New 1.0.5 Vendor Recipe

Should be changed to Any map+ Any white 20q weapon
IGN: @AxeLond_MoltenRF

Jddogg wrote:
Novalisk wrote:
LVader9 wrote:
Recipe is not intended to be the sole way of getting chisel's, nor is it supposed to be "extremely convenient". This recipe is slightly niche, but benefits people who know what to look for.

It is by far the most time efficient way of getting chisels. It's just annoying.

I disagree. IT would be much faster to farm the money to get a chisel than to go through low level zones and collect stone hammers PLUS whetstones PLUS a 66 map...

I think you are misjudging the amount of time it will take on average per stone hammer.
Also who is going to waste time at a high level to farm for stone hammers?

This recipe makes no sense because it requires 2 items acquired from COMPLETELY DIFFERENT AREAS.

It requires 66 maps. which cannot be earned in the areas you farm for stone hammers... and vice versa... So it literally makes no sense.

You are forgetting that this game is based around trading.
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I'm just better off farming Lunaris crafting chaos orbs and buying the chisels.

But at least, there's a recipe now.
Last edited by Bobbyblind#3158 on Jan 6, 2014, 6:07:45 AM
chancer wrote:
1 map= 1 alch
4 wetstones = 1/5 alchemy
1 hammer = ???

1 chisel = 1 alchemy


Not in standard. A lv66 map there is worth far less than 1 alch. (A lv70 map is worth 1 chaos lol XD)
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Last edited by mazul#2568 on Jan 6, 2014, 6:08:52 AM
lol, i knew it

like most changes after release another fail with this recipe

this game should have stayed in open beta, it was far better
having only the stone hammer seems kinda weird, I would rather see any white hammer with 20%q + any map, because stone hammer don't really drop often from maps do they ?
And who would like to farm really low level areas ? ...
SSF is not and will never be a standard for balance, it is not for people entitled to getting more without trading.
anyone who has ever been a construction worker knows that it makes perfect sense that its hammers and chisels.

It would see random and arbitrary otherwise. It at least looks like some thought went into it.
I have extra beta keys and I'm not giving them out

PoE1 > PoE2
I have to say, but this recipe makes absolutely no sense. I thought this was a joke at first only to discover you were serious: Normal stone hammers?!

A recipe for chisels should be easy to get the required materials for and easy to execute, or it completely defeats the purpose.

Kagari wrote:
Ok good to see the chisels issue is getting some attention. BUT the problem is took the wrong way.

Get a hammer
Make it 20%
take a map
vendor these


No offense but you do realize that chisels are pretty much used at the pace of 4 per maps, and at some point a map take around 3-5 mins to do right ?

So i'll have to spend 1 hammer + 4 whetstones + a low map + 1 chisel EVERY MINUTE ???

I pretty much always agree with the changes but this time it just feel wrong sorry :(

Exactly. I bet that if you farm a worthwhile zone (say Lunaris 3) you would get more chisels than you would get normal stone hammers. This is on top of all the other stuff you get with which to buy chisels. And as others have stated, the time investment to make a single chisel is too big as well. This should be a recipe to make chisels by the handful OR a recipe to make a map 20% (this would be useful for maps that are already rolled, such as unique maps).

BlowBlood wrote:
This is soooooo bad. You need to find the stone hammer from ocean of texts on the screen. It hurt my eyes pretty much.
If you want to get the hammer from vendor, then basically that means 1 map + 20 Whetstones => 1 Cartographer's Chisel. If this is intentional, then just add one more vendor item, Cartographer's Chisel, the cost is 20 Whetstones or 2 /3 Glassblower's Bauble, which makes more sense as these things are all quality stuff.

Exactly. Even if I noticed a stone hammer while mapping, I probably wouldn't pick it up. It's 6 slots in which you could fit a chromatic or a rare item, both of which are worth more if you take into account the effort you have to put in getting a chisel out.

People stating that the game revolves around trading and using this as an argument in favor of this recipe are clueless - time is also a resource. The time you spend trading for white stone hammers at horribly low prices could be spent doing worthwhile stuff, such as mapping or looking for upgrades. And stash space is limited as well. You think someone is going to stockpile white stone hammers to sell them for 10 for 1 chaos (just making this up, but they obviously cannot be worth much more considering the going rate for chisels)?

I see it already:

$WTS Stone Hammers 10:1 Chaos (got lots!)

What a terrible way to spend your farming and trading efforts. You know that any game activity is competing with any other game activity but also with real life activities I hope? Farming stone hammers is less appealing than doing the dishes! That should tell you this recipe is flawed from a design perspective.

No recipe(with the exception of these 'quest-like' recipes such as the Goddess Scorned) should require a specific tier of a specific type of item. Not only because it is not intuitive at all (try explaining this concept to a new player) but more importantly because if the recipe is for a frequently used commodity (like chisels) but the materials are not frequently found or easily obtainable then it is almost by definition not economically sound in terms of effort vs. reward.

"I became insane, with long intervals of horrible sanity." - Edgar Allan Poe
IGN: DarkenedSoui
knac84 wrote:
PvP information:
- Something only 0.0001% of the players care about.
- Pure gear check, will be extremely unsuccessful if they do not work around this.
- Bad and uninteresting, a lot of balancing needed (hopefully w/o affecting pve). Not competitive with real pvp games out there. Technically terrible (desynch city).

What else do you need to know?

- More "economy"/"trading" stuff, although this helps gameplay experience a bit.
- "Economy" still is monetized, you just are messing with ratios which end up almost fixed anyway. Plausible prediction, 2014 will see the appearance of a 3rd party AH (this is what happens when you focus 95% of the time on "economies" in-games lol GGG).
- No bartering cause stuff is just too scarce, there is no real crafting etc. Introducing these type of recipes is not going to change that.

I think you greatly underestimate the amount of people interested in PvP...
...and from your comments I can clearly see that you haven't done any dueling. It's pretty fun, and not terribly balanced. I also haven't had any desync in a 1v1 match.

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