Eight New Quivers in Challenge Leagues

The artwork has come so far since early closed beta. These seem to give almost a left to right perspective of the artwork progression, haha.
in general having the elemental quivers in the game is completely useless. their damage is so low its a wasted slot. most of the bow damage comes from physical and is converted.

1. removing dex quiver is extremely bad idea. we know u have slowly been attacking attributes in the game since anarchy started but these are build enablers. without them certain things just do not work. its bad business GGG!

2. why make a stun duration quiver when u could have made a chance to stun quiver?

3. if u cannot make variable implicit based on iLvl just tell us ggg lol. dont beat around the bush ffs. ppl will understand....that being said u need 3 base phys quivers:

u guys are d&d dudes just use terminology that is as old as i am lol.

1-45 lesser serrated arrow quiver
45-69 serrated arrow quiver
70-100 greater serrated arrow quiver

this covers all base physical damages that a player could need. if u are going to make ele quivers then u need 3 base item types just as i said for physical ones.

"Path of Exile's four-month challenge leagues are a good testing ground for removal of items we no longer want in the game."

i fixed first sentence cuz we all know what this means.
[quote="Mark_GGG"]damage modifiers don't can currently can't apply to degen.[/quote]
"Getting all life nods on passive tree should give additional survival, not the mandatory basic survival."
look so good to be white items :(
my english sux.
About time, old quivers were a joke
Am I the only one who's actually somewhat disappointed with these quivers? Don't get me wrong, some of them are nice, but seriously? Waiting 28 levels to go from 1-4 added physical to 6-12? That's really lame. And why keep fire damage and get rid of ice? Why not add lightning? Hopefully these will receive some major tweaking before being added to the real game.
Last edited by tmblake09#3709 on Feb 25, 2014, 4:49:51 PM
dig the new artwork
i <3 minesweeper
can't wait till 5th of march !!!

I feel like a kid waiting for santa
Bad Seed
Czarevna wrote:
I like it.

(Because archers didn't need more dex!)

WillyWonka's Explosive Arrow Build.
RIP light quivers. :'(
IGN: Steelmage
Ohhh boy Blood Magic Rangers inbound

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