The Legacy of Phrecia is Extended - Tentative Timeline for 3.26 Expansion

Thanks GGG! <3
Please let us Play legacy of phrecia until 3.26! Not new Economy and privat League in April. I am fine with playing phrecia next Patch because IT IS amazing! :) thx four Ur ongoing good Work ♥
Why end the Event at all when there will be no content until June? Makes no sense...
jesus christ june and still no new league lmaooo
Thanks for good content for slack supporters like me. Precia is fun, i apreciate the prolonged season!
cheers, hf exiles
1 league per year is reality...
I don't want to play poe 2 in any form... local atlas is stupid remake of the Delve
IGN @SexyMilf
Well, at least someone @ GGG seems to have realized that tossing the game that enabled them to make the sequel into a dumpster was a bad call.

We'll see though, the league cadence needs to go back to where it was, otherwise people will keep calling the first game dead and it'd be a real shame it were to happen for real.
Obvious move...

There are still loyal players to poe1 that should not suffer from the failed venture of poe2.

Please stop it.
Hi, can we get the option to start a private league on console? Atleast for SSF pleayers please.

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