0.9.2 schedule and my feelings on 0.9.1 balance

Awesome, cut-throat mode :3
IGN: Cadenza - Account Name
SheHulkPoRN - Critical Staff Sweep
ExquisiteVaginalPoker - 1h Axe/Shield Cyclone (Bringer of Rain)
LollipopCamelTOE - 2H Axe Cyclone
(Closed Beta since August 4th, 2011)
Chris wrote:
Bulkathos wrote:
chris ,pvp is for 0.9.3 or 0.9.2 ??/

We have some of cut-throat mode in 0.9.2, so there is a small amount of PvP enabled. 0.9.3 may add more!

Alright, the games on it seems :)
PainHammer (templar) - 18 LEGACY
MsPain (witch) - 23 LEGACY
MokkaJorma (duelist) - 37 LEGACY
HaveALittleFaith (ranger) - 38 LEGACY
NoGodsNoMasters (marauder) - 64 LEGACY
Chris wrote:
Bulkathos wrote:
chris ,pvp is for 0.9.3 or 0.9.2 ??/

We have some of cut-throat mode in 0.9.2, so there is a small amount of PvP enabled. 0.9.3 may add more!

Time to seperate the men from the boys.

(no pedophile jokes please.. its an expression)
Cut-throut mode? I'M IN!!
My little tribute to Diablo 1 aka why Diablo 3 is the worst part of the series.


ig: Witchfire_The_Unholy
Chris wrote:
Bulkathos wrote:
chris ,pvp is for 0.9.3 or 0.9.2 ??/

We have some of cut-throat mode in 0.9.2, so there is a small amount of PvP enabled. 0.9.3 may add more!

woooot!! xD
will hit box changes/fixes be in .9.2 or .9.3?
I've another question for you Chris; how long until we can sell items to vendors?
Can't wait for PvP!Bring on the patch!
I'm in so F! you timer!
Figured I should mention a few points:

Cutthroat is in this patch, but won't be enabled as a permanent league until we've done some test events. We'll let you know when these events are, as normal. They'll probably be pretty buggy at first, but it should be easy to resolve the last issues. An example of an issue we still need to solve is that people are currently vulnerable when arriving in instances.

We're anticipating deploying 0.9.2 to beta tomorrow (on the Monday Sept 12 workday. NZ time). Will post patch notes in the morning.

Darkfyre wrote:
will hit box changes/fixes be in .9.2 or .9.3?

Not in 0.9.2, but possibly in 0.9.3. Is there anything you're specifically referring to here, other than the fact that the hit boxes can be improved? Do you have a thread for reference that I might not have seen?

ardikus wrote:
I've another question for you Chris; how long until we can sell items to vendors?

Hopefully not too long. The people working on that have been doing stability improvements recently but should be back to proper features pretty soon!

Here are some 0.9.2 quotes from Alpha testers regarding stability:

Have played ~45 min and no unexpected disconnections. On the beta realm I have them ~30% of the time. I'll post again when I've spend some more time on the alpha tomorrow.

Spent a good hour and a half with around a dozen zone transitions and town portals throughout Act 1 with no problems whatsoever. Excellent improvement.
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Last edited by Chris#0000 on Sep 11, 2011, 4:43:18 AM

Here are some 0.9.2 quotes from Alpha testers regarding stability:

Have played ~45 min and no unexpected disconnections. On the beta realm I have them ~30% of the time. I'll post again when I've spend some more time on the alpha tomorrow.

i jsut want to say, in my playing i dont have more than 10 disconnects.
i havent been disconected from days,,,,
Last edited by Bulkathos#5093 on Sep 11, 2011, 6:01:48 AM

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