Unique Item List - 300 of 419

Why do people keep on thinking of RT with the ring?

Use this.

Spectral Throw with this. Max out Power Charges. Weapon Swap to crit-strike daggers, enabling critical strikes again, and Cast on Crit Discharge.

Spectral Throw with this. Max out Power Charges. Weapon Swap to Critical Strike Wand, then proceed to spam Cold Snap until you run out of mana and/or charges.

Frenzy with this. Max out Power Charges. Weapon Swap to Spelldamage wand, Enduring Cry, Discharge.

You don't need to cut out Critical Strikes from your build with the ring. You just need fast enough hands to press the Weapon Swap key when you need the crit.
Sachiru wrote:
Why do people keep on thinking of RT with the ring?

Use this.

Spectral Throw with this. Max out Power Charges. Weapon Swap to crit-strike daggers, enabling critical strikes again, and Cast on Crit Discharge.

Spectral Throw with this. Max out Power Charges. Weapon Swap to Critical Strike Wand, then proceed to spam Cold Snap until you run out of mana and/or charges.

Frenzy with this. Max out Power Charges. Weapon Swap to Spelldamage wand, Enduring Cry, Discharge.

You don't need to cut out Critical Strikes from your build with the ring. You just need fast enough hands to press the Weapon Swap key when you need the crit.

Yup, pretty much it.

You don't even need fast enough hands if you have macros..

Ring doesn't seem to drop too much though..
IGN: Asharin
~[1.0.5] 9K ES CI+VP+AA CoC EK-Discharger~ www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/730607
~Top 5 Builds in Standard/Domination~ www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/599443
Last edited by Wishinan#1706 on Jan 9, 2014, 8:57:21 AM
Dhoros wrote:

EDIT: Question apart, where i can see which items are form a league or other. This ring for example, its for all genre league or for a specific one ?.

Ring doesn't seem to be league-specific afaik.
IGN: Asharin
~[1.0.5] 9K ES CI+VP+AA CoC EK-Discharger~ www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/730607
~Top 5 Builds in Standard/Domination~ www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/599443
battled wrote:
So throw a Gpm+Lmp+Spec Throw -> discharge away?

Pretty much. Or Ice Spear/Power Siphon-GMP-Chain :)
IGN: Asharin
~[1.0.5] 9K ES CI+VP+AA CoC EK-Discharger~ www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/730607
~Top 5 Builds in Standard/Domination~ www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/599443
hoargald wrote:
The design of Romira's Banquet was teamwork with Rory. I had in mind to design an item, which helps melee tanks to benefit from criticals. Many builds use RT because it is difficult to gain a high crit strike chance together with a decent hit-chance. With this ring, i think, many melee tanks can skip RT.

But the game is really complex, and with all the unqiues and mechanis out there its nearly impossibly to discover all the possibilities this ring opens up. It came never in my mind, that you can use this ring with RT, so that you have a permanent supply of Power Charges...

But I hope that GGG during their tests did not overlook combinations that makes this ring really overpowerd...

I'm sure they did not overlook combinations :)

Wonderful creation, Hoargald. This is the kind of unique other supporters should be creating :)
IGN: Asharin
~[1.0.5] 9K ES CI+VP+AA CoC EK-Discharger~ www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/730607
~Top 5 Builds in Standard/Domination~ www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/599443
Wishinan wrote:
hoargald wrote:
The design of Romira's Banquet was teamwork with Rory. I had in mind to design an item, which helps melee tanks to benefit from criticals. Many builds use RT because it is difficult to gain a high crit strike chance together with a decent hit-chance. With this ring, i think, many melee tanks can skip RT.

But the game is really complex, and with all the unqiues and mechanis out there its nearly impossibly to discover all the possibilities this ring opens up. It came never in my mind, that you can use this ring with RT, so that you have a permanent supply of Power Charges...

But I hope that GGG during their tests did not overlook combinations that makes this ring really overpowerd...

I'm sure they did not overlook combinations :)

Wonderful creation, Hoargald. This is the kind of unique other supporters should be creating :)

Well I still think a RT Conduit char would also be cool for a group :P

The nice thing about the ring is that it allows so many things and yeah discharge still is a thing :P. Also Incinerate... unfortunatly you need a really high leveld Cwdt to proc discharge then :P

I don't feel they way the get new uniques out is bad. One of 4 as an endgame unique and another 2 very situational ones and last one that is clearly aimed towards leveling/racing.

volls devotion
[quote="Mark_GGG"]damage modifiers don't can currently can't apply to degen.[/quote]
"Getting all life nods on passive tree should give additional survival, not the mandatory basic survival."
Last edited by leighferon#0786 on Jan 9, 2014, 9:35:42 AM
PsionicKitten wrote:
Not at all.

You can get multiple power charges very quickly if you're specced for crit (with voll's protector or power charge on crit) or use power siphon. Also you lose the benefit of two crit modifiers on your ring. All just to give your party members some power charges (Which they are likely to max out at 3)? There's less expensive, more synergistic ways to do that. Even auras give more effect than that.

Thing here is you now can spec for non-crit and go Frenzy instead..

An example would be a non-crit/RT Discharger that uses Shavronnes's Wrappings(for PA) instead of Voll's Protector. Stack Spell Damage instead of Crit Chance on your gear, so on your items like Shield you stack Spell Damage. For weapon you prolly will want to utilize Void's Battery. Or you could even Dual Wield Voi's Battery for more DPS.

So how you go about this, basically you get a 2L Setup with Frenzy-Faster Attacks.

With this ring, every strike will grant you a Frenzy and Power Charge. If you are not RT, sometimes you accidentally crit and you lose Power Charges, but that doesn't happen that frequently if you don't spec for Crit at all.

So in maps, go to pack of mobs. Firstly, use Enduring Cry to rack up your Charges for the first pack of mobs, since for subsequent packs, Voll's Devotion would means that you prolly have Max Endurance Charges already. Start your Frenzy, with Faster Attacks you pretty much gain the Frenzy and Power Charges in a matter if seconds, manually Discharge. Rinse and repeat.

Other then the Shavronne's Wrapping, gearing will not be that costly since you only need to stack Spell Damage. For the passive tree, spec for Increased Radius Nodes and Increased Elemental Damage instead of the usual Critical Nodes.


I even did up the passive tree for the build I mentioned above, using a level 90 Witch Template:


With this passive tree alone you have 6 Maximum Endurance Charges, 5 Maximum Frenzy Charges and 6 Maximum Power Charges. This is excluding extra Charges from gear like Void Battery and from quests rewards.
IGN: Asharin
~[1.0.5] 9K ES CI+VP+AA CoC EK-Discharger~ www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/730607
~Top 5 Builds in Standard/Domination~ www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/599443
Last edited by Wishinan#1706 on Jan 9, 2014, 10:01:00 PM
Wishinan wrote:

Thing here is you now can spec for non-crit and go Frenzy instead..

I had a frenzy discharger like that, DW with a lot off attack speed, it reliably discharged frenzy and endurance but had to rely on luck to get a few power charges too with coc gem linked to frenzy. By the time you get 7 frenzies you can count yourself lucky if you cap those 3 default power charges, but you mostly don't.

Might be this ring would give him a steadier supply if used with low crit weapons to prevent losing them, maybe two green socketed prismatic eclipses for large attack speed bonus and block but there are better weapons out there.
Wish the armchair developers would go back to developing armchairs.

Last edited by raics#7540 on Jan 9, 2014, 10:02:41 AM
raics wrote:
Wishinan wrote:

Thing here is you now can spec for non-crit and go Frenzy instead..

I had a frenzy discharger like that, DW with a lot off attack speed, it reliably discharged frenzy and endurance but had to rely on luck to get a few power charges too with coc gem linked to frenzy. By the time you get 7 frenzies you can count yourself lucky if you cap those 3 default power charges, but you mostly don't.

Might be this ring would give him a steadier supply if used with low crit weapons to prevent losing them, maybe two green socketed prismatic eclipses for large attack speed bonus and block but there are better weapons out there.

Read my post above and check out the passive tree I created. You basically go Void Battery for more DPS.

Prismatic Eclipse could be another option for offhand, 2G1R sockets is basically needed for Frenzy-Multistrike-Faster Attacks, you also gain the Global IAS. Definitely could be an alternative to another Void battery or an ES Shield with 90% Spell Damage for offhand choices.

It is also way cheaper to gear up since you don't go for items with Crit mods anymore, which is traditionally pricier. The only Crit gear you have aside from Void Battery would be Romira's Banquet itself, you could even go to the extent of using Blessed Orbs to get the lowest possible Crit Chance roll on it :)
IGN: Asharin
~[1.0.5] 9K ES CI+VP+AA CoC EK-Discharger~ www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/730607
~Top 5 Builds in Standard/Domination~ www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/599443
Last edited by Wishinan#1706 on Jan 9, 2014, 10:35:45 AM

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