[1.2.0] Rampage/Beyond - Exiled Fiery Dragons (self-found / newbie friendly / hc tested)
" dirkw83 said it there... For me, keep going with flameblast as much as you want. When you add searing bond, go with that as well... flameblast on it's own is enough to beat normal, it's that good, even nerfed. Plus, personally I don't like searing bond, it being a flavor thing, luckily not as much atm doesn't help. heh Only spec into ancestral bound once you get familiar with how flame totems work, and feel like they do decent dmg, and you can sustain your mana for two consecutive casts, can even have a spare mana flask or two in the start. It's pretty easy, and once you do, go in a low lvl area and play around a bit with them. [1.1.0] Invasion/Ambush - Exiled Fiery Dragons (self-found / newbie friendly / invasion tested)
http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/816814 |
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" Someone said inc AoE make huge difference to range, from what I tested that wasn't the case. Faster projectiles however and projectile speed is effective. Add blind to that, for non-spell caster mobs... that's fun. [1.1.0] Invasion/Ambush - Exiled Fiery Dragons (self-found / newbie friendly / invasion tested)
http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/816814 |
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" I really need to update the main page, and make few addition tweaks and a nice video about the build soon. The sheer ammount of positive feedback is very appreciated, glad to know it serves it's purpose, safe, cheap starter build that's effective and helps players familiarize themselves with the game. :) Anything you can add, discover works good, can help... please do provide a feedback. I'll soon be leaving PoE scene for undetermined period of time, because of the obligations and mostly since I'll have to dedicate myself to college and the job, as I will have to cut off my internet access, as current economic situation is so crappy I will have to fight to have electricity in the house and food on the table... living in a third world country isn't so fun.... heh Enough with the crap... point, please do keep having fun, and I'll try to update the guide with new and easy to learn and use info, and suggestions area always welcome... Had even plan for a fun and easy summoner, in line of this build, and a "invasion proof" melee tank, just a very tanky melee char (pure melee, none of that spec throw crap), as a challenge, only tough thing is dmg side, few things to choose from, but Elemental Aura dmg type akin to El. Buzzsaw with double strike, and will need to have a ranged attack, but spell block would be capped, block would be capped (78% both), you'd have ondar's (not yet decided on acrobatics etc.), self-cast enduring/IC and Enfeeble on CWDT with inc. AoE and another Enduring, long duration Immortal call for phys invuln, standard leap slam for melee charges as addition. Only scary thing would be nasty spell draw of luck or a chaos degen and thorns if not careful. Shame CI is hard to pull off in hc leagues, and not something I'd recommend for beginners. And that summoner was in line with this build, just bit more tedious to play, cause "shopping for minions" and nursing of aformentioned. Have fun, GoranH. [1.1.0] Invasion/Ambush - Exiled Fiery Dragons (self-found / newbie friendly / invasion tested)
http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/816814 |
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" Yeah, i can confirm totally projectile speed gives totem huge range. But aoe effect, not so much, same for nodes like amplify and blast radius, as I tested it it seemed to make no difference. Not tested yet but, concentrated effect will probably not work either, for same reason. Probably blind or IIR will be great for 5 link if you can get it. Sorry to hear about your less than ideal situation at home by the way. Good luck with it. Last edited by dirkw83#5899 on Apr 23, 2014, 9:13:46 PM
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" Thanks for the support, yeah that's what I prefer about flame totems over something like searing bond, sheer ammount of versatility. As a 5L, you can do iir for mf, can do blind/knockback/totem el. res/chance to flee etc. for support or you can do added chaos (and other types) of X dmg, iron will, faster proj etc. for dmg. And about AoE thingies, someone said it increased his "range" of totems in tooltip from 60 to 100, mine was already at default 100 from the get go, so was unsure about that. [1.1.0] Invasion/Ambush - Exiled Fiery Dragons (self-found / newbie friendly / invasion tested)
http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/816814 |
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thanks a lot for the guide, just got myself a ghetto 5-link and im melting everything in seconds, great fun! (level 47 atm)
Last edited by ptobai#2756 on Apr 24, 2014, 1:06:06 PM
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ok so i just got an ok 5L and was wondering for the last blue socket added lightning/chaos or item rarity? i was going for rarity but what are your thoughts?
btw i tryed the faster projectiles too and it added a decent range to it not sure if i would added it in with the link though the 4L is perfectly fine Last edited by Ichigo_333#4528 on Apr 25, 2014, 6:46:13 AM
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" It's up to you really. Just keep in mind it's an ES chest, so blue sockets are more likely to roll, and you want two red sockets, firepen and FT. Blind/Faster Proj is recommended for Green. Added Chaos, IIR, El. Totem Resistance for Blue. Iron Will, Knockback for Red. One of the top of my head. You see what goes for you. If you feel your dmg is fine, then I suggest you go support, which is either blind/faster projectiles, even knockback might be a good choice, but I wouldn't like it for most curcumstances as clearing speed would suffer. So... I'd do either blind or faster projectiles, you can also make a separate blind setup if you want. Just FT + GMP/LMP + Faster Cast + Blind. It's best to test it yourself as a 3/4L with those gems, don't recolor the chest. See what works best for you. :) I think my setup was FT + LMP + Fire Pen + IIR, didn't get a 5L, just bought a Cloak of Defiance to test awhile ago, since I wasn't for MoM route on passive tree. [1.1.0] Invasion/Ambush - Exiled Fiery Dragons (self-found / newbie friendly / invasion tested)
http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/816814 |
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" oh yeah sweet thanks for that atm im running Flame totem, LMP, faster casting, fire pen and item rarity. dmg seems to be fine so im keeping it at that |
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and i just reeped again at 43 to the sunburst queen ffs talk about bad luck
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