
nothing has changed. i only play this game. what can be done to correct this? my isp says i have a active connection thats all they need to give me. so they are no help. once again i have had no issues in the past so i am at a loss for words really. i dont understand any of the numbers on the tests i am running.
xxWarcallsxx wrote:
nothing has changed. i only play this game. what can be done to correct this? my isp says i have a active connection thats all they need to give me. so they are no help. once again i have had no issues in the past so i am at a loss for words really. i dont understand any of the numbers on the tests i am running.

The WinMTR is fairly simple

Host - % | Sent | Recv | Best | Avrg | Wrst | Last |

Host being where the connection is connecting to the top one being between you and your router and the last one being the game server.

Sent is the bits of info it sends to each destination i think 1 every second or so
Recieved is how many of the bits of info have reached each destination

Best is the best latency during the test
Average is the average latency
Worst is the higest latency
and last is what you had when you ended the test

The problem lies in the connections your isp is using to get to the game servers from packet loss to crazy latency of almost 2 seconds on one hop, some of this will be in you ISP's control. the only one relating to the game is the last one and for the most part it seems fine, the latency you get on the second last WinMTR is probably carried over from the previous hops.

Ancestral Bond. It's a thing that does stuff. -Vipermagi

He who controls the pants controls the galaxy. - Rick & Morty S3E1
xxWarcallsxx wrote:
nothing has changed. i only play this game. what can be done to correct this? my isp says i have a active connection thats all they need to give me. so they are no help. once again i have had no issues in the past so i am at a loss for words really. i dont understand any of the numbers on the tests i am running.

You are almost certainly having a problem with Comcast. Either your cable is damaged, the modem is damaged, or there is some other problem between you and Comcast. It is something only they can fix. You might need to have a technician come out and check your equipment and wiring if the ISP says there are no other issues on their gateway or in the rest of their network. They should be able to see that from the trace honestly.

As for what the numbers mean in the tests you are running, the header says it all, but I'll try to explain each one for you so you can get an understanding of what's going on and why we are saying what we are saying.

| Host - % | Sent | Recv | Best | Avrg | Wrst | Last |

That's the header for your output. Those correspond with each | section of the output like this:
| - 0 | 920 | 920 | 0 | 0 | 7 | 1 |

So the first section is the Host and Packet Loss Percentage. The "Host" address in this case is your router. It is followed by a - 0 which means you are getting 0 packet loss to that "Hop". Each line in that output is what is called a "hop" which is the path your packets travel along the network to get to their destination. Think of them like intersections on a street. You go down one street until you hit a specific intersection that you need to turn at.

The next 2 numbers are the "Sent" and "Received". Those are the total count of ICMP PING packets sent to that specific hop, and how many of them came back. A Ping is a round-trip so you SHOULD get 1 packet for every 1 sent. In the example above, you sent 920 packets and received 920 packets. Meaning you received every one you sent. No packet loss there.

After that comes the "Best", "Average", "Worst", and "Last" times. These are how long the packets take to return to you in milliseconds. So it works by sending a packet out to that hop, then times how long it takes for it to get back. Again in the example, you had a fastest or best time of 0ms, your average time was 0ms, and the worst time you had was 7ms. These are normal and acceptable results. The final column is the "Last" which basically just says what the response time of the last packet received was. In your case, it was 1 millisecond.

Now that you know what each of the columns mean, this brings us to the rest of the data:
| No response from host - 100 | 186 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
|te-0-7-0-17-sur03.mtprospect.il.chicago.comcast.net - 20 | 526 | 426 | 9 | 12 | 44 | 11 |
|te-0-7-0-0-sur04.mtprospect.il.chicago.comcast.net - 11 | 657 | 589 | 0 | 13 | 47 | 12 |
| - 13 | 612 | 534 | 0 | 16 | 48 | 17 |
|he-3-10-0-0-cr01.350ecermak.il.ibone.comcast.net - 13 | 619 | 543 | 0 | 16 | 46 | 14 |
|pos-1-0-0-0-pe01.350ecermak.il.ibone.comcast.net - 13 | 617 | 539 | 0 | 17 | 46 | 16 |
|xe-0/0/0.bbr01.eq01.chi01.networklayer.com - 16 | 568 | 479 | 0 | 15 | 77 | 16 |
| ae20.bbr01.eq01.dal03.networklayer.com - 50 | 312 | 158 | 0 | 43 | 77 | 42 |
| ae0.dar01.sr01.dal01.networklayer.com - 72 | 239 | 67 | 0 | 45 | 95 | 56 |
| po1.fcr05.sr06.dal01.networklayer.com - 68 | 250 | 80 | 0 | 45 | 104 | 47 |
| - 0 | 919 | 919 | 39 | 42 | 75 | 41 |

So the "No response from host" means it could not identify that hop due to various reasons. Could be due to cloaking, or denying ICMP packets, or other things. This alone is not necessarily an issue. The 100% packet loss it is showing is because it cannot ping what it doesn't know is there. Since it doesn't have a resolvable address, it cannot send a ping to it successfully, so all responses will be lost and you will almost always see 100% packet loss on hops that say this.

The next hop after that is showing inside of the comcast network somewhere in Chicago Illinois. What you can clearly see there is that you only sent 526 packets (from the 920 you sent to your router), and out of those 526 sent, only 426 were received and returned. This shows that you get a 20% packet loss which matches that hop in the trace. 20% loss is pretty significant in that for every 5 packets you are sending, 1 of them is completely lost and is never sent on or received. This can be compounded later on but it's hard to tell with such high packet loss so early.

The packet loss continues on through pretty much your whole trace and gets worse on a few up to a level of 72% packet loss. That's almost losing 3 out of 4 packets. That's REALLY bad. But as I said before, that loss could be compounded by problems earlier in the network, so it's hard to trust any of the results past the initial loss.

The response times on the other hand look pretty decent. 104ms is your worst time on any hop, and that is still well within acceptable ranges.

Hope that can make more sense for you now, and you can see why we say there is an issue either with Comcast, or your Comcast equipment or wiring. You're dropping a lot of packets right out of the gate, and there is nothing GGG can do about that as it's clearly dropping packets before it even gets INTO the GGG network. I can't tell if your issue is equipment, wiring, or a service problem, but it is something that only Comcast can help you with.

thank you for the detailed explanation. it must be in the lines on comcasts end as i just had them in my home and they replaced all wires from the outside to my modem. i am going to try to call them again

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