{3.2.0} Spectral Gods: [Life Based Spectre/Golem Hybrid Summoner | Clear Speed | End Game Bossing]

i just died INVASIO cruel a3

was wondering is this build viable for fresh start invasion>?
NiNcsszaM wrote:
hey guys,

did some tests with Burning Miscreations and their clear speed is not bad at all.
I only did piety runs, but I dont see that huuuge change everyone is talking about at all.
I think there was like +2 sec of burning before piety died. Its nothing. Its weaker but not that much.
Maybe its more apparent in 72+ maps or something but I doestnt seem that build breaking.
AM I missing something?

0.1 second kills of white mobs in lv 72 map to 2 second kills of white mobs in piety area(lv 65)... gg they are out of the rotation of specters I'm willing to run.
Last edited by DarkHeart69#3094 on Mar 10, 2014, 2:32:16 AM
Why is Melee physical damage considered better than Minion damage?(for zombies) The wiki says that Minion damage is strictly better.
how good would it be to use remote mine + trap supports + that one trapper belt
Invasion-wise, there's tons of one-shot potential, so I think summoners won't have it well until endgame, and even then you will get your spectres (and most likely yourself) killed. Evangelists would be my only choice for spectres there, and is basically never leave their bubble and make it as intrusion-less as possible, lol.

Also kept thinking how there's no way any summoner can do atziri...but then I realized there's a chance that flamebast can be considered outside the bubble spell. Might be possible to troll her with evangelists then. Would require enfeeble, temp chains, bone offering and overcapped+high max fire resists for sure. If its not an outside the bubble spell,I don't see how any summoner is able to kill her, period. She'll melt the most tanky mob in the game in mere seconds. I actually don't think shed be killable even with that COD exploit.
if you decide to go the EB/MoM route what do you do as far as gear choices as far as the ratio of base gear you have that has es on it? do you get all evasion/es some evasion some es or straight up all ES gear pieces ?
DarkHeart69 wrote:
NiNcsszaM wrote:
hey guys,

did some tests with Burning Miscreations and their clear speed is not bad at all.
I only did piety runs, but I dont see that huuuge change everyone is talking about at all.
I think there was like +2 sec of burning before piety died. Its nothing. Its weaker but not that much.
Maybe its more apparent in 72+ maps or something but I doestnt seem that build breaking.
AM I missing something?

0.1 second kills of white mobs in lv 72 map to 2 second kills of white mobs in piety area(lv 65)... gg they are out of the rotation of specters I'm willing to run.

And wouldnt you considered that seriously overpowered?

I havent played ribbon summoner in a couple of months but it takes like 2 seconds for their fireballs to arrive and they cover a smaller area. Are they actually clear faster?
mayainverse wrote:
if you decide to go the EB/MoM route what do you do as far as gear choices as far as the ratio of base gear you have that has es on it? do you get all evasion/es some evasion some es or straight up all ES gear pieces ?

I get all es(but must have life affix) whenever possible.

Currently at 4500+1800 unreserved. Will hit 2500 unreserved if a damn rathpith globe would drop in ambush league.
Last edited by AmbushRacer#3746 on Mar 10, 2014, 8:52:38 AM
Why is Melee physical damage considered better than Minion damage?(for zombies) The wiki says that Minion damage is strictly better.

Don't take what the wiki says for granted. To get the real results calculate the damage your self =). minion damage is better when there is no other more multiplier present. MPD overtakes minion damage when you apply another multiplier like remote mine into the equation.

if you decide to go the EB/MoM route what do you do as far as gear choices as far as the ratio of base gear you have that has es on it? do you get all evasion/es some evasion some es or straight up all ES gear pieces ?

I typically aim for about 500 mana left over after auras or so. Which lets you roughly take 1700 damage before breaking your 500 mana barrier. You don't have to go eva/es. In fact I went for a combination of armor/es gear and eva/es gear. Physical damage for the most part will not be much of an issue after IR/grace and AA. The only thing that chunks my character pretty hard is probably evangelist in 76+ maps. Their physical spell is ridiculous and slaughters my zombies another reason am heading towards that 75/75 block setup.

how good would it be to use remote mine + trap supports + that one trapper belt

trap does not have as much multiplier as MPD. And the trap belt stats does not transfer to your minions. At that point I think a 20/20 minion damage with 92% will be > than 34% more.

i just died INVASIO cruel a3

was wondering is this build viable for fresh start invasion>?

Most likely not. All the invasion bosses one shot mechanics would wreck your army over and over. You would have to use Iduration evangelist all the time and hope the bubble will protect.

Necronomicon: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1617098
Build: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/409940
Summoner Dischord: https://discord.gg/XwWdSUa
Youtube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/zhoukon
guys i have a few questions
1. is it viable for fresh start invasion with no items?
2. what should i do next like life/minionsc/auras/eb/mom?
3. when is the time to go for eb/mom?

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