Devs Please lock post as giveaway is over and things are getting silly.

Full body armor sets visual effect with unique designs and there even can be one for specific builds:
The summoner full bone armor set very detailed or skin/flesh efect like on the Carcass Jack chest
The Elementalist Body armor glowing/radiating with full spectrum colors
The Sharpshooter Very fine silk armor set with bright green details
The Berserker Removes all armor leaves only pants on and adds body scars blood marks
The Immortal Huge/voluminous heavy armor set in gold/auric/copper details
I know they would be very hard to code but it would be an expensive micro transaction and
a very amazing one in my opinion ;)
I have 783 builds in my poe.planner
I played 3 of those in the last 2 years
Please more 1 shot mechanics so
i reduce it to 1 . Thank you.
The Fireflies
Visual effect of small glowing fireflies that are not boud to a specific Item visually (could be a chest effect) but affects the whole charakter. When the carrecter stands still they fly around him, maybe spiraling.
The special: a) In fight they swarm one enemy. No effect to his abilitys or anything. They just dont like "master" is being attacked. b) they like light, when running around they tend to fly to the next light source / the brightes.

Might be difficult to do
Might be really beautiful.

Crazy. German. Storyteller. Writer. Poet.
Well, i would love to have a pet Xenomorph :)
"Chained rotten baby head belt visual effect"

Pretty easy to understand. Have rotten baby heads attached to your belt via chains, similar to the skulls Lady Dialla has attached to her waist.

It could be any type of head really, but a baby's head adds to the creepiness.
Since this isn't actually being made, and our imaginations are the only limit. I'd love to be able to purchase a Minotaur skin. Every ARPG you play a human excluding lame things like 'you're an alien/angel/vampire/robot who just happens to look like a human' and Darkspore because nobody likes Darkspore.
"the premier Action RPG for hardcore gamers."

Happy hunting/fishing
Fireworks! We need fireworks either simple ones with a cooldown of course or ones that say things like gratz or level up silly things like that. Make them pretty colours too!
Changing character name.
Obviously the new name should be available for use or the person can create a lvl 1 char and just switch char names.
IGN: GojoMojo
an "Hero" effect that can be attached to a chest piece, similar to weapon effects, transform your armor with this effect and show a glow or glowing aura around your armor.
could be the same kind of effects like Ebony, Radiant, Verdant etc etc or this could be a one item micro transaction and have it randomly choose a colour with different colours and have them listed from rare to common.


Common: Green, Red, Blue, Yellow.
Uncommon: Ice, Acid, Radiant.
Rare: Ebony, Arcane, Vampiric.

Something like that would be pretty cool.
and perhaps another idea is to implent Cloaks with the same idea.
but instead of making them physical, let them be formed by the effect, so instead of having a cloak behind you with the effect around it, have the effect form the cloak and that way you would only see a cool looking effect behind you looking as a cloak.

At least that are the thing that i could come up with lol.
I Hope i can submit more than 1 suggestion, let's hope i win. ( Important note : I did not comment in Youtube because i don't have a youtube account )

0/10 Inex suggestions ( bad suggestions ) :

1. RAISE MONSTERS : Allow you to raise every monster you killed to fight against your pets, different fight scences with different pets :) the monster can't fight with you and have no collision. The pet can fight against A LOT of monsters, if he meets a ton of monsters and can't deal with them he will call a brother/father to save him. And if you have already the strongest pet then you will see en "epic" battle :) ( the strongest should be able to kill Kole/Piety..)
Disabled in maps.

2. HC/ Onslaught League microtransaction : When you die your character becomes a statue that can be fought in another league, if 15000 HC character die then only 300-400 status would spawn per instance. In this league areas are larger. players would try to make the best player possible and kill it. level 60 (max) passed = can't go to that "other league" anymore. ( players will try to make the best level 60 char possible ) The boss that kill the greater number of players will be first in a special ladder.

3. A Victory wings microtransaction : Whenever you finish an area completely, wings come out from your body allowing you to fly in the area like a boss. And Only if you made the final hit! So if you are in a party only the guy who did the final hit would gain those wings : P

4. a mini " CHRIS " that would say a sentence you prepared before,
He would say it for every death ( Anarchy ) or every level up or every crit you do. ( very expensive cuz it will be chris real voice)

5. A PORTAL ( IN TOWN ) that teleport you to a place where you can read patch notes / Weakly diamond and eternal updates in game. Also, some secret screen shots ggg would have posted as wallpapers in that place. a relaxing place. You can meet other guys ofc.

6. Humans from bandits camp will follow you in other camps if you side with their leader, but will not fight ofc. ( they will appear in pools and streams, and bridge, if you sided with Alira )

7. A mini pet like a rhoa that FIGHT against monsters but deal 0 DMG. he will charge all the time and will be out of screen all the time hehe, other pets would cast spells but deal 0 dmg. ( pretty confusing in a party )

8. Bring Your family from Oriath, bring your wife/Husband/friend from a new npc available when you buy the new microtransaction. That npc has a ship and can bring someone to you ( let's suppose your wife wants to come to wraeclast : o

9. A general whisper that allow you to whisper all players! ( RMT sites would pay everytime to entertain about their sites, but ggg would gain money ) usable once.

10. Cosmetic affect : Bound you to another player ( a line or a wave that go from a player to another ) will be used by couples.. ( i see alot of guys with wifes here ) and will bind your user name to the other user name. ( same thing next to their name in the chat )

11. Node skins. ( enables you to color activated nodes )

10/10 Inex suggestions ( good suggestions ):


12. Colored light radius ( like the blue light Hailrake has in Tidal island ;) )

13. Introduce PET'S PETS !

14. The ability to draw graffiti tags : your name, in the ground / wall ( cool in races if there was a unique instance )

15. The ability to add LINES and words in your STASH. ( let's say you you put draw a square for your beloved goodly end game helm, around the square you could add a word : LOVE M HELM )
And in your passive forest ( but someone suggested this before)

16. A microtransaction that allows you to link a music you are listening to in the chat or in your personal status. Other players could listen to it.

17. A microtransaction to be able to link (in game) Screenshots you take in game. ( to show your stats idk )

18. Summon mini Henry, that fight all monsters and finish the game for you. Why bother be a hero exile when henry is there.

19. Buy A RANDOM KEY , that can BE USED IN A RANDOM PLACE ( you have to find that place ). It opens a portal to a place where you can find Chris, and his crew, you can either talk with him or leave a message if they are not there, you will have a 100% chance to be answered. You can talk with players who are in the same strange place ( players who bought the key ) Once used, its consumed. Community would play a game and try to find which key work in which place ( we are talking about +40 different keys, example : a Yellow-green could be used near special trees : Luanris and Solaris trees : )

20. Better frozen monsters break sound!

21. A character cosmetic to level up, he follows you and get levels as you you gain exp. He do not fight. If you reach level 10/20/40/50/60/70/85 he changes, you can show it in your profile / to other players by linking it. =As a trophy human disciple y know ;)

Anarchy/Onslaught T-Shirt Owner.
Trading Guide :
Killing Vaal merc with (600 life) : [Open Beta]
Let's be Crazy: / Old Suggestion:
<< God blesses those who bless themselves >>
Last edited by Inexium#6388 on Jun 30, 2013, 2:38:44 PM
1. Mystic illusion

Create 2 mirror shadow of youself. (black red blue green white or etc)


First it cool!

Second You cant see $hit in this game, with 2 shadow, you might be able to find yourself in the heat of battle.

2. Pop up damage text

Yes i like to know my damage, big crit number. any color text.


Why not? I buy this in a heart beat.

3. Summon shop gem! (sell item only)

30min cooldown

We all know at map, you can only pick so much items. This will help solve problem

hope i win :> please
Last edited by GOONK#0539 on Jun 30, 2013, 3:15:39 PM

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