Unique Item List - 300 of 419
Normal forum-goers, sorry for the wall of text. Actually, I'll put it in a spoiler.
" Alright, so let me begin with an "lol" lol. Let me begin with what I think is your first point? You are correct, not all players like to start from 0, this is why Standard and Hardcore exist. But do not make the mistake of thinking that you are on the same team as "Allnamestaken" here lol rather, you are the kind of person that makes him feel discontent toward this game. You, who play the game enough to equip not one, but 4 characters to handle endgame content. I was explaining how the original Standard and Hardcore leagues are where ALL items get funneled, ESPECIALLY Standard! 4 months is absolutely entirely enough time to reach endgame and acquire BiS items, as well as reach level 90+ with the best builds in the game if you are good enough (with a level cap of 100, that's significant). So why my argument is invalid I'm still not sure, but if you've read this far, you see why yours is. GGG designs the 4-month leagues for people like Allnamestaken who don't want to start the game already two years behind in the economy, and no way to deal with inflation. Not to mention the new content that is specific to new leagues to spice up the game and make it fun. I hope you're less confused now as to who is arguing what. For what I think might be your second point, the game is getting harder, yes. That's so awesome. Why? Because it was too easy. Anyone could get to endgame with little to no effort before the introduction of added difficulty with the 4-month leagues. Dominus, 78 and now 79 maps, Atziri, and what people believe might be "uber Atziri", these are all difficult encounters. None of them are impossible, though. You're looking at this from your own subjective perspective, which is the Standard league. Standard is not the entire game, there is so much more. Hardcore brings so much more to the table, and it's for this reason that people like you feel the need to spend "600 exalts" on gear to complete this content. Lol there's going to be people completing this content on Invasion, I guarantee it, and do you think they'll have spent 600 exalts? Legacy items don't exist in new leagues, which is another reason to play them (compounding on your lack of argument earlier). But let's look at Standard. 80% of players in standard will probably not be able to do new content like Atziri or "uber Atziri" for some time (only a handful have completed her even now). The reason is that on Standard, you are not afraid of dying (to an extent), so you don't understand finer mechanics of the game. You know how to survive, yes. You don't want to lose 10% experience. But you think you need the best, most perfect items to make this happen, and that's totally not the case. You need a good build to make this happen. That includes skill tree synergies with items and skill gem combinations. You say that 99.999999% of players in the new leagues won't complete the new content, but I think that number will be more around 96%. When you look at the number of players, that 4% is actually a large number that will reach endgame content and either attempt, or successfully defeat Atziri. The reason I claim this is because I pose that completing this content does not require ridiculous mirrored items or BiS items, as I stated earlier. Of course, there's no way I can substantiate this claim, but perhaps an info-graphic at the end of the league from GGG might help. If you've read this far and still adhere to your narrow-minded view of the game, then I suggest you sit on your hands for a few months until the league information is available, as I'm sure it will be. You'll be in for a surprise. As for your closing comment regarding GGG, you simply don't get it. The new content is only accessible to good players. If you've been playing Standard since open beta as you claim, then you are very, very bad at this game if you cannot defeat Atziri. Like, I'm being totally honest here, there is no excuse for that. Dying the first few times is totally understandable, it's a new fight. But if you can't find some way to build for it, keep your complaints to yourself, because I fear the day some newbie might inadvertently support you or agree, and pressure GGG in this way. For those reading who can objectively view the game, it's progress, and the effects of new content, please do not let people like this make unsubstantiated claims that directly target GGG's direction with the game. GGG are involved with the community and do what they can to keep as many people happy as possible. If the only input they get are from people who just don't get it, then we will actually have something to complain about. I have no complaints for GGG right now, their game is progressing better than I could have hoped when I started in Open Beta. |
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" K. So lets put this together: I am a noob and have no clue about the game (lvl 89 ranger, 88 duelist, 83 witch, 80 templar, 73 shadow) Youre basically a god and I am just a scrub because u play hardcore and I play softcore therefore I cannot understand the game at all. Got it. Losing 10% of xp is nothing, it just proves that you dont know anything about endgame...when u reach past lvl 90+ every dead will costs you x-xx exalts and x-xx hours of maping time so its not like there is no punishment for dying. I dont play hardcore cos I find it useless, forced to play only tanky builds in a game where u can die in 1 second and its not even your fault (desync), Yes there will be ppl in invasion beeing able to kill uber atziri eventually (those that will RMT their way to it) or using some broken gimmicky build that hasnt been discovered yet...even you said "96% players wont be able to complete the new content" and you find that ok? Making new patches/expansions new content that only handful of ppl will actually be able to see? I think we have very different opinion on what end game is...I consider end game beating Maegera/Shrine Piety/Palace Dominus without constantly dying...now we have Atziri which is even harder and not to even mention uber Atziri...I know a lot of ppl having builds with BiS mirrored items yet they still skip those bosses because theyre simply too risky...I have voltaxic/1000 hp kaoms LA ranger, 7.5K HP, maxed resists and I still can get easily one shoted by Maegera...now please tell me how are ppl playing invasion going to kill uber Atziri I am eager to hear that...oh and I havent beaten Atziri yet cos I havent played since the new patch at all and all my chars are still on full respec You can bash me as much as you want, its not going to change the fact the game is getting worse and worse, GGG constatly nerfing items, so many ppl leaving the game its getting impossible to sell anything in standard if its not high end item...many ppl like me see this happening and vouch their opinion on forum...oh and please show me how GGG are listening to players and since when, would like to see that mr. white knight Last edited by Aerinqq#7055 on Mar 12, 2014, 10:23:17 PM
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You can have all the BiS items you desire, but it is clever optimization and skill combinations as well as learning fights that win them. Atziri and "uber Atziri" (if that's what it is) are new and difficult, but if you have trouble with them you don't bang your head against the wall and say it's too hard, you figure out how to beat it. It is entirely possible, everything in this game is.
I think I came off wrong, regarding your knowledge of the game. I didn't mean to say you don't know how to play the game, just that your approach is flawed. I'm confident even I can beat Atziri, and I'm nowhere near the level of many many players that are better than me. Also, I stand by the fact that making assertions on the direction of the game content from the narrow-minded view of only Standard is totally backward. I don't just play Hardcore, I had my fun in standard as well as the Standard and Hardcore 4-month leagues and races. This is the reason you think the game is getting worse and worse! You've spent all your time in one league, and that is not the entire game! Also, you MUST realize what Standard league is. There is nothing about me playing HC that puts me above standard players, I also play standard. However, Standard is NOT for new players. This is the reason that the default league for new character creation is Ambush (or other current 4-month standard league). You complain about inflation without realizing that where you play is where EVERYTHING gets dumped from every minute of gameplay by every player on this game (barring live HC characters and races that do not dump to HC or SC). GGG nerfs these items out of necessity for the current state of the game, which changes as time goes on with the addition of content and balance of other aspects of the game (items, skill tree, skill gems, etc). They leave the legacy items as trophies for old players who earned them, and goals for new players who play enough to earn them. However, that also adds to how broken Standard is, and I don't need to tell you that. But there's more to this game than Standard. GGG is leaving Standard for people who don't want to start over, but this game is not about Standard. It is about the 4-month leagues that bring new content (because all of the game's content is achievable WELL within 4-months), and those leagues go to Standard and Hardcore for players who want to keep their hard-earned gear and characters. There's no problem with that. The problem is with people like you who can't understand that. Also, you're not very bright if you can't see that GGG is amazingly in touch with its community. If not, though, that's still great! They won't be listening to you :) Oh, and "literally invalidates anything you have to say. You haven't even tried, and you complain about where the game is going. That deserves another "lol" lol. |
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" As I stated I enjoy end game. So do many guildmates and friends I have. We love to farm dominus, we love to do 77/78 rotations...trading, crafting, price checks are what is our bread and butter daily...we love to farm to high lvls, get those BiS mirrored items, carry random map parties...idk if you know what I mean, if you ever been there but according to what you saying prolly not. The problem is every single step GGG is doing discourages new players ever entering standard...and without new players, the market will (is already) collapsing...all mid-game items lose its value, there will be only legacy/mirrored items worth selling/flipping. So according to you we should just sit silently and keep watching whats happening? most of the ppl I play with played the game for very very long time and are simply not interested starting from 0 over and over and over again in new leagues...we simply want to continue improving are existing characters/builds... and about Atziri, I dont know how does it invalidates anything I said, I am not cut from the game, I listen to feedback from friends, guildmates and ppl on forum...its not that difficult to figure out if friend tells me how difficult Atziri is if I precisely know the build he is doing/what items he has...not to mention insanely equiped players putting their vid on youtube and struggle with her...u keep saying that its not only about the items but about the build, of course it is but you rly think ppl with 600 ex worth of equipment will play some sort of mediocore crap build? I am talking about cookie cutter expensive builds beeing able to solo everything pre-patch... I am writing all this from a position where I am about to quit the game I used to love so much...and I know many ppl think and will do likewise. It is my opinion of course and I have right to have it and I also respect yours, if you enjoy the game as it is and where it is going I am glad for you. Last edited by Aerinqq#7055 on Mar 12, 2014, 11:11:59 PM
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There, that's exactly my point. You're not grasping what Standard League is for the game. All these problems you're mentioning come inherent to the league, and there is literally nothing GGG can or will do to change that. And as for me getting to that endgame point, don't even lol I've been all over that on multiple leagues. This account is one I made for the new leagues because I wanted a totally fresh start, so if you click on my name it might be a bit deceiving.
Your first paragraph is exactly correct and will not change, nor can it. That last bit is important, where I said "nor can it". My point is that Standard league is not the point of this game, the 4-month leagues are. If you choose to play on Standard, you've gotta do so with an understanding of what that league really is and what it entails. The reason I think you're so up in arms about where the game's going and so discontented is because you think Standard is the place to keep playing with all your BiS gear and pimped out characters. But that's not the point of the game, when you really get down to it. Edit: Circular reasoning is circular ftw! lol but I hope it makes sense. The problems you mentioned cannot change for Standard, but they can for new leagues, and they have. As for Atziri, what I'm saying is that beyond gear and builds, skill is required, which is new and fantastic. The expensive cookie-cutter builds won't cut it. The meta is changing with every update, and it takes more skill and forethought than ever before to achieve completion of the new content. If I were in your shoes, I'd feel the same way. I'd have actually quit long before now lol. Standard League is fine to play in and enjoy, but it is rampant with RMT, and inflation is ridiculous. Also, there's no way for this to change, as it's one of the game's permanent leagues. I love this game because there's so much more to it than Standard alone can possibly offer. My reason for posting here was originally to discuss how the new uber uniques are such a great addition to this game's endgame and ultimate longevity, because they come from the penultimate endgame content of the current meta. But if you've never tried the 4-month leagues before, Aerinqq, I highly suggest you do so. You won't faceroll content, especially if you try invasion, but you'll have fun. That's what the game's about. Second edit: First Ambush Atziri kill FAR from BiS gear can be found here https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/831603 Last edited by Arrathorn1#6126 on Mar 12, 2014, 11:49:00 PM
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Hey, not enough new Uniques being posted, too many fucking tidal waves of text. Maybe make a thread for this?
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Not sure if this has been posted yet, but this dropped for me today. Don't see it in your OP. |
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" Blackgleam's been around forever- they just changed the intrinsic of it's base item time this patch. Talisman softcore IGN:disappointment
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Didn't feel like reading so much text, skimmed. Why do you feel like putting words in my mouth? I am not discontent on someone having better items, I am discontent on balancing the game around the unobtainable items. Everyone now gets to deal with the mana leech "balance", but that 1% will get to use this unique and go "nya-nya-nya-nya-nya! I get to play as I like and not conserve mana, lol scrubs!".
IGNs GroovyBeard JooJooFromTheWell Last edited by Allnamestaken#7661 on Mar 13, 2014, 3:33:40 AM
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" Except this already happens. The difference between the 1%'s items and the average person's is pretty huge. Consider people who have some of the best weapons on the server. They're probably doing what, 10% more damage than the average person with that build? 20%? 30%? Or the difference for somebody with a 6L 1k ES chest with huge resists. How much easier is the game for them then? The other thing to remember is this: the only reason you're not in the 1% is because you haven't played enough. Anybody who's played enough to get to these "OP uniques" has almost certainly played the game significantly longer (or better) than the average person who can't obtain these uniques. As such, the 1% still had to play the game the same was as everybody else to start with, they've just been doing it longer. (This is true for new leagues at least--Old leagues the rich get to skip playing with some of the changes per new patch, but the idea is still the same.) I like having very powerful yet hard to obtain uniques. One of the problems with this game is that you don't really have a hope of grinding out OP rare items just in normal playing, because the RNG system actually forces you to craft. There's just so many things to do to earn money, it's not necessary to grind the "end game content." They helped motivate players to do this end game content with specific uniques dropping by level, which was a great start. Having a tough boss with worthwhile rewards just adds to this. It gives players some real endgame things to work for in my opinion. As opposed to just, "Grind to level 100!" @Moylin (Beyond) Last edited by Avelice#3926 on Mar 13, 2014, 4:27:08 AM
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