Unique Item List - 300 of 419

omg the new boot. who cares about chaos res at lvl 5....
keta wrote:
omg the new boot. who cares about chaos res at lvl 5....

no one. but that doesn't mean that you can't use them for high level map bosses that deal chaos damage.

Assuming since it says "flasks grant" means that each flask grants 50% chaos res, you can easily go from -60% to 75% chaos resist just by poping a jade + granite + resist flask on a boss fight.

This makes all chaos bosses easy with 1 quick swap
IGN: OldManBalls (Warbands)
Wishinan wrote:

Read my post above and check out the passive tree I created. You basically go Void Battery for more DPS.

I checked it out, the only thing I'm not really sure about is multistrike. By the wording on item I guess you don't gain a charge per non-critical hit, but per failed crit roll, so multistrike would be detrimental to fast charge gaining.
Wish the armchair developers would go back to developing armchairs.

Last edited by raics#7540 on Jan 9, 2014, 12:02:59 PM
raics wrote:
Wishinan wrote:

Read my post above and check out the passive tree I created. You basically go Void Battery for more DPS.

I checked it out, the only thing I'm not really sure about is multistrike. By the wording on item I guess you don't gain a charge per non-critical hit, but per failed crit roll, so multistrike would be detrimental to fast charge gaining.

Ok I tested, you just need Faster Attacks then. Thanks for the heads up, changing it on the build thread here:

IGN: Asharin
~[1.0.5] 9K ES CI+VP+AA CoC EK-Discharger~ www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/730607
~Top 5 Builds in Standard/Domination~ www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/599443
That ring is going to be awesome with incinerate + discharge. This is assuming the crit roll on discharge doesn't consume the charges and prevent the discharge.
Last edited by DichotomousThree#0868 on Jan 9, 2014, 12:58:41 PM
raics wrote:
hoargald wrote:

But I hope that GGG during their tests did not overlook combinations that makes this ring really overpowerd...

For that hope to be grounded we have to assume it has been tested at all, a lot of things that came out since release don't seem overly tested to me.


todays 'nerf' to CoCS further supports it as it seems that out of pool of overf..powered CoCS builds just some were nerfed and some are even more powerful. way to create 'serious' image. btw. CoCS need a SERIOUS nerf as in '100ms' not '10ms'..
Why do they keep bringing out items that give you charges its not like its hard to get max charges in fact its totally trivial, Frenzy, multi strike, power on crit and enduro on stun basically gives you max charges in 2 hits(with zero passives).Really discharger builds dont need any extra help they are still very very strong.
"Blue warrior shot the food"
maxor wrote:
Why do they keep bringing out items that give you charges its not like its hard to get max charges in fact its totally trivial, Frenzy, multi strike, power on crit and enduro on stun basically gives you max charges in 2 hits(with zero passives).Really discharger builds dont need any extra help they are still very very strong.
It's not that easy, and Discharge builds are usually really squishy, you can't go into melee range that easily to get charges. On mobs that you can't freeze with Cold Snap (no more Freeze Mine op-ness), things get tricky.

MultiStrike doesn't give you 3 Charges, just 1. And a Discharger doesn't use Frenzy, they use Blood Rage to get the charges from kills. The problem isn't getting Charges, the problem is propogating Charges back to back. An unlucky non-Crit, can get you killed. That's why Voll's Devotion and Doedre's Flask is so good. It's for those unlucky moments, and against bosses.

GMP+IceSpearlvl1+Chain, even with 90%+ crit chance, can go badly and screw you over.

I think this Unique is awesome, and we really do need more Uniques that give Charges, namely Frenzy, since the only one that does that is Blood Dance, and that is a niche item imo.

On a side note, this Ring is amazing for the now nerfed CoC builds, as it allows them to drop the Voll's or Rasa+PCoC setup most [poor] CoC players were using. ^.^

The best thing about an RT Discharger, that most people seem to overlook, is the fact that you can't Crit a Reflect pack and oneshot yourself in HardCore. :P

Also, if you're DualWielding this Ring, would you then gain 2x Power Charges per non-Crit?
EA IGN: We_Have_Monk_at_Home

*Burnt out and waiting for either PoE1 League or new PoE2 Classes.*
Last edited by Sheriff_K#3938 on Jan 9, 2014, 1:50:50 PM
hoargald wrote:
The design of Romira's Banquet was teamwork with Rory. I had in mind to design an item, which helps melee tanks to benefit from criticals. Many builds use RT because it is difficult to gain a high crit strike chance together with a decent hit-chance. With this ring, i think, many melee tanks can skip RT.

But the game is really complex, and with all the unqiues and mechanis out there its nearly impossibly to discover all the possibilities this ring opens up. It came never in my mind, that you can use this ring with RT, so that you have a permanent supply of Power Charges...

But I hope that GGG during their tests did not overlook combinations that makes this ring really overpowerd...

Hey grats man. In my opinion this is the best unique since facebreakers and searing touch.

Now i dont have to feel so bad that i vendored all those volls protectors.
"Blue warrior shot the food"

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