[1.2.0] Rampage/Beyond - Exiled Fiery Dragons (self-found / newbie friendly / hc tested)
" Yeah, and can always up the gear, get spelldmg be it on tree/gear, castspeed/totem dmg is good too. And Glad you're doing very good. Regards, GoranH. " My rule of thumb is have enough mana for two consecutive totem casts at all times. So for example if your totem setup costs 200 mana per cast, have 400 (or very close to it). After you get eldritch battery, life/mana 6/8% nodes and some ES gear you'll want to level clarity as soon as you can. heh Because after discipline gets to 16+ level you'll have you'll have for example 900 mana after reserve and 150+ per sec regen (can get easily 300+ with decent gear at lvl 70+). TL;DR At lower levels I usually stopped my clarity if I recall at lvl 8 I think to have enough mana for two consecutive totem casts. When you get EB/ life/mana hybrid nodes level it as much as you can. [1.1.0] Invasion/Ambush - Exiled Fiery Dragons (self-found / newbie friendly / invasion tested)
http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/816814 |
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I'm currently level 39 playing on HC and have so much fun with this build. In the very early levels Ice Nova makes leveling very easy. After you get decoy totem and flameblast killing everything takes 1 shot (rares sometimes take 2). Got into Cruel at level 35 and got Flame Totem and Ancestral Bond. Having 2 flame totems or 1 flame and 1 searing bond totem destorys everything. This build got me to try a lot of skills that I didn't even know about and has amazing killing speed before I even got the main skills.
Right now I have 1303 HP and 353 ES. I also using this unique which helps a lot. |
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Absolutely brilliant guide!
Keep up the good work! |
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Love this guide. Never used totems before. Playing all self-found from the start, and having a blast. Level 77 in 1MSR. Died a few times but always my on fault, not used to the kiteing ;) I got Cybils Paw as a drop, and man do they make my totems stay alive much better. Never thaught about that the life on hit would affect my totems. Thanks for open my eyes to a new type of playing. Cheers //PantheraLeo Lycaon Pictus Last edited by PantheraLeo71#2786 on Jul 28, 2014, 6:57:24 AM
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big bumps to this thread
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Hey GoranH this is my first post ever in the PoE forums. I tried your Flame Totem guide in the One Month HC league. To make things short: Absolutely wonderful guide, especially the step by step explanation through the Difficulties.
At the moment, im Level 78, clearing Maps, and farming Piety for Fun. My Gear is completely selffound: Just want to give u a big THANKS for the nice work with this guide. Keep it up and stay alive:) Tooltip DPS of Flame Totem: 1148 (I guess with GMP i could reach much more) HP: 3400 Res: 82%, 102%, 97% Chaos Res: 3% IIR from Gear: 41% PS: Im using Option 1 of your Skill Tree Progression (I am going now for "Clear Mind" And "Written in Blood") Problems which ocurred during gameplay: I am lacking dexterity (thats the reason why i cant use GMP at the moment and why i had to stop leveling Arctic Armour). Since skilling out of "Ironwood" my Totems die fast in heavy Situations (Rogue Exile "Minara Anemina", the Summoner Witch, cant kill that one). Using ES Gear is quite problematic IMO, since you will get hit sometimes and i am feeling safer with high Armour Gear and i did not find a Chest like the 5-link from "Prototype" (previous Post) with High Armour and ES. Any Suggestions from you regarding my Gear and Skill Gems are welcome. I hope my Feedback is helpful. Best Regards Komo23451 Last edited by komo23451#7238 on Jul 31, 2014, 5:53:40 PM
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" Keep us updated! " Appreciate the kind words. :) " Always glad to help, also thanks on cybils paw... I havent had trouble really, as I dont mind totem spamming and kiteing, but good to know that cybils helps a lot. Cheers, GoranH. " Thanks man! [1.1.0] Invasion/Ambush - Exiled Fiery Dragons (self-found / newbie friendly / invasion tested)
http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/816814 |
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" Well heres two things to have in mind if you ever get some currency to spend on. (btw that geofri is great helm, but unless you are to put your Flame totem in there, you could sell it for 1ex I think, or trade it for cloak of defiance, even if you have to add a bit. So, Cloak of Defiance is the only unique I heavily suggest you purchase, not require... but amazing. That combined with high lvl AA, trust me... you wont notice you have no armor with right playstyle, that little bit of armor you have is not noticable, also you can always run iron skin granite (inc %armor mod), shame players barely use flasks. So Cloak of Defiance, even if you have to trade or trade and add... try and find cheap cause very valuable. Dexterity is the only thing you might have issues with as said throughout the guide, I usually find gloves or rings-ammy with 40ish dex to alleviate that issue somewhat, as AA is primary part of defence (or only if you arent using MoM route of Cloak). AA at high levels is insane. As for totems dying fast, thing is... you need ES gear parts, and high level discipline etc... to get 3k+ mana buffer, and 1k or so easily avail. after reserve for fast mana regen and pool for spamming totems, as for high lvl AA too... I can spam a 5L totem indefinetely with my 250 mana regen, and was lvl 73 only when I had to shut down my internet service cause IRL issues... But if totem spamming, high mana regen etc. isnt for you, or in general even with that if youd like tankier totems, user recently suggested he tried out Cybils Paw, unique claw that very cheap Id say, like few chaos... gives totem huge surivabilty because it has life on hit, and since Flame totems hit very fast.. yeah, they should be able to tank a lot better. ;) Hope that helps, its amazing you got to lvl 78 in hc league. Means this build very much suits you. ;) Self-found, major gz. Keep having fun, GoranH. [1.1.0] Invasion/Ambush - Exiled Fiery Dragons (self-found / newbie friendly / invasion tested)
http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/816814 |
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" That passive tree is broken, or at least on my side sends 120 points left. Anyhow even with low base crit it's possible, and will result in better clear speed. So here's what you'll need to do/get. Get Three Dragons (dirt cheap for an amazing unique) Get Deodre's Ring Added Lightning Divinarius Imperial Skean (don't know the price, shouldn't be too expensive) Random rare shield with spell dmg and spell crit chance. Get all templar/near templar spelldmg/spell crit chance/spell multi you can. Head into towards shadow (through witch) to pick up more, picking up static blows along the way for additonal chance to shock. As for gem links. FT - LMP* - Added Lightning - Fire Pen - Faster Casting (then Added Chaos and all other ones). try lmp first, then if you can reliably shock the content you're doing go GMP. So that's it, spell crit multi is important for reliable shocking. In case you were thinking pure flame totem crit... it's mostly crap since ignite is meant to be big initial hit... unlike FT, as for low crit chance... you'll crit here and there, yes... but with high attack speed of flame totems, let's say base 12per sec, even if only 3 of those crit, you got triple shock stack on poor white/blue mob (Rares will be harder/bosses I don't tink are a go). Also to try to shock anything but bosses, go elemental weakness + flammability (hence deodre's). As for the dual dagger etc... If you don't care for defense, go dual divinarius. If you do... shield. Have fun! P.S. Posted here so that others could see if they want more dmg/clear speed out of it. [1.1.0] Invasion/Ambush - Exiled Fiery Dragons (self-found / newbie friendly / invasion tested)
http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/816814 |
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Alright I fixed the skill tree, thoughts on survivability please :p. Also regarding ignite, I was planning on using Three Dragons so that didn't factor into decision making. (Also forgot to add it on the tree but, I am planning to get static blows.) Last edited by nizC#5619 on Aug 3, 2014, 8:41:56 AM