Yeah. We need an auction house.

I just tried to buy 3 items and got 14 of 15 people not responding.

Don't choose first listing - I didnt
Be willing to pay more - I did
Dont whisper old listings - I didnt, average one was in past 2 days, if not hours

Thinking critically, I think the game devs absolutely failed to account for the AFK factor.

I dont think people generally even mind the annoyance of alt tab, sent message, go to hideout, trade.

No, its the factor of having to do that TEN #&$&#* TIMES to achieve a trade.

Lets imagine the devs want to add an annoyance factor of 50 to trade to make it less desirable. I disagree with the approach but I understand it.

The problem is, if the first 9 people ignore you, you have to do the friction factor TEN #&$&#* TIMES.

Suddenly, the annoyance factor is 500, not 50.

Thats the problem.

I think when people say AH what they mean is stop making me waste time over and over and over by messaging people.

This is also where I think Chris failed, I would bet a lot of money right now that in his last 7 years at the game, he was not actively playing and trading. No one hates themselves or the players enough to get one hit in 20 and keep this horrid system active.
Faustus didn't crash the currency market.

Trust Faustus.

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