Preliminary 0.11.5 Patch Notes

SWEET!!! Bronns Lithe! i cant wait to see it!

.. and YESS!! fire traps cooldown wont be total BS anymore... i hated that transition wait, it made no sense, thanks!!!

you GOTTA make it so the purchasable Tiki Totems can be placed onto that totem unique robe...
the one person that really wants it, and is Dedicated to using totems.. cant use it..
Last edited by CaoMengde#7666 on Sep 3, 2013, 11:03:17 AM
Does this mean i can use wake of destruction's skin on my titan greaves?
this patch isnt pointless after all.
IGN: Arlianth
Check out my LA build: 1782214
Anthian wrote:
This is a little condescending comming from a moderator, its not just him who wishes to bypass the cooldown, there are many of us who do.

In the pass it was allowed but said it was subjected to change, though that change has not occurred for so long that people are just surprised.
Not to mention alot of niche builds being nerfed to balance future pvp.

I had expressed some thoughts into putting another Enduring Cry in my build at one point, and some have suggested to do so. In the end, I decided to stick with one the whole way. What else can I say, adapt to the change or scream at GGG for messing up many builds that would bypass the cooldowns?

GGG mentioned that Facebreaker will be the moment..... a while back since it is not high in the priority list. Still, they already have FB in consideration that will be subjected to change. The question is.....when?

All in all EC got balanced. You cannot bypass the cooldown, but you will max out your endurance charges much faster with the Enduring Cry buff.

If GGG straight up just take away the ability to bypass the cooldown, and there was no compensation from the change, then it is a NERF.
Sometimes you can take the game out of the garage but you can't take the garage out of the game.
- raics, 06.08.2016

Last edited by JohnNamikaze#6516 on Sep 3, 2013, 11:13:47 AM
how about my thread

This and cold snap builds are straight up getting nerfed.

I think GGG's pass philosophy makes more sense.
You can have more than 1 skill but that skill wont be as effective as you need to sacrifice links. Or extra slots if you want to have each one with its own links.

This seems like a fair trade off.

but cold snap and flicker strike for pvp are now gone..

EDIT: ps: not all of us are screamming at GGG, someone of us are pleading to not be nerfed.
[Removed by Support]
Last edited by Anthian#0475 on Sep 3, 2013, 11:23:50 AM
Bhaya wrote:
txfirefighter wrote:
Then make a new character?

Got six of them. Taking a break...

Well then... hope you come back!
"Man, it's like we're fighting housewives and their equipment." - Millennium
I sure hope there won't be any bugs with the Skin Transfer where it actually destroys the item you want the appearance of.
I am not really looking to get into a flame war here but I think it is pretty safe to say that I have not been "mouthing off about build effectiveness" or "whining" either for that matter.

I am actually quite aware of how Elemental Proliferation works and am aware that the burning patch left behind by fire trap does not spread it, I am also aware of how it stacks with normal burning. The reason I do not think these builds will suffer much due to the change is that they require fewer traps to be effective. A single Fire Trap can cause a massive amount of burning damage when it ignites a target and Elemental Proliferation causes this to spread for a decent bit of time after the initial effect. Since the burning damage caused by ignition does not stack there is little need to spam the skill anyways when running this type of build.

Other Fire Trap builds that want to optimize the initial damage of the trap will suffer quite a bit more and do require more traps to be effective. These builds have always seemed fun to me (and I enjoy the one I run currently) but far from overpowered. Sure they do more damage in a single spell than other builds but they still cannot be really spammed. Plus, they have a whole load of other problems. Clear speed can already be a little slow on most trap builds.

Obviously we have not played the new patch yet but the reason we have preliminary patch notes is so we can give feedback to the devs before the patch hits. Perhaps our concerns about shared cooldowns will end up being a non-issue in actual game play but people bring up some legitimate concerns.
IGN(Standard): SomeoneSaidHowitzer
"Ain't no gettin' off this QQ Train we on now! It dun left the station and is going choo-choo-choooooooo at FULL SPEED! YEEEEEEEEE-HAAAAAAAAAAAW!"

With the game being released soon, these balance changes are certainly to be coming more and more frequently. I'm gonna need to stock up on empty jugs for all the delicious tears that have begun flowing! ^_^
Last edited by Tanakeah#5640 on Sep 3, 2013, 11:48:22 AM
MykkyM wrote:
I sure hope there won't be any bugs with the Skin Transfer where it actually destroys the item you want the appearance of.

I'm hoping there WILL be bugs, but aesthetic only.... like wearing my boots on my head :D

And I'd imagine the Bear / Fire trap balancing is with the new Empower gem in mind.
Last edited by dandan88#5096 on Sep 3, 2013, 12:25:07 PM
Better shadows?????? FINALLY!! THANKS!

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