[1.2.0] Rampage/Beyond - Exiled Fiery Dragons (self-found / newbie friendly / hc tested)

Ok, not "mask of rain" but rather "Ch' aska Maker of Rain" was at least insta-rip boss.


This thing.
[1.1.0] Invasion/Ambush - Exiled Fiery Dragons (self-found / newbie friendly / invasion tested)
Sry totally forgot to mention it.

I have currently 2,6k Health thanks to my new belt.

And i like how dungeons are much easier with totems than open field maps ^^ You just spam 2 flame totems into the room and wait at the door. If mobs are coming towards you searing bond is the best.
~ yo
Hello GoranH,

I really want to thank you for the great build, in-depth explanations and it's "technical support". It functions incredibly well for a self-found newbie-friendly guide, maintaining good damage and survivability at all stages of the game. And I believe it is also a great base to improvise for more experienced players so the build can can really excel at late game aswell. Job well done!

I have been using this build on my last char in Ambush for about a week now, currently Lv74. And I have found it to be relatively easy, but definately not boring. Today I noticed that you have majorly updated the general guide, so I decided to share some of my thoughts on the baseline, it's expansions and my experiences with the build.

Even though I did purchase a q20 Flame totem, other gems for the build and a 5L chest, most of my gear is pretty much self-found, and at no point i felt underpowered. The biggest challenge I think was balancing the stats - damage output, life, resistances, mitigation and mana consumption. Currently I decided to sacrifice armor/evasion for others (im at only like 12% phys mit, and 15% evasion) but with cwdt-molten and a granite available I feel quite good with my setup, I am able to clear 68 maps fast, and dont feel any major flaws in my build.

Mana problems tho are quite noticable, after swapping to 5L and GMP, my totems now cost ~290 mana, so spamming them can be quite an issue. Although with ~800 free mana and ~90 regen it feels quite ok atm. And since tooltip currently indicates ~1900dps on each of the 10 projectiles, it is more then enough to clear fast.

I was able to get a decent 5L chest with some dex on it, so with the +30 passive, im currently at 80dex, which lets me use Lv10 GMP.

On the survivability front, as I mentioned, I'm playing ambush, so at times I get a bit careless. But apart from some invasion bosses (I'm sorry but Ch'aska and Inti are simply broken) I really don't see any danger to this character. It is a really safe playstyle and has good defenses if you dont neglect upgrading your gear for too long.

I appologize for the wall of text, just wanted to share some of my experiences. Now to the questionare. I am currently using your "old" build:

I see you have recently added some features, effects of which are a bit unclear for me.

*Going EB .. I understand that it is a good keystone for this build. But if my gear does not have much ES currently, the gains seem not so great. Do you recommend swapping to more ar/es gear to take advantage of increased mana pool? Also, is swapping max-mana for mana-regen through EB-discipline beneficiary unless you have like Lv18 discipline? I will surely go for EB, Im simply not instantly sold on it's greatness :)

*AA .. Somehow I have never used this skill. With the already present mana problems on totems (300 mana per cast jeez) is it even viable? Are the gains from a low-level AA noticable at all in high-level zones? With my current mana-regen of 90 I barely keep up with totem placement when attempting fast clears. EB-discipline seems quite mandatory for this, but I somehow doubt that it is enough.

*Speccing out of Ironwood .. Since I'm currently going for high-dps-high-cost totems, dropping Ironwood seems a bit illogical for me. The nearby +42% fire dmg and great life nodes also seem really really good. Especially the nodes in your "endgame" optional builds dont look nearly as efficient as the Ironwood region. Am I missing something here? Does it somehow become less optimal late?

Of course I do understand, that the core build can progress in many different scenarios, but for my simple mind, some of those "new" scenarios don't fit so well with the balance I have attained. Please don't get me wrong, Im not doubting your choices, the guide is brilliant, simply for those new things I pointed out, I would love to hear a bit more reasoning behind them.

Best regards,
Just ripped again at lvl 72 :/ Invasion ofc

Desynch Roa boss+puncture.

3.4k hp, running lvl 11AA

Time to start again, but i think im going to try something a bit more beefy or tanky. But enjoyed the somewhat safe offensive style with totems.
Jup jup!
GoranH wrote:
Ok, not "mask of rain" but rather "Ch' aska Maker of Rain" was at least insta-rip boss.


This thing.

Oh good lord... I haven't seen her yet. She's one of the 3 I have left to kill for the achievement, but I think I'll skip lol
Melyinovsky wrote:
Hello GoranH,

I ..... (wall of text) :D

Hey John, I'll go point by point.

-You got 1.9k dps with GMP? I got 1.1k with LMP, though just a 4L atm. Still with added chaos it'd be 1.4k, so kudos. I take it your got bit more lvl'd gems (lvl 16 flame for me) than me and did take dmg nodes which I skipped for the most part.

On that mana, I believe it's not that hard to get a higher mana regen. Here are my current stats.

So, I don't know if you're running high lvl clarity, and have mana regen on gear (got maybe 70% here), and 160% from tree, but later it'll help. But after "final" build, one does find himself balancing gear, for HP, res, mana regen, dex, ES and such.


Now I see your mana issues.
Well let me say, that you'll lose some of that dmg, if you decide to spec out of arsonist, bloodless and ironwood. But looking at the above you get that massive regen, and I have 800 mana atm after reserve with very crappy gear. And for me it was lvl 14-15 where discipline got useful.

With Discipline (800 mana left / 187 regen)
Without Disc (1150 mana left / 154 regen)

For me AA is very viable, being that with better ES gear, and more mana regen on gear I'll be able to push it upwards of 200 (maybe even 250 mana regen) so that will allow me to run a high enough lvl of AA to be useful.

I recommend grabbing witch spelldmg/cast speed nodes to ofset dmg you've lost there.

If perchance you don't want to do that massive respec, you can always just get 13 more levels to get something like this.

AA will be useful for tittybitches, voidbeares and lizzards. If you choose not to use it, you'll have more mana for yourself, but EB is very very good and getting mana regen on gear is also very good. So you can skip those wiitch regen nodes/life nodes (I think they are great), but EB should be taken, just for that huge mana pool if nothing else.

I've layed out what I think good base build should be (at a very low lvl 66), from there just made two suggestions, both of which are on the safer side.


Warmy wrote:
Just ripped again at lvl 72 :/ Invasion ofc

Desynch Roa boss+puncture.

3.4k hp, running lvl 11AA

Time to start again, but i think im going to try something a bit more beefy or tanky. But enjoyed the somewhat safe offensive style with totems.

gg Thanks for playing the build. For other reading, I believe you should have as high base pool in invasion as you can, as you can get hit from the blue sky for obscene ammounts of dmg. I got 4.1k at lvl 70, got two more 6% life at scion wheel, and just been in party where that black spider hit me for 2.2k HP, and two members in party ripped, I believe either 1 or 2 shot. Good luck!

[1.1.0] Invasion/Ambush - Exiled Fiery Dragons (self-found / newbie friendly / invasion tested)
Tynie wrote:
GoranH wrote:
Ok, not "mask of rain" but rather "Ch' aska Maker of Rain" was at least insta-rip boss.


This thing.

Oh good lord... I haven't seen her yet. She's one of the 3 I have left to kill for the achievement, but I think I'll skip lol

I killed her, and when she was on low life in act 2 cruel... I never log'd out as fast. XD
Luckily totems finished her off for me to get the kill. heh

She's insanely scary, and guy there has a very high armour value, and 37% block chance... yet gets owned even with granite when as she gets lower on life.

On the achivement, once you overleved and get past her... you can always try to find a low level version by running places in which she's been seen the most.
[1.1.0] Invasion/Ambush - Exiled Fiery Dragons (self-found / newbie friendly / invasion tested)
Hello GoranH,

Thank you for the reply.

I decided to spec out of Arsonist and Bloodless, took EB and started with Witch mana nodes. It feels quite nice. No big drop in damage, and health drop is quite low. Still kept Ironwood, since it seems rly good for me, might actually keep putting points towards Arsonist and Bloodless as I level up.

Trying to paly around with AA now .. That damage reduction number seems so tiny but mana cost goes up quite fast :/ .. Do you keep it up all the time and mana drained just below your regen? or you pop it up only at some fights where you know you will take damage?

The good part about playing softcore league:
Lv17 Flame Totem with GMP :)

What are your thoughts on the sixth link? Could always link rarity, but I'm not a big MF fan (mostly because i've never dedicated to that, might try sometimes) If going for supertotem without Ironwood I guess totemResistances would be nice .. For bigger aoe faster projectiles (dex dependant tho) or increased area of effect? .. What about increasing damage?

Best regards,
Last edited by Melyinovsky#5484 on Mar 17, 2014, 3:36:43 PM
Melyinovsky wrote:
Hello GoranH,
Thank you for the reply.

About AA, I keep it on all the time. It's as said for fast attacking projectiles, firestorms, firestreams etc. It helps... and I don't feel it on my mana pool yet, so no need to take it of.

Lvl 13 atm I believe and base + running cost is still bellow enough for me to find it useful and not tough to run.

Yes, that's very good about softcore, that dmg is insane I feel, what with GMP and that... I think pretty much everything dies super fast. :)

For 6th link you can try Totem EL. res, Iron Will or faster proj. I briefly tested increased AoE, for a sec only though... didn't seem to do anything. Totem range in tooltip was still 100, no jump from 60-100 like someone said, but it was borrowed and I just checked out tooltip range in town, so not certain atm. For range so far from what I've seen, only thing that helps is projectile's speed mods.

[1.1.0] Invasion/Ambush - Exiled Fiery Dragons (self-found / newbie friendly / invasion tested)
Have you given any thought to how this build would work with the Three Dragons helm? It seems well suited to this build. I know the idea of this build is to be viable off of found gear, but if you could get your hands on this, the shock stacks could make it even more effective.

Last edited by Slugmed#0060 on Mar 17, 2014, 4:31:23 PM

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