{3.2.0} Spectral Gods: [Life Based Spectre/Golem Hybrid Summoner | Clear Speed | End Game Bossing]

alfapf wrote:
Mattc, you really like zombies, i see)
Me not, that's why i'm trying to get 21\20 spectre!
But we both the same want that +1 gems tabula!
And +1 gems chober(or white 6L one) would also be nice. I can't paint mine into 6 off to use it with spectres and swap main dmg using dual bargains+Graps on zombies.

And the guy said he has only 14+ other gems, that's why i posted he needs lvl 20. Especially if he uses spectres in only 4l.

hopefully you are not referring to me. all my gems are at least 18. several are 19.
mattc3303 wrote:
Sound advice.

Although the only 2 gems you absolutely need to get to level 20 is zombie and raise spectre. The rest is great but not crucial. My stand summoner still doesn't have everything 20/20 yet.

Thou am working on getting a 21/20 zombie and a +1 to gems Tabula by corrupting everything and feeling sad every time it fails =/.

As for the Grasp. Its about 15 ex on ambush. Pricey I know. This is why it is more of a recommended item getting or not getting it is not build breaking or anything.

Hi Matt,

What aura's are you currently running ?

and are they situational ? do you, for example, swap out PoL as needed ?

I try to do that, but managing the colors of slots to do it is really a problem.
plasticeyes wrote:
alfapf wrote:
Mattc, you really like zombies, i see)
Me not, that's why i'm trying to get 21\20 spectre!
But we both the same want that +1 gems tabula!
And +1 gems chober(or white 6L one) would also be nice. I can't paint mine into 6 off to use it with spectres and swap main dmg using dual bargains+Graps on zombies.

And the guy said he has only 14+ other gems, that's why i posted he needs lvl 20. Especially if he uses spectres in only 4l.

hopefully you are not referring to me. all my gems are at least 18. several are 19.

You wrote this on prev page:
I have decent gear (5L chest), level 18/19 gems and it's still a bunch of work. at +14 levels.

What spectres are you using? What links?
About auras:Discipline, clarity, poe are musthave. The rest is up to you-depends on how much can you fit. You'll need high level reduced mana gems to fit more and a lot of passive nodes.
As for me, summoner is not really viable without at least 5 auras. Especially haste-huge DPS increase for minions.
Last edited by alfapf#5389 on Mar 19, 2014, 2:40:19 PM
alfapf wrote:
plasticeyes wrote:
alfapf wrote:
Mattc, you really like zombies, i see)
Me not, that's why i'm trying to get 21\20 spectre!
But we both the same want that +1 gems tabula!
And +1 gems chober(or white 6L one) would also be nice. I can't paint mine into 6 off to use it with spectres and swap main dmg using dual bargains+Graps on zombies.

And the guy said he has only 14+ other gems, that's why i posted he needs lvl 20. Especially if he uses spectres in only 4l.

hopefully you are not referring to me. all my gems are at least 18. several are 19.

You wrote this on prev page:
I have decent gear (5L chest), level 18/19 gems and it's still a bunch of work. at +14 levels.

What spectres are you using? What links?

oh, i meant my summoner is level 82 and therefore +14 levels over SoG which is 68.

undying evangelists x 2. however i think that i probably need to use 1 evangelist and 1 flame sentinel. i have yet to try.

my links are:

RS 19 , MD 17, ML 18, increased duration 15 to extend life of bubble

i was obviously mistaken. the minion damage is only 17. i'm not sure why that is ! it's possible that while i was using burning miscreations i wasn't leveling it or something like that. it's very strange.

it is a +2 minion gem helm and those are the actual gem levels, so effective levels are 21,19 and 20.

obviously if i could get my hands on a TR then i could 5L the spectres, or 6L the spectres and 5L the zombies.

looks to me like the favored links for evangelists are conc effect/iaoe.

since i have only the 1 slot i use ID to make the bubble last longer.

i may be better of making the helm BBBB and using conc effect to boost their attack. the problem is that i'm uncertain how good their attack is, and so prefer to buff the defense, for right now.

BTW, thank you again for your advice. i do appreciate it.
that's why I always visit this thread- i find it to be very helpful (i don't know how i missed the existence of the new helm!!!)
Try using remote mine+fast cast+minion dmg with evangelists-they deal decent amount of damage.
Btw, why only 2 spectres??
Use boots for +1 and get +1 from nodes ASAP.
alfapf wrote:
Try using remote mine+fast cast+minion dmg with evangelists-they deal decent amount of damage.
Btw, why only 2 spectres??
Use boots for +1 and get +1 from nodes ASAP.

i will try remote mine, but did you see my math ? as an _added_ gem it would of course be extremely valuable. but replacing MD with RM seems much less of an advantage. however for the spectres that makes a lot of sense since i'm not going to summon them in the middle of a fight anyway.

faster casting ?! doh! of course, and that would help flame sentinels too. thank you !


i have the +1 spectres node, that gives me 2 spectres.

i'm not using the bones of ullr but i have them. that would give me 3 spectres.

do you mean use queen's decree to get a 4th ?

matt- saw your videos on reddit, keep it up ! really liked the torture chamber tutorial as well.

couple of random thoughts-

1. this is kinda embarrassing, since I played summoner for so long, but is there a specific minion speed cap for spectres ? I never bother to quality my 9% RS gem, in a year Ive played as a summoner. I know flame sentinels are fast enough to cap move speed, but are evangelists ?

2. with the new corrupted mods on wiki, looks like any amulet can roll a +1 to curses.
this makes a GG summoner amulet (usually life+dex+mana/regen/resists that is not terribly expensive without mf) successfully vaaled into a monster. even tho you may lose your [legacy]/non-legacy onyx implicits, gaining tons of passives to not use whispers of doom while retaining all other mods is so huge. I might be buying some of those ammies on standard and try to vaal them.
No problem. I have a lot of free time during my spring break so why not make a few vids =).

for those who missed it

Vaal Cyclone + summoner = GG fun

How to handle torture chamber boss on a summoner


1. Honestly I have no clue either. I never really bothered with maximizing my minion's movement speed as with smoke mine your minions can move where you want them to move, on command.

2. My focus has been on that 21/20 gem and tabula +1 mostly. It seems like I barely need to curse much, things are dropping dead too fast. +1 curse would be nice however am pretty stat dependent on my gear dropping my str/dex ammy would be bad for me.
Necronomicon: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1617098
Build: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/409940
Summoner Dischord: https://discord.gg/XwWdSUa
Youtube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/zhoukon
Last edited by mattc3303#7526 on Mar 19, 2014, 4:55:00 PM
Speaking of +1 curses.

Interesting, but not what I was going for.
how many of you guys are on invasion?

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