1.0.0 Balance Changes

AMAZING news about the 2handers, I think it will really make them standout a bit more in pvp. The lack of defense really wasnt worth the slight dps increase unless you had alot of life,res,armor, evade which is much harder to pull of then someone slapping a shield on and adding 5 lvls into block masteries.
I Stream PvP Twitch.tv/GrindcoreTHRALL
THE STORY OF MY Descent into the Abysmal Afterlife( HC to SC, too Stronk!)
PK massacre, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ldz09uBZ-ug
Russell wrote:

2 news for the price of 1!
It's not the auras alone as much as it is the general consensus at GGG that players should interact much as possible. Take for example why they won't add "/players x", point blank reason is they don't want to give us any incentive to play solo. <- I could quote the staff member who told me that but he'd probably remove it for naming and shaming anyway.

The problem I think with their stance is (and I'll make a wild assumption/generalization here) is that most gamers are probably introverts, yes they are fine communicating through text but generally perfer keeping to themselves, and that preference could easilly bleed into what/how they play. Best not to fight it, give options/features to both sides and let them do what they want.

You'll always offend somebody though so I don't disagree with the aura changes alone, again, just the overall stance at GGG.
Last edited by Sophung#2030 on Oct 16, 2013, 12:48:09 AM
whoa came back after 1 month and the game is completely changing now with all these "aura fixes" what's going on here?
i like big crits and i cannot lie, you otha brothas cant denyyy....
Do ur best :)
ign : GraveyardPrincess
Very nice changes, keep them coming.

To some of you who dissed toward the people who voiced against the aura fix and cooldown fix several weeks ago, hope you get the taste of how it feels to be ignored when one of these balance patches roll in. Just suck it up and adapt, you're not the ones making decisions.
Last edited by Veny#3250 on Oct 16, 2013, 1:25:49 AM
I see a lot of posers / massive fanboys here ('best game ever', 'the changes are amazing' ... really? from just a small wall of text?).

First off, the actual number and scope of changes is underwhelming. As is the actual amount of content (2 new leagues with shrines and diablo3-elite-like-monster mods? Seriously, that shouldnt be the focus of the league. Its too unimpressive, and it should be normal content in every league. As well as a couple new levels and monsters, 2 new skills and some gimmicky trigger gems that kids are waaaay overrating in usefulness ... For release this is all very little, should have shipped with act 4 but maybe thats just me being an entitled prick, or maybe after all this wait its justified) Secondly, we dont have any specifics so for all we know the changes to mf, iir / iiq, currency drop rates, bosses, maps, 2hand and staff / bow buffs, socketing / fusing, DOT's, aura changes will end up being absolutely underwhelming also, or just plain bad and counterproductive to the game's current situation. I am really concerned with the lack of changes (or at least mention of) to armor scaling, certain needed buffs to skills (ice nova, arctic breath, arc, shock nova, ice arrow, poison arrow etc), certain boss spike dmg and desync issues.
Last edited by mvm199#0755 on Oct 16, 2013, 5:39:06 AM
Nice one Chris and team, specially the 2H changes. I love my 2H Temp, but not getting far quickly after lvl 67 lol. Looking forward to patch up.
1. Mana reservation % should not be thouched. Just put a limit at number of auras we can run ( 2/3, with the chance to augment it through passives/uniques ).

2. 2H melee needs the opportunity tu run an off-hand slot item, too, like quivers do. Maybe something which can't roll dmg modifiers, cosidered this type of weapon is getting buffed already.

3. We absolutely need a way to filter items. I know you're nerfing IQ but still the amount of garbage being dropped is insanely annoying. I'd like to see, for example, items with ilvl > 68 or with 6s only, or with 5l-6l whites only, or just rares.

4. Maps drop system is terrible. I'm running 67-68-69 maps 3-4 days a week ( 2-3 hours runs ) with some friends ( rare ones, most of the time ) and we're able to get just 66-67 maps or some 68 only when we're lucky enough.

5. FPS needs an adjustment, too. A firend of mine with a gtx670 can't manage to keep its framerate high enough when in the party there's at least a sporker or there's burning ground or the map tab is open and there are 20-30 items on the floor.

6. Don't mess up too much existent builds. Please, just don't. Obviously, there will be adjustments to do, but consider a lot of people put efford on achieving decent gear based on the build they made.

7. Trading. Jeez, that hurts. If I only play 2 hours/day for 3 days, I just want to play 2 hours a day for 3 days, not trying to get items spamming like hell through the chat system for 1 hour and bartering the rest. A passive non-ah version should be implemented as soon as possible. A real index where I look for something I need, I offer and if accepted I lost the currency and I get the item, that's all.

Other changes are fine. Giving the opportunity for casuals to run docks till the end of the world is sharable. I won't never do it, though.

Mine are advice only and they will probably get ignored. I'll play this game at best of my possibilities in any scenario. Have fun and respect others.

PS: if someone want to run some maps simply and kindly ( no exp/drop rush. group-friendly ftw ), just add me since I'm always ready to KILL. ^^

IGN: Bleeding_Anus
First off let me say I really enjoy this game. It's very fun and can be quite challenging. Keep up the nice work.

Okay, now for a bit of griping. I'm pretty much a solo, self-found player. I never really cared for the trading system in this game, it's set up in a way that the more experienced players take advantage of the newer ones. At least that is my opinion, people may disagree and that's fine. So I chose to make a MF build to farm up gear and currency for other builds. I enjoy playing this way but I understand that a lot of people don't. It just seems to me that GGG wants to discourage solo play and make group play even more appealing than it already was. If I wanted to be social and play in large groups, then I'd just go play some crappy MMO. I think GGG needs to stop shafting solo players.

I'll keep playing after release and see how these changes affect my particular style of play but I have a sinking feeling that things will get worse for solo players. If that's the case, then I don't see myself playing this game too much longer no matter how great it may be.

Anyway, that's my two cents.

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