[1.2.0] Rampage/Beyond - Exiled Fiery Dragons (self-found / newbie friendly / hc tested)
" I'm glad! " I thought about that over and over again, I still don't think it's worth it. For other builds sure, but for this one, nope. I don't like the thought of AA canceling off at any time, and like having higher lvl AA. So I won't go there. And with current setup and not yolo'ing into everything I don't feel the build is squishy. " Approved! EDIT: Since you pretty much never will be on low mana if you're paying attention. [1.1.0] Invasion/Ambush - Exiled Fiery Dragons (self-found / newbie friendly / invasion tested) http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/816814 Last edited by GoranH#3360 on Mar 15, 2014, 10:31:19 AM
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" How much HP do you have atm? I have never used AA but i think taking the Marauder life nodes instead of going for EB will make it better when mapping. It gives you a lot more of HP with the 2% HP regen node which is very important since we can dont have any kind of life leech. Im guessing you will have around 4k HP with some good gear and idk if you can survive to high lvl maps like that. Going for the Marauder nodes and not taking EB i would have around 5.5 HP with a lot of life regen and resistances at 78% |
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" 3.7k atm with not so great gear, and whole scion wheel left to go if I want (shadow life nodes are close too). Another option is to get cloak of defiance to mitigate some dmg end-game. Again, this build relies on a cowardly behavior of staying behind(seen quite a few occasoin where "insta-rip" invaders rip my party and I stay behind safe and sound). And works even better in parties. So end-game... you can run your own maps, but most people eventually join pub map parties. EDIT: Also EB is still better than marauder life nodes. Cause if not for taking EB, mana regen/mana nodes you will have problem running anything other than a 3L, 4L at best. You can't spam totems without EB and those mana nodes. [1.1.0] Invasion/Ambush - Exiled Fiery Dragons (self-found / newbie friendly / invasion tested) http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/816814 Last edited by GoranH#3360 on Mar 15, 2014, 11:04:00 AM
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Build is really great, just riped on an elemental reflect corruped zone. My fault for underestimating the zombies being summoned. My first hardcore char and got to level 45, pretty easy and fun build. Probably had something to do with the perfect goldrim I found in act 3. Thanks for the build.
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" But you can go for the reduce mana points instead of going to EB, i wont have the same mana as you but running clarity and frost wall to protect totems i wont need to spam totems every time. Anyway im still lvl 50 so lets see how it works, hope you make it far with this build :) |
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" I have 800 mana after reserve and 219.5 mana regen. I still feel I'm very right about this. :) Even have no need for summon skeletons, frost wall etc. Though I will test them when I get time. Builds point was to get to end-game without much trouble, even in league as hard as invsaion, and I've proved my point as far as I'm concered, from now on in... I'll just see what kind of progression I'll do from here, though you do have a lot of free choice given that 66-100 you have 34 points to go. I'm playing with friends for fun, helping them level if needed, and we're just farming here a bit merv merc with 190/8 mf... on me. Self-found so not that great, but does work. About making it far, I'm sure other people running this build will make with it far more than I will. Don't see myself leveling past lvl 75, atm just did library for CWDT, and that's it... will prolly try myself against dom in few levels but that's it. :) And as always suggestions, criticism etc. is always welcome, to keep the discussion going, and hopefully improve the build for others... so thanks. Have fun! -GoranH EDIT: To add effective 5L (not to mention 6L) without EB and those mana/mana regen nodes, is a no go. Or you'll be struggling very much. And no AA which helps in general a bit, and a lot with projectile thigns like voidbearers, tentacle miscreations, lizzards. And you say you're using frost wall to protect totems vs me spamming them... I can use frost wall as well. heh Nothing stopping me. :) You on the other hand kinda will have to. " hehe That's the thing, never underestimate the game, especially in hardcore. :) I'm glad you were having fun, main point of any game I feel. Take care. [1.1.0] Invasion/Ambush - Exiled Fiery Dragons (self-found / newbie friendly / invasion tested) http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/816814 Last edited by GoranH#3360 on Mar 15, 2014, 2:19:39 PM
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anyone think of doing s/t like this? 61% reduced mana cost, 101 skill pts used, 192% increased max life. +100 dex, +220 int, +220str. only issue is that dps might be low Last edited by alkoxide#0390 on Mar 15, 2014, 3:09:04 PM
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Started to play this build today.
Thinking this as final HC build. +max reists and more HP from Marauder. Mana regen and EB from witch:
First to Ironwood, Totemic mastery and EB Shortcut. Then respec from Ironwood to Witch nodes. Scion life wheel, later respec wheel to Marauder hp and resist nodes. |
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hey goran, how has playing without ironwood turned out? im thinking of doing the EB way in softcore, i might level without ironwood. also, i thought totem damage was better than fire damage because it applied to added chaos? im assuming youre going to take shamanistic fury
http://www.pathofexile.com/passive-skill-tree/AAAAAgUBAuMEswVbEMwUTRZvGF0ZhRo4GmwfAiSqKPopTyoTK7YsnCynLR8y0TbFNulBh0SrRZ1G10kbSbJVrlXGWfNaK13GYG1r220Zc1N6qn5Zf8aCHoKbgseDOIdliPGLjIxGj0aPppBVmuCcLZ2Ana6iAKKjo_KnCKeEr7e0-bUEtz64k8AawfPGrs9l0NDYJNrd2wvd8-Fz42rkIuvu7DjtIPAf8934k_no_go= this is one way to fix the dex problem. it takes alacrity, precision, the dex node under shamanistic fury. so thats 60dex/6nodes. the other option is to go down the scion life circle, head past sentinel, and get the dex/life nodes there. it has to traverse 3 str nodes, but gives access to some decent life nodes. what do you think? Last edited by alkoxide#0390 on Mar 15, 2014, 5:55:17 PM
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" You can do that, I'd highly advice you against it(it's not a good tree, any nodes away from scion life you did or left of totemic mastery are bad utilization of points IMO) . Reduced mana cost is not a way to go. I'm not sure if you read latest posts, I need to update main page guide. " You can do that, as long as your base tree if as same as mine is atm (which is I believe optimal) from there it's your own take. Base build will do it's job. You could also go right from EB for shadow life/mana/+30 dex node, and some chaos res, mana/life combo nodes bellow. Either sounds good. " I haven't tested 8% fire dmg vs 8% totem node, with or without chaos dmg gem. But will do, of the head I believe 8% totem dmg nodes are better, but in terms of 4 (because last fire node is usually 15%) I'm not sure. Precision is a no go, 10 dex node is "eh". Alacrity is ok, as there are other good nodes that way, life, chaos res, life/mana combo if you're already headed there, if not... "eh". [1.1.0] Invasion/Ambush - Exiled Fiery Dragons (self-found / newbie friendly / invasion tested)
http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/816814 |
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