Unique Item List - 300 of 419
blah, blah, blah.
you have no idea and no evidence of rarity of those items yet you whine like little babies. the facts are: 1. midnight part is very rare. there are theories that parts can be farmed when certain conditions are met. doesnt change the fact that you need about 10-25ex to have a shot at the first version of Atziri. 2. Atziri drops brand new fragments which suggest there is a way to enter Uber-Atziri, which in part is refered to in one of the posts by GGG stuff. 3. Up to date, no one has encountered or reported having done Uber-Atziri. 4. We have no idea how a fight with Atziri 2 looks like. might be quite different than the previous one requiring to learn new tactics to farm it efficiently. 5. There might be another fragments droppable from so called Uber Atziri leading to Even More Uber Atziri. 6. We have no idea who drops the 3 Super Uniques. So far most likely it is the Uber Atziri, but if there are other more deadly versions, they might be the ones. 7. We have no idea about rarity of the Super Uniques. they might be as rare as Kaoms chest dropping from a white mob. if that is true, those items won't be farmed for months ahead at least. and i'm very optimistic here, knowing GGG's passion for "hardcoreness". Edit: There are vaal pyramids so i wouldn't be surpriced if there were a pyramid of bosses of at least 3 layers. :P "How come only evil forces were released?" - "Because there are no good forces." "So, then. You don't believe that there is a God." - "There was a god." "Well, then. Where is he now?" - "I killed him," said Kane. Last edited by k4n3#0976 on Mar 12, 2014, 12:35:47 PM
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" Refer to my third paragraph, please. (of original comment) The reason I like these uniques so much is that even if I personally am unable to complete the challenge required to drop them, I understand what is involved. We're not talking about just good gear you need to get these uniques. You need to know exactly how to build your character in a way for you to survive and successfully beat Atziri multiple times, and "Uber Aztiri" AFTER that (which we have no information on yet, but is likely stupidly difficult). ONLY THE BEST OF THE BEST PLAYERS ON PATH OF EXILE WILL EVER ACHIEVE THESE UNIQUES. That's what's so great. Yeah, you'll have people in it for the money. They'll get those drops so they can sell them to other people who are drooling over them, and who suck at the game and have absolutely no hope in ever achieving that level. Personally, I think that's okay lol if they need to buy those items to make themselves feel better, fine. They'll never be on the same level because they simply don't have the skill required. Now aside from RMT, obviously these will sell for exorbitant prices. That's okay! NONE OF THE CONTENT IN THIS GAME REQUIRES THEM! I'll repeat that for the people who missed the sentence in all caps: none of the content in this game requires these powerful uniques. What this means is that you do not need these uniques. They are like icing on the cake. I think that what GGG has done here is added an amazing new endgame feature, which is fantastic for the longevity of the game. They're fully aware of all the grief everyone has because people just aren't taking the time to think about how these uniques really effect this game as a whole. I'm glad to see that they do have a grasp on where the game should be heading, though, and I hope they aren't influenced too much in the coming months by people like you who want to water down content. You're right, a vast majority of players will never acquire these items. A vast majority of players also never make it past lvl 50. Obviously, this means a large number of people will cry about items they can't get. You can't expect to get endgame items before endgame, or expect to survive in PoE without understanding the intricacies of builds, skills, and gear as well as synergies, etc. HOWEVER, anyone who plays this game can get to endgame, it isn't difficult. I sucked when I started, everyone does. But at the point I'm looking at this from, no unique is unobtainable, no content impossible, and everything about this game requires knowledge and skill (to some extent). I realize there's a large learning curve, and the task is daunting for new players. There is a massive time commitment if you want to be good at this game. Don't try to make the game worse if you are not willing to make that commitment, or are unable to comprehend the finer points. Rather, ask for help if there is content you don't know how to access (endgame maps, items, uniques). Edit: clarify referral to original comment, not this one Last edited by Arrathorn1#6126 on Mar 12, 2014, 1:51:47 PM
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Thinking out loud:
So we have Atziri's Disfavour that gives +2 lvls to support and we can vaal orb empower that gives +3lvl of gems + 2 so from Atziri's Disfavour gives +5lvl = empower + 20lvl attack + 4*27lvl support gems. Cool. |
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" If you get this item and if you 6L it and if you have a vaal orbed empower, for sure. Would be pretty strong. But keep in mind that most support gems scale pretty slow (high base value + minimal growth per level), so we are not talking about absurdly op stuff here (at least the lvl27 is not really op). @Arrathorn1 +1. Thx. 3.5 build: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2299519 Last edited by Peterlerock#5171 on Mar 12, 2014, 2:07:33 PM
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" Sry to say this but Empower only works on ACTIVE SKILL GEMS, not on support gems :( Unarmed for life! (although I do like maces too recently)
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" That is the point! The fact that someone with a unreachable headstart (or a big wallet for RMT) will be able to enjoy the game with a normal mana leech, while everyone else will have to deal with the new and "improved" leech (aka not using skills when they like to, you can forget about any kind of spell self cast, liek it was easy before the leech nerf...). That is not balance, that is just being cruel to players. IGNs GroovyBeard JooJooFromTheWell Last edited by Allnamestaken#7661 on Mar 12, 2014, 2:34:42 PM
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" Which is why you don't play on standard. PoE is balanced and made for 4 month leagues unless you've been playing since the start. Even though I've been playing since start of beta I quickly ditched standard because it was obvious this was going to happen, and I wasn't interested in becoming some sort of economy trader and accumulate wealth which is the only benefit to playing standard so if you care for some sort of economical balance between players then I highly suggest you get out while the getting's good AKA the 4-month leagues are fresh. |
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best scenario in my mind: items are obtained by a select few, items are discontinued or made into legacy by nerfs.
Now you have this super rare one off item floating around the perm leagues. In 6 years time, some guy opens his "PoE legacy museum" thread, bam these things show back up and it is amazing. IMO, Legacy items are more and more awesome the longer a game exists, as they fall out of memory of most but people with desire to collect super rare things, and then museums of game history show up, and nostalgia reigns supreme. Hey...is this thing on? Last edited by LostForm#2813 on Mar 12, 2014, 5:03:36 PM
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" Exactly. Allnamestaken, you've got to realize that the original Standard and Hardcore leagues will be totally and utterly dominated by players with near unimaginable wealth. These were the original leagues, and all items and currency from (almost) all races and 4-month leagues will end up in these two leagues. Does this mean you can't have fun in these leagues? Absolutely not! However, basing an argument on the fact that a new player must deal with the steep learning curve AND being so far behind wealth-wise is simply not the case. This is the entire premise of the 4-month leagues. ALL players start fresh with a new economy. It is up to you to decide how you play, whether or not you want to be good or not. If you look at it that way, you're really complaining about not playing as much as other people. lolwut. Playing more gets you more drops, which means more chances at better drops, as well as experience so you can access zones that have even better drops. Uhhh, yeah, no matter how much you complain that's not going to change lol. Again, this is directed at Allnamestaken. |
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" This is invalid argument and "Allnamestaken" is completely right. U must realize that not all players enjoy starting from 0 over and over again. Ive been playing this game since open beta, farmed a lot of currency, fully equiped 4 chars to be able to do all end game content and made lot of friends in standard...am I suppose to throw that all out of the window and start from 0? For what purpose? ull never reach true end game and get BiS items in new leagues, if you enjoy playing mediocore builds with mediocore equip never able to do any high lvl content then sure go ahead and play new leagues, not everyone wants to do that though... Game is getting harder and harder while theyre adding new content (dominus, 78 maps and now Atziri and the uber version and corrupted areas and what not)...vast majority of players in standard cant beat Atziri and that is in the league where the most powerful legacy items and the best items for mirroring are available...even the players that have such items are not guaranteed to kill her, its mostly only ppl with 4 mirrored items etc with gear worth 600 exalts can do her....and now those broken items not even going to drop from her but from her uber version...who is going to beat that version? only players with every single piece of gear mirrored? 99.999999% of players who going to play new leagues will never be able to do any of this new content like ever...not even the regular atziri...4 months its simply not enough to gather such wealth to get x mirrored items (unless u RMT or dupe ofc) not to mention the lack of legacy items... its beyond my understanding why would GGG add this new content basically only accesible to players who play since beta/dupe or RMT/powertrade all the time and have 500 ex for appropriate gear check... Last edited by Aerinqq#7055 on Mar 12, 2014, 8:18:00 PM
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