1.350 million dps tooltip [2.3] The Dashing Duelist: ~ DW Crit Sword Build - Lacerate / Dual Strike
" For the race, go with Cleave from the start with the best weapons you can find, so either swords or axes. DW is fine from the get go. Head left first, through the marauder section to the big crit cluster, you pick up a lot of life and damage along the way. GL in the race! |
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thanks for the reply:)
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I think there's something wrong with your PvE tree, you talk about using Iron Reflexes, but it isn't selected in the linked tree.
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" Thank you for bringing that to my attention! I took out the Slashing Comeback nodes, put two in IR, and left the rest on the table. There are 3 points left, so you could go Oak Oak Alira if you wanted. |
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Hi there!
The build looks great, btw. I just started a month race, as a marauder. Just one (noob) question, how do you manage with mana? I mean if theres no blood magic linked with cleave, and no clarity, is it a problem? Mana leech or something? Sorry if it's in the comments already, I tried search it. - FT |
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" Always make sure you have at least 1% mana leech on gear. You can spend a couple points and get the mind drinker node til you get a good ring with mana leech on it. 2% and you will be set, especially once you start doing heavy damage. But feel free to use blood magic on cleave instead until you get mana leech too, that also helps when your reduced mana gem is low and auras take up so much space. |
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Greetings! I'm a newish player and had planned on following this build, as it seems to fit the play style I was looking for, but I have a question regarding the build itself.
Why Iron Reflexes? As I said, I'm new to the game, so I don't know yet how much armor or evasion is valued in higher-level content, but it seems to me that having a high chance (50%+, if you could sustain that with this build without IR) to entirely negate damage would be pretty beneficial. (On top of having a nice amount of armor for the times you failed to evade, too, obviously.) Is the hit chance of higher-level stuff so high that it pretty much negates your Evasion? And, with that thought in mind, have you tried the same build without IR to see how it holds up survivability-wise; and if so, how did you like that compared to having IR? Anyways, thanks in advance! Last edited by Xotni#5459 on Apr 3, 2015, 9:10:43 PM
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" Yeah, though the PvE build has IR, I mention in the notes that I abandoned IR at 85 (or sooner, can't recall) for Acrobatics, which grants 40% dodge, which is calculated separately from evasion, and never looked back. For my end build that worked really well for me, just use the Level 90 PvP Build in the main section. 40% evade and 40% dodge works pretty damn well, considering that 40% evade is based on lvl 90 enemies, so it's actually higher against anything but players. It's really up to your preference. IR is definitely the way to go until you have most the items for you build, around 60ish, at least. Also, when you say 'having a nice amount of armor for the times you failed to evade', nope. It's either IR or Acrobatics/Evade. Acrobatics wrecks what little armor you had, I think I'm at something like 3% estimated physical reduction, so higher health is the only way to live when you do get hit. The easiest armor for the build is an armor/evasion chest to easily get reds, but a pure evasion chest would be best. Thanks for the interest in the build, kick some ass! |
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" Ah, I see! I couldn't help but think from the start that a Dodge/Evasion-based DW build would be pretty fun. Glad to know that IR is out-shined later on; at least for this build. I'd also noticed Acrobatics myself and thought "Hm..", so at least I know that the things I've noticed in the passive trees aren't terrible. Also interesting to know that Dodge and Evasion are calculated differently... I'll have to keep an eye out for things like that myself, if I attempt to self-make a build for any character at any time. So thanks for the heads up with that! Anyways, thanks for answering my question! Looking forward to see how this plays out later on. |
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I'm super pumped/scared to see what happens to this build with The Awakening...
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