rip, as experience surely is different, and if you've had experience in killing atziri before several times, you should know which flasks to get, boss patterns which should help. My first try with on atziri was with speedy puncture ranger, and I rip'd once at double vaal, and all other times on atziri, because I didn't know what I was getting into, and that you're supposed to be on your feet the whole time :p

Hope that helps,

[1.1.0] Invasion/Ambush - Exiled Fiery Dragons (self-found / newbie friendly / invasion tested)
currently mapping and farming masters at L77, got myself a cloak and works just fine :)

at what levels are you guys using the CWDT, molten shell, enduring cry, immortal call combo?
or what is the optimal level?

because i have no experiance with that setup.

thanks :)

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