New 0.11.6 Content and a Research Survey

I disagree with most people thinking the pay-to-design something other than a Unique is bad. How is it any different to design a Skill Gem or a Passive or a Micro-Transaction? Look at Blind, that came about because of a Supporter's Unique, so they technically designed the Gem as well.. :P

Besides, I kind of viewed that question as: "If you had less than 1k$ but 200-500$, would you want to design a Unique or slightly less important thing?"

I for one would have gotten an Eternal pack if it was a couple hundred less..

And I know how innovative/creative the players and supporters can be, and I have complete faith in GGG's balancing and design philosophy. So I don't think there's much to worry about in that regard. They wouldn't implement something they didn't agree with.
EA IGN: We_Have_Monk_at_Home

*Burnt out and waiting for either PoE1 League or new PoE2 Classes.*
Nice to read they take care at least a little bit about performance issues. Smoke for example and alpha blending stuff in general eats tons of performance. Same for the old auras, ' don't miss them at all. You can turn PoE in a Dia Show when all of your dozends of Minions have the full AUra effects liek in the past. Now at least this is not causein any performance issues anymore.
Sadly, there are still enough stuff that can be optimized in PoE for better performance. I hope we will see more of that effort in the near future.
The new aura effects are really nice!
But I have to add my name to the petition to bring back the old aura effects.

They can definitely be optional. If I have a strong enough machine (and never had any trouble with them in the past) I would like them back!
Exile is an illusion, exile!
ampdecay wrote:
One of the most potentially game changing supports for melee and all anyone talks about is this survey?

Anyone who's played a physical melee build know you constantly stun things. I've been waiting for an endurance charge on hit for so long its not even funny. So I'm happy enough with endurance charge on melee stun as that's not hard to achieve at all.
I actually really love it because one of the biggest difficulties for a melee character (physical melee especially) is how much they need to invest in survival stats. This gives them a really simple, seamless way to build up to / maintain 3 endurance charges worth of survival that a ranged character can't use without shenanigans.

So it's a tool that addresses what I consider to be a hole in the game, with a thematic mechanism to prevent it from working too well with characters that are already strong / safe.
Last edited by Softspoken#5099 on Sep 20, 2013, 11:22:19 AM
Pendoza wrote:
Knightmare101 wrote:
Epikur wrote:

I like

I like the old auras more and wont stop until they are back.

You obviously dont understand the post...
IGN Ken__Kaniff
I don't care about the aura MTXs and I do not miss the lag-fest that was old auras and public play. they are optional, everbody is free to use them or not.

I completed the survey and since it is a external survey from a non-GGG party I can't see any connection to the direction GGG is taking. "Good Game" trying to bring up a connection to GGG and actively making them doubt their decision to help out. GG, indeed.

And I will miss Clarissa's old voice, it had that weird pitch/tremble in it that made you wonder if she was going to start crying any minute.....
somebody extract the old voice-files just for historical purpose :D

Don't know how I feel about the new support gem though. I like to have full endurance charges BEFORE I land my first hit but maintaining them without loosing DPS could be better with the support. we will see i guess.
"The templar is the perfect choice of an honorable man, a true gentleman.
He is a man of god. His words are true and pure.
Finally, he wears no pants because he has no shame to hide."
Aerthas, 2014
BTW, anyone want endurance charge gain as the physical damage crit effect?
IGN: Asser, AssDelver, Assphobic, AnointedAss, BetrayedByMyAss, CrackedAss, FracturedAss, FulcrumedUpMyAss, ImpaledAss, IncursionOfTheAss, WarForTheAss, UnleashTheAss, ScreamingAsshole, SwampAssKing, Yui
Sheriff_K wrote:
I disagree with most people thinking the pay-to-design something other than a Unique is bad. How is it any different to design a Skill Gem or a Passive or a Micro-Transaction? Look at Blind, that came about because of a Supporter's Unique, so they technically designed the Gem as well.. :P

Besides, I kind of viewed that question as: "If you had less than 1k$ but 200-500$, would you want to design a Unique or slightly less important thing?"

I for one would have gotten an Eternal pack if it was a couple hundred less..

And I know how innovative/creative the players and supporters can be, and I have complete faith in GGG's balancing and design philosophy. So I don't think there's much to worry about in that regard. They wouldn't implement something they didn't agree with.

Burrow. Burrow into ground and go to target. Come out and kill.
put a graphics options would be a good thing for choisinf the auras..

Clarissa voice is not very important for me :P

Nice the news auras effects

Good job again

Bravo continuer le beau travail .
minus4 wrote:
Finished the survey.
CharanJaydemyr wrote:
I think some people found it a little too...unemotional considering what she goes through? Not sure. I quite liked it.

I'm one of those people. Her tone makes me feel that she's like "Oh, so he died. Too bad, but I guess I'll move on".

this is wraeclast. furthermore, sarn is a place filled not only with the most dangerous remnants of the eternal empire, but the black templars.

i dont think she's not mourning. i think she came to the conclusion the second she met him that one would have to mourn the other someday soon. in other words, you're hearing emotional detachment and fatalistic acceptance override, but not completely overwrite, her mourning.

also, the events we participate in cant realistically happen in a single day. take into account that, in all likelyhood, by the time you're putting an end to piety, clarissa has had several weeks to mourn.

and i'll also admit a counterpoint from GGG to that - act 1 happens in a single solar cycle. now, that assumes that wraeclast (and the rest of the unnamed world which it sits upon) has a regular 24h solar cycle like earth.

and no, i didnt trawl the next 11 pages, sorry.

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