Unique Item List - 300 of 419

RabidRabbit wrote:
kynexis wrote:
Brand new unique, added this patch, pretty sure i got the first drop in ambush (about 5 minutes after the update)

Badly in need of a keyphrase instead of seven different lines of text. "Elemental Discombobulation?"

Seems great for any build that relies on Anger and Wrath for damage. Freeze + Shock generally more useful than Shock + Ignite.

I can't think of a way to get decent ignite damage from big cold damage hits.

Ice Spear, nice to meet you.
English is not my first language.
digdigo wrote:
RabidRabbit wrote:
kynexis wrote:
Brand new unique, added this patch, pretty sure i got the first drop in ambush (about 5 minutes after the update)

Badly in need of a keyphrase instead of seven different lines of text. "Elemental Discombobulation?"

Seems great for any build that relies on Anger and Wrath for damage. Freeze + Shock generally more useful than Shock + Ignite.

I can't think of a way to get decent ignite damage from big cold damage hits.

Ice Spear, nice to meet you.

Ice Spear + Cold to Fire + Gmp + ele prolif
kynexis wrote:
Brand new unique, added this patch, pretty sure i got the first drop in ambush (about 5 minutes after the update)

discharger's new best friend! power charges will freeze your enemies now, endurance charges will shock them

But now, i'm curious, does this mean that your chance to ignite now becomes chance to shock etc.?
IGN: OldManBalls (Warbands)
demivion wrote:
But now, i'm curious, does this mean that your chance to ignite now becomes chance to shock etc.?

Not likely. Chance to Shock still rolls even if you deal zero Lightning Damage, its duration would just always be zero. With the Three Dragons, the duration is based on a different Damage type, way I see it.
demivion wrote:
But now, i'm curious, does this mean that your chance to ignite now becomes chance to shock etc.?

Probably not. I believe this unique simply makes the game look at the amount of fire damage inflicted to determine shock duration etc.
My supporter items: Victario's Charity and The Forsaken
kynexis wrote:
Brand new unique, added this patch, pretty sure i got the first drop in ambush (about 5 minutes after the update)

Such possibilities for wacky builds, wow.

Looks like the best choice for a burning Ice Spear build, so that you don't need to bother with Avatar of Fire or Cold to Fire. Could also be pretty sweet for a fast-hitting Fire build (e.g. burning on Firestorm or Incinerate is useless, but shocking enemies could work pretty well).
Last edited by Incompetent#3573 on Mar 13, 2014, 11:25:53 PM
kynexis wrote:
Brand new unique, added this patch, pretty sure i got the first drop in ambush (about 5 minutes after the update)

It's "Iron Man" Helmet (PoE edition).
Last edited by poe1gg#1733 on Mar 13, 2014, 11:27:32 PM
whats the interaction between Iron Man's mask and passives from the tree like static blows, freeze, shock, blaze?
Inundated with cockroaches, I am

https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1609216 - labyrinth rework ideas/suggestions
wild_captain wrote:
whats the interaction between Iron Man's mask and passives from the tree like static blows, freeze, shock, blaze?

Nothing too complicated. Static Blows gives 10% chance to shock, whether you can shock with lightning damage or fire damage (or chaos damage while using a Voltaxic) makes no difference to it.
My supporter items: Victario's Charity and The Forsaken
Last edited by Mokihiki#2900 on Mar 13, 2014, 11:49:05 PM
Losing the ability to chill kind of sucks.

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