Open Beta Supporter Packs

lichkingrg wrote:
xstylenx wrote:
TX m8

i think chris said some one on this post that the weapon effect overlaps one each other
so if you buy regal one and then divine you will only have the divine weapon effect
(i think same will happen with pets)

thats if you upgrade, hes talking about buying both seperately and not upgrading, I believe, it wouldn't make sense for it to be overwritten if you buy them seperately.
Ign: Elestrasza(Anarchy)/YoloSparkler(Standard)
Benjamminlaner wrote:
Chris, are you planning on adding content to the $12.5k pack? That's a lot of money for such little reward. The monster is great, but besides that there isn't a whole lot of value there more than the $1.5k bundle. At the very least give more points than 11000.

Still great job with the patches, and I'll be buying a pack for whatever I can afford! Keep up the good work GGG.

you get your own created monster as pet aswell. well lets say you get 10 keys for that pet.
which makes it pay 2 win because you can sell this keys for currency or other stuff ;).
Is it safe to assume these special weapons effects will be a part of the support packs and NEVER on sale separately?
IGN: Arlianth
Check out my LA build: 1782214
Grinding Gear Games is awesome and they are handling the launch of this game very well. I will continue to donate as long as they continue to introduce new and challenging content.

I loved Diablo 1 & 2, they were the first PC games I had. After being severely letdown with the third installment, I have come to love this game even more than those games combined. The crazy part is how this game continues to evolve and impress me with almost every patch.

Will new PVP leagues/events come soon?

Any plans for a permanent Cutthroat league?

Also, thanks for giving melee some love! :D
GGG <3



Homeless supporter, but very proud of it :P keep up the hard work!
* Cheers from Argentina, the land of ping and packet loss *


GMT -3
Last edited by peroquenariz#4493 on Jun 7, 2013, 11:15:23 AM
elegance92 wrote:
Isindel wrote:
Charan where you at! (Expects highest tier package)
Already done :P

Well damn, start throwing some money my way!
Divination Card - Emperor's Luck.
Ozgwald wrote:

I don't think you fully understand, yet.
Digital and phsysical goods have been made. The choice is already made by GGG. An apology won't do it. There is no sale strategic choice doing that. The best market solution w.r.t. old customers would be to make a discount system. Hey you spend so much in the past, due to being a loyal customer of our company we like to draw your attention to our new product, which we can sell at you for a discount. This is the very basis of selling subscriptions. GGG is known for discount tricks, they also did a stash tab deal going from CB to OB, so they do seem to value the company - customer relation.

Tricky bit here are the new customers. Normally this communique would be best done in private and through an pre-existing customer account system. A discount to old customers can be perceived now as bias. Thus the smart market move would be to sell the first 3 days at a 10% discount, such that new customers also had a discount option. This is all about how customers perceive products and their relation with a company. Since GGG are quite open and sell their products in an emotional way (thank to your support we can develop this game) you are likely to create an attached customer base (but not every customer will respond this way).

Anyways for most options it is a bit too late and the best choice for GGG is to do whatever gives them now the best revenue.

What they could announce now is that it is likely that in the future packages such as these are made more often (season package/ holiday specials) and that purely the pets and forum title stay unique, but having a forum title is not an unique.

If a discount or more open communique doesn't work for you than that is too bad. Unfortunately you and exorzist might not feel comfortable, with a deal. This is unfortunate, feeling understandable, but don't expect that things will be redone to cater to you. All you can hope for is a good deal or for a different approach by GGG in the future. It is also possible they lose customers.

I do like to note that since there is no subscription system in place or good track record, most revenue comes from new players. As the product is, people who already spend a fair amount of money will become less likely to do so in the future.

The best example on my previous post is the discussion about the ferari between tachi203 (you) and iamacyborg. Both of you clearly have a different perception on the product up now and the product you purchased in the past. Neither one of you is wrong. Who is wrong? Perhaps GGG is slightly wrong, because they failed to use marketing tricks as I mentioned to work on the customer relation.

Having options to upgrade your products would also help. This means current weapon effects get a similar upgrade, or a cheap upgrade options are possible in the future. You could also choose to sell the new style as new products. The choice here is between direct revenue and the customer experience. A good customer experience might yield more revenue on long term, while making sale choices for more revenue now, could cause bad customer experiences. My favorite topic the dual strike weapon effect. I think that is something where they can certainly reach out to customers, while probably even directly increasing their sale count as more weapon effects are bought instead of people buying the same one twice. The first option is more perceived value which means people are more likely to spend money buying credits.

Anyways I find it generally funny that after what I post the banter just continues onward. The entire discussion could be different and more mature and than probably a settlement that pleases most parties could easily be achieved.


lol, I understand you,

I am just putting up a good fight for the community.
And trying to let people know that they should prolly care alittle more about their rights and how the decisions the company makes affects them. And the probable outcome of the game.

Alittle alternative/Devils Advocate opinion never hurts, just leads to better descussion(And from the looks of it... Fresh/alternative discussion hasnt been in the forum for awhile).

Meh, Like I said. I'll live with an apology. Thats about as much compromise as my $250 worth of contribution and mistaken respect was valued at and I think it fair it gets an apology and for the others who paid out the ass and feel slightly wronged....

I know full well getting some profit loveing *Soul Crushing* capatalist business to do the right thing is pointless.

But it sure feels good to atleast be able to moan about it..... Its punishment in itself the company tolerateing/allowing my opinions to remain and be upheld by the community.
(Obviously some opinions on here dont like to see it.... But thats their problem)

Hopefully this will atleast give GGG alittle warning sign later down the track and keep them headed in the right direction with the "entire community" happy with what theyre doing.

Which benefits everyone in the long run...

But whatever,

I only brought the origonal pack for the kiwi and the hope that PoE would go F2P for all our money... :)

And now that it is... I am gonna sit here and marvel at being apart of that acomplishment :)

As GGG sells the Fakers(Open Beta Testers lol) similar perks.

Not much that can be done lol...."Its allready done".. I conceaded that way back in the topic lol :)

Now its just nagging at GGG and those insane enough to try and talk me out of being annoyed at them for this lol.

Regards. : For live streams, gameplay, news of me +(.

It is better to be violent, if there is violence in our hearts, than to put on the cloak of nonviolence to cover impotence. - Mohandas Gandhi
Last edited by tachi203#2942 on Jun 7, 2013, 11:24:20 AM
I just wasted 20$ on 200 points the other day.......... /cry

Now I can't afford the 110$ Supporter pack <_<
EA IGN: We_Have_Monk_at_Home

*Burnt out and waiting for either PoE1 League or new PoE2 Classes.*
elegance92 wrote:
Isindel wrote:
Charan where you at! (Expects highest tier package)
Already done :P

ha says he's on probation dang you'd think he'd get a lil leeway for that $
Strength and Honor,

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