Skill Gems - Create one!
Fire Blast (blue): Summons a large, slow moving fireball. Attack velocity, damage, and blast radius increases over time, making it much more powerful against distant foes.
Ball Lightning (blue): Summons a very fast moving, low damage ball of lightning that always stuns. Guided Arrow (green): Hopefully no explanation is needed. Mirror Image (green): Illusionary decoys appear with a fraction of your HP. Devastating Blow (red): Enemies that are OHKOed by this attack explode, doing damage equal to a fraction of their HP to everything else in the blast radius. Blade of Blood (red): Your attacks do significantly more damage, but you take damage every time you deal damage. FFA loot = single player game.
"I'm sorry I steal all the things, it's the only way I know how to say I love you." - a FFA looter. |
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Laser: Slow moving, perfectly straight lightning nuke that reflects off walls. Loses damage with each reflect, not channeled, quick cast time. Long projectile, damages any enemy moving through it. Ennervation: Consumes 1-6 power charges to create a void zone dealing chaos damage. More power charges increase damage, radius, duration. Charge Shield: Reserves mana to create a charge shield. While active, all charges don't give a buff but instead are stored in the shield, releasing and dealing damage/inflicting their status effect any time you take or deal damage. Only 1 charge at a time is released. Mortar: Rain of Arrows, fire damage-style. Picks a random place in an aura around the caster and nukes it with high fire damage. Power Charges increase the number of mortars. Can't be recast until all the mortars hits the ground. Dexterity Whirlwind: Seriously, why is this not an option for dexterity AoE yet? Frenzy charges increase number of attacks. Possession: Consume all frenzy charges. Damage, movement speed, cast speed, and attack speed all increased dramatically. Light radius decreased by so much that you can basically only see short melee range. Can only attack one randomly chosen target. Kills grant frenzy charges. Strength Gravity: Reserves mana for a reverse shockwave aura and slowing aura. Draws monsters in, slows them, deals light physical secondary damage. Grapple: Uses an equipped axe attached to chain to grapple towards a distant target. No damage done. Thundercall: An equipped Sword is raised to the air to summon a flurry of charged bolts emanating from the caster in a circular area. Force of will: Consumes all endurance charges for a short term buff dramatically increasing health regeneration, movement speed, immunity to stuns, and stun duration. Can only be used at low health. Support Gems Split: Adds 3 projectiles, but fires them behind, to your left, and to your right, in addition to where you're facing. Concentrated casting: Increases cast time, increases damage. Only for spells. Disorientation: Attacks have a chance of forcing the monster to attack wildly anything in its immediate melee range. Ancient and unwise, SSF only since 2012
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Juggernaut - Strength Gem Buff
lvl 1 - lvl 20 values: 50% - 100% Increased Physical Damage 50% - 100% Increased Defensive Rating -20% - -10% Attack Speed 5 second base duration 10 second cooldown Last edited by Repeats#0576 on Aug 25, 2012, 6:01:28 PM
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(Green Gem)
Ice Arrow: Fires an arrow (physical - 20% dmg, the -dmg decreases with gem level, levels also increase slow % and chance to freeze) at the target with increased chance to freeze and slow duration, the arrow also shatters on impact sending out shards of ice dealing damage to other targets in the area with an increased chance to freeze. (Requires bow) (Green Gem) Dash Shot (name needs work): Just like in the character select screen when you pick the ranger, the ranger kicks off propelling herself forward while dropping to a knee and releases a series of arrows, you are rooted during this longer than normal animation but gain massive attack speed, accuracy and crit chance while you are in this position. Would require situational awareness on when it's safe to lock yourself down to do large amounts of damage but could also be used as a panic button to get yourself out of a very bad spot. (Requires bow or wand) Winner of the First Ever Cut-Throat Server Test, and Winner of the First Ever Cut-Throat League Event! Last edited by NotSorry#0178 on Aug 26, 2012, 2:01:03 AM
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Gigantic Minion.
A support gem that removes all but one minion from attached skill but gives a % bonus to its life/damage based on the number that could have been summoned. This could probable also be implemented as a passive tbf. I wouldn't be here but I was out voted 3 to 1 by the other personalities.
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Ice Nexus, blue
Casts a vortex of whirling ice that draws in nearby enemies and deals damage when they hit the centre. Size can be changed with the Increased Radius support. Boneweave, blue support gem Link it to a minion gem and after summoning your maximum number of minions of that type, they combine into a bone dragon with the combined power and life of all minions. Gravity Orb, green Projects an orb around the player that repels enemies (perhaps it can drain mana constantly as long as it is on?) levels could increase the orbs size and mana cost. I AM ERROR
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A lot of these gems are *really* similar to each other. Here's something a little bit different.
Green Support Gem Teleporting Strike: Target an opponent with this attack and your character will teleport to that opponent, similar to Flicker Strike. Cooldown: 3 seconds 40% Increased Physical Damage Mana Modifier: 160% Each level reduces the Cooldown by 0.1 seconds and adds +2% Increased Physical damage. Blue Support Gem Storm: Any spell is turned into a storm centered at the cast point. For a large radius around that point, the spell will be cast randomly from the sky, inflicting damage to any near where it lands. Cooldown: 5 seconds Spells are cast at a frequency of your cast speed +60%. +25% increased damage Mana Modifier: 250% Red Support Gem Bloodlink: This only works on area of affect attacks (Sweep, Cleave, Ground Slam, Lightning Strike, Lightning Arrow, etc.). When you hit multiple targets with the same attack using this skill, all of those struck become bloodlinked. Any damage dealt to one enemy who is bloodlinked to other enemies gets shared among them all. This is dealt normally to the first target, but half of the total damage dealt is dealt as Chaos damage to the other targets. Cooldown: 3 seconds +10% increased AoE radius of skill (+0.5% per level) 30% reduced damage dealt (-1% per level) 6 second bloodlink duration (+0.3 seconds per level) Mana Modifier: 135% This is how bloodlinking would work. You would deal damage to one opponent, and all of that opponent's damage reduction, evasion, and elemental resists would be taken into account. If it is hit, then the attack would automatically hit all of the opponents bloodlinked to it. If it crits, it automatically crits them. The difference here is that the damage is divided to all targets bloodlinked to it. The attack is delivered as normal, and all of the targets get their resists and reduction to it (except that 50% of the damage is treated as chaos to all except the actual target struck). So, for example, if you hit an enemy for 100 physical damage who is bloodlinked to 4 other targets, this is what happens. The first target has some damage reduction, we'll say 20%. All of the others have 30% reduction. The 100 damage is divided among them all. The first target takes 20 damage, but 20% of it is reduced, so it becomes 16 damage. The other targets all take that 20 damage as well, but half of that is chaos damage. So they take 10 chaos damage + 10 physical damage, 30% of which is reduced. So they all take 17 damage each. Technically, it made one completely separate attack deal 12% extra total damage, spread to multiple opponents. This could become a very effective way to take out rare monsters by bloodlinking them to the minion monsters around them. Alteration Orb Union Local #7
I'll smash your nose with 20 Alterations before I'll sell them for 1 lousy Chaos. 16:1. No questions. |
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Skill require 1 hand weapon and free slot in offhand :)) sounds neat alrdy ? :)
Name would be master of Ki power Each 3rd attack would deal damage to all monsters in similar range of lesser multipled freezing pulse... up to 60ed at 17lvl and 60% bonus critic with max qualify Support gem wich would convert all spell damage nods/mods to physical ed% :) Shield knockback wich would knocback in range of cleave all enemies for range of x10 of regular konckback |
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Some legit good ideas in here!
Grapple Shot: Fire an arrow with a tether attached. The arrow embeds itself in the first object or creature in its path, and pulls you to it with great speed. Useful for both chasing or escaping. Far Sight: Your camera zooms out by 100% for 3 seconds, and you can see around corners. |
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Spore Shot (from median XL)
Arrow splits on impact and targets 2 more enemies, for 20% less damage, those two arrows split targeting 4 more enemies for 50% less damage. Minion Explosion Explodes target minion for 70% of life as physical damage in a small/medium AoE. Enemies killed by this have a chance to explode dealing 20% of life as chaos damage to surrounding enemies. |
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