The Legacy of Phrecia is Extended - Tentative Timeline for 3.26 Expansion

Lullig89#2872 wrote:
Please focus on PoE1 leagues. Close down poe2, no meaning to keep going with that.

GGG's Tencent overlords think otherwise, so otherwise it will be now .. there's a reason Wilson left without saying a word to his loyal playerbase.
Didn´t you say you´d start with Phrecia, and now youa re endign with it? XD
You forgot to make the usual announcement about the weekend stash tab sale ?
All good, the game still spams it in-game every ten minutes.
GGG - Why you no?
y3lw0rC#4020 wrote:

How about something like this: after phrecia event ends in april, launch phrecia event 2.


Next event will be called Phuckia, so guys don't forget to buy more supporter packs, haha
i think the studio is not capable of maintaining 2 games. and someone fucked up really bad in allocating man power and setting timelines / goals.

now both games are not worth to play sadly. its been fun 10 years thank you big time everyone.
Yeah, it's often said that poe1 is suffering from poe2, but the reverse is equally true, if not more.

If poe1 had never existed and had poe2 be the first of GGG's, then it is likely that poe2 would be much more appreciated.
Not only it would not have to suffer from the angry review of part of poe1 community, GGG also wouldn't be under as much a pressure to fix shit asap as it is, ane that would be a much better working environnement to improve the game.

The way poe2 was developped is, somebody woke up from a dream of poe1 Ruthless and tried to explain that vision from an alternate reality where poe1 exists to GGG. And so we have this game and its frankly pretty close to the vision that mad guy had. So bravo GGG.

And don't tell me that poe1 does exist and that GGG sould've made poe2 better instead of worse. Because the reality is GGG has chosen to forget it ever existed and any lessons learned from it.

Rate the game for was it is. A first attempt from an inexperienced company at the ARPG market. And it's a good one imo. I don't like poe2, but I think it's a commandable first game.
Yeah, it's often said that poe1 is suffering from poe2, but the reverse is equally true, if not more.

If poe1 had never existed and had poe2 be the first of GGG's, then it is likely that poe2 would be much more appreciated.
Not only it would not have to suffer from the angry review of part of poe1 community, GGG also wouldn't be under as much a pressure to fix shit asap as it is, ane that would be a much better working environnement to improve the game.

The way poe2 was developped is, somebody woke up from a dream of poe1 Ruthless and tried to explain that vision from an alternate reality where poe1 exists to GGG. And so we have this game and its frankly pretty close to the vision that mad guy had. So bravo GGG.

And don't tell me that poe1 does exist and that GGG sould've made poe2 better instead of worse. Because the reality is GGG has chosen to forget it ever existed and any lessons learned from it.

Rate the game for was it is. A first attempt from an inexperienced company at the ARPG market. And it's a good one imo. I don't like poe2, but I think it's a commandable first game.

If I had a chance to rate poe2 without ever existing poe1, i might buy 30$ support pack somewhere near middle of 2026, cause right now I know that there is a lot of games like grim dawn and last epoch.

I would barely belive that some noname new Zealand company might create something better than I currently play/have.

Yes in the world with no poe1 development and release schedule would be much smoother, but at the same time the company who making it have no experience and no reputation. The game would probably be left in the field, like alit of good small projects goes right now.

This hypothetical bullstuff is pretty destructive and do sounds like childish whining "I better be born in a better family." GGG is GGG, poe2 is sequel for poe1 and company which making them guk-up the management part of their job.

Right now only thing we can do is show our support to the company, they will climb up in one direction or another. There is more than 2 games and more than 2 type of people play the game you like and support developers of that game, that's the best things you can do first.
sooo cool

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