What Happens When the Domination and Nemesis Leagues End?

Man, the Legacy Item / MF raging nerd cryfest makes me want to reach through my monitor and punch people.

MF, is not good loot design. GGG is realizing this, and taking steps to correct it. I seem to remember a time when MF could be found in the passive tree? I don't know. That was CB, and I wasn't in CB, so I only remember sketchy bits of looking over my buddy's shoulder.

They aren't taking IIQ away from items that have it now, and they aren't taking your IIQ gems away. They will just cease to exist as drops / mods in the future.

This is a good thing. It will remove a mod from the pool of mods on gear, which means that it becomes easier to craft high quality items.

WIth the game designed without IIQ gem as an "option", this will (or at least shuold) lead to better drop rates across the board.

With some builds needing to forsake MF in order to be capable of running high end content, it's a change that needs to be made. Nothing is worse than running a level 70+ Rare Map, with 70+% from mods on the map, and still looking at a see of blue items from the boss.

Legacy items, are going to happen. It's the way it is. THey've explained why it is going to be that way. They have explained why it happens. Raging, because you are unable to get a legacy item from a drop is hilarious.

You do realize just how rare those legacy items (even in their new form) are as a drop right? You could play for over a year and NEVER SEE ONE DROP I've never seen a Koam's, Shav's, SOul Taker, etc... I've been playing since Day 1 of OB. I have multiple mapping characters. I'm not broken up about not having a Legacy Koams. If I want a Legacy Koam's, I'd sell my stash empty and buy one. But the idea that Legacy Koam's is going to be some massive unbalancing force is just... Crazy.

AS far as PvP, I see the same arguments here that I saw in WoW, and twinking. People hated low level twinking (in this case, Standard / Hardcore parent league pvp) because someone, somnewhere was able to get items that you weren't.

The Real PvP in WoW happens at max level in the (now) Rated BG's and Arena's. The real, balanced PvP in PoE will happen in the 4 month leagues.

But then, I'm not exactly sure why people want to pvp in a game like this. Looking at the items, and the gems, and the way the game is built, I just don't see how this will give the type of PvP gameplay that would get people "really excited".

But, maybe that's because after a few duels, I found myself a little bored with the idea of PvP in a game like this.

YMMV. But it's not the end of the world because they are changing the game. It's not the end of the world because there are legacy items. It's not the end of the world because someone has something that you can't. This happens in just about every MMO I've ever seen. If you weren't there at that time, there are some things that you just can't get.

It happens. We move on, we move forward.

But getting your panties in a bunch about it? That's just silly. It's a game. Play the game. Have fun. If you don't have fun. Shut it off. Go find something else that is fun. Play that. But don't scream and complain about how the developers of a game, that you can play for free, are fucking over their customers. That's just ridiculous.

And if you really want IIQ gems in Standard? Come talk to me.

I don't use any of them.
Last edited by shoju#1134 on Feb 13, 2014, 9:10:30 AM
Thats a good point man, and i would agree. Actually throwing on your damage gear and gems, and being able to "farm" for items and actually have it be worth it. I play mostly solo, and if i do occasionally get a decent rare drop, or a usable unique past level 15, i try to socket and link it, and either use it or sell it, so i can buy something that fits my builds better.

The only way to do that is the farm rares link an animal and hoard fusings, selling 1 piece every few weeks.

If i can progress my char, get some decent gear, and actually have maps drop from non MF'ing then i think they game would have a nice change to it.

Dism wrote:
reboticon wrote:
I_NO wrote:
Why the are you guys fucking with the mf players over? I don't see WHAT IS WRONG with the quantity gem or even in general.

I'll be mf'ing 24/7 -.-

You guys already fucked MF by the whole DR thing wth lol

I know right? Find me a player that quit because he got too MANY drops. I'll lead you to 100 that did so because they got too few..

I think you're missing the point here - by removing MF affixes and gems the base drop rates can be improved. This enables builds which cannot normally MF to have better drops, which I'm all for. A lot of people are turned off by the fact that the game feels kind of miserable when you're not running an MF kit - no-rare-drop map boss kills, for example.
Hmm, if that's the reason IIQ is going, I'm all for it. But I was already getting fairly decent items even without much IIQ. Just yesterday I got a rare ring with a HUGE resistance, life, & mana regen boost.

Last edited by MimSiE#4118 on Feb 13, 2014, 9:18:12 AM
Magic find on gear is being diminished nice. It's a boring and counterintuitive gameplay mechanic.
You're ruining the game. First when you announce such uber important things you should really explain the reasons behind it, motivating your decisions not just "hey say goodbye to IQ."
Communication please.

Second, my 2 cents about one of your worst decision ever. I played a mf in anarchy, but i always liked to have great survability and dps too, so i never stacked too much mf, i had around 100iq and 200ir. Played pretty much every day for 2-3 months and i could find few really nice uniques, even a soul taker which let me reroll another char too to try it out.
Then i decided to leave sc and go for hc. On nemesis i played kinda every day for 3 months, tried out few chars etc and i never cared about mf. The loot i found in such long time was really really crap, the best unique i saw, it was the cloak of defiance. Now im back on hc to have some fun again with a mf char, not even 100ir and i already got better uniques than in 3 MONTHS of nem...

I can say i tested both, playing a league with mf and playing another league with no mf. The difference is so huge regarding loot, just TOO HUGE. We're playing a LOOT game and you nerf more and more the loot? You patch so many uniques that i'll never able to use playing with no mf - those uniques that can let me reroll another char to use them - which is the core of the game for you, the rerolling. I'm so disappointed.
"The exodus of humanity in search of a new home? It is like spreading a virus in the healthy space."
Can't wait to see the patch notes, but im not happy with decrease of the drop rate... :/
Dunno, than increase the chance for 6 link or something... nerf something, buff something same type...
Thx for the info... love this game so far
OK... so Stash's. I don't understand, I purchased them. Now I don't get them (once the items are gone from them) to use on SC? That's BS - they should xfer.
My Phys Crit Split Arrow Ranger Guide: http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/919885

My Poison Arrow Ranger Guide: http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/806913
Standard only player here. I enjoy being able to fund characters for myself, and my girlfriend as new gems/unique come out.(Hey! That would be a fun build!) I am the type of player who fluctuates between 0 and 10 exalts every few weeks deepening on buying/selling/linking things.

I an genuinely not interested in starting over from complete scratch, and making a generic char with bad gear i self find as self find isn't too viable for anything but generic builds.

I also enjoy that the mechanics of Standard league really don't change. I enjoy the buffs/tweaks/new gems/constant re balancing of POE, i like it a lot, but i don't want random things spawning on monsters that are no properly explained.

What the heck are those mods? Corrupting blood? Storm herald?
What the heck is that shrine? What is this symbol? What is it doing?

Rares now have mods that say what the actually do "increased critical strikes, ele reflect"

I can understand that, but if all it said was "Crit stuff and Reflects some things", players would be pissed because you wouldnt be able to understand what was actually happening.

So here is my proposition. Make standard league a legacy league! Or, create a legacy league without all the shennanigans and computer lag that shrines and random, unexplained mods cause.

Edit: forgive me word choice, "legacy" as in things aren't gonna change here expect for the introduction of new items/gems.

Let's avoid motorcycles, sparkly armor and stuff.

mobutu wrote:
Skyl3lazer wrote:
Did you look at the numbers GGG gave us? 25% in standard, 2.6% in hardcore, which is hardly a third.

That is exactly 27.6% and a third represents 33.3%
Hardly? I'd say it is there already. Most of them new players that started in domination league because it was the default choice (made by ggg, mind you, it was freshly changed from standard league) will not be restarting in new temp league but instead will stay in standard, growing that playerbase. I'd be willing to bet that standard population will grow but we will see about that.

Skyl3lazer wrote:
economy was already shit, and would already become shit.

Everybody knows that standard league has the most stable and decent trade rates.
The economy is shit and made even shittier only because of developer's dickish moves like legacy items (uniques, rares, gems), questionable orbs like kalandra mirror, eternal orb, etc

Skyl3lazer wrote:
'paying' quip, which is just funny to me since there's no reason to think people that play standard pay any more than people in any other league.

They dont have to pay more. The point is they pay which is more than good enough for developer to "care" about them
Last edited by CorranHorn#0160 on Feb 13, 2014, 9:52:07 AM
Epic QQ community.

They even taught the patch notes and QQs everywhere.
Asidra wrote:
OK... so Stash's. I don't understand, I purchased them. Now I don't get them (once the items are gone from them) to use on SC? That's BS - they should xfer.

I would like a clarification on this point as well. What happens to the X stash tabs I got for a Domination character once we merge with Standard? Will there be 4 regular tabs and X "remove only" tabs, or will there be X "remove only" tabs and X regular tabs also?

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