{3.2.0} Spectral Gods: [Life Based Spectre/Golem Hybrid Summoner | Clear Speed | End Game Bossing]

i'm sry before if i was repost..

i just want to ask my zombie is not tanky enough so i'm going for necro aegis with crest of perandus is it good? and about remote mind i kinda dont like click trap+D button so i just using minion damage + added fire damage it just optional anyway
The best shield to necro aegis is Rathpith globe Imo. You can achieve max 75/75 block with bone offering + skullhead.

Remote mine offers wayyyyyy more damage. But you can do as you wish =).

Necronomicon: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1617098
Build: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/409940
Summoner Dischord: https://discord.gg/XwWdSUa
Youtube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/zhoukon
I have a non-snapshot set-up with a 5L chest and a 4L +2 to level of minion gems helm.

I'm having a hard time figuring out the best combination.

glossary :-)
RS/Z raise spectre/zombie
ML Minion Life
MD Minion Damage
IB Increased Burning
MS multistrike
MP melee physical damage

Spectres on helm

BBBR : RS ML MD IB (increased burning for BM)

Zombies on chest


So if I put evangelist on the helm i'm thinking increased duration, but going BBBB and I could use IAOE or conc effect.

However I can't figure out if I should put the zombies on the helm and the evangelists on the chest.

Opinions ?


I have a lot of free time, spring break xD...

Torture Chamber Boss fight and tips. This one use to be a tough one but now with smoke mine + evangelist its pretty easy.

The fight:
1. Get to the boss asap
2. If your focused by the beam spam your seething flasks and break the line of sight asap
3. once his dead move away fast. smoke mine and proxi shield incoming fire.
4. smoke mine in various locations and either kill or wait for the totems to time out

More fun with vaal cyclone in 7x maps:

Necronomicon: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1617098
Build: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/409940
Summoner Dischord: https://discord.gg/XwWdSUa
Youtube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/zhoukon
hmm i though the best shield was darreso's courage (more physical damage + all resist + spell block) but thx for info anyway XD

Why not using trap+sunblast instead of min dmg for evangelists?
39% more+40% increased seems better than 92% increased...
i have a question to the snapshotting. read your guide and wanted to make it work but it doesn't. i just mean the tabula rasa snapshotting to 6L the zombies and spectres. has ggg removed it? everytime i do it and swap the items in town and go out again my spectres and zombies are gone. (and yes i've put the zombie and the spectre gems in the exact same slot of the item.
Your guide is great, I really enjoy reading it. Could you please update your Cloak of Defiance build and split it in every 30 levels, like you have with the regular build. Also what auras do you recommend to have first when leveling? Like Anger. Wraith or Arctic Armor?

Thank you in advance.
I keep reading how tanky Evangalists are, but if I enter a Physical Reflect map they are all dead after their first cast. I am running a lvl 18 Spectre gem, and I link it with Faster Casting, Remote Mine, Conc. Effect, Inc. Aoe and Minion Damage. They never die to anything else no matter how many mobs they tank.

So, how do I make them survive Reflect? Life Leech gem doesn't seem like they best idea, as they more or less oneshot themselves on big packs.
ign Chyetheral
Chyet wrote:
I keep reading how tanky Evangalists are, but if I enter a Physical Reflect map they are all dead after their first cast. I am running a lvl 18 Spectre gem, and I link it with Faster Casting, Remote Mine, Conc. Effect, Inc. Aoe and Minion Damage. They never die to anything else no matter how many mobs they tank.

So, how do I make them survive Reflect? Life Leech gem doesn't seem like they best idea, as they more or less oneshot themselves on big packs.

nerf them. seriously, you'll just have to take out some damage support so they don't kill themselves and then just use the bubbles as pure defense.

life leech won't work without vaal pact because the leech won't apply fast enough.

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