The Legacy of Phrecia is Extended - Tentative Timeline for 3.26 Expansion

I get that PoE 2 has delayed some things, but I hope 11 months between leagues doesn't become the norm :(
Life is short. Deal with it.
Billick#7972 wrote:
I get that PoE 2 has delayed some things, but I hope 11 months between leagues doesn't become the norm :(

Me too, me too. :(
Big sad.
It's a serious problem that none of the PoE games are getting actual content.
I understand that they want to push PoE2 into a place where it's actually a good game, but sacrificing PoE1 is a horrible idea!

11 months without content is crazy!

(phrecia is NOT content, it's a small event, and the effort there, should have been spent on a league or PoE2 content!)
Last edited by clindberg88#5561 on Mar 14, 2025, 1:54:14 PM

I think poe 1 can be deleted, they probably won't launch the new league in June, they'll have problems again, they'll postpone it again. Then they'll refuse altogether and focus on poe 2, asking for forgiveness with a sad face.
Billick#7972 wrote:
I get that PoE 2 has delayed some things, but I hope 11 months between leagues doesn't become the norm :(
I think this will be the last POE 1 league, like a farewell, if there will be one at all.
They are also using this to comply with Steam's policies on updating early access games. They will announce a week before this date that it is extended another month.
kelzod#3040 wrote:
Do we get to keep characters from Phrecia? I still cant play necro settlers characters since they dont migrate. I was close to finishing the campaign and lost the character at 65. I made it to 42 in phrecia but lost motivation since it seems temporary and no response from support of forum or email. I would just play standard but I do like the respec for gold feature of this league.

How do you have supporter badges from the very start of poe1 and yet your queries make you sound noob asf?! Did you spoof your account?

Yeah some of these are super weird... the campaign is like 8 hours tops if you're dicking around, playing you're own build on a new skill, and you're not good. I don't understand, you could just level another character in settlers if you're only concern is the respec.
Yeah, it's often said that poe1 is suffering from poe2, but the reverse is equally true, if not more.

If poe1 had never existed and had poe2 be the first of GGG's, then it is likely that poe2 would be much more appreciated.
Not only it would not have to suffer from the angry review of part of poe1 community, GGG also wouldn't be under as much a pressure to fix shit asap as it is, ane that would be a much better working environnement to improve the game.

The way poe2 was developped is, somebody woke up from a dream of poe1 Ruthless and tried to explain that vision from an alternate reality where poe1 exists to GGG. And so we have this game and its frankly pretty close to the vision that mad guy had. So bravo GGG.

And don't tell me that poe1 does exist and that GGG sould've made poe2 better instead of worse. Because the reality is GGG has chosen to forget it ever existed and any lessons learned from it.

Rate the game for was it is. A first attempt from an inexperienced company at the ARPG market. And it's a good one imo. I don't like poe2, but I think it's a commandable first game.

GGG would've flopped so hard XD. If this was their first game it wouldn't have gotten off the ground. It would be the new no man's sky and people would be saying they were clearly ripped off.
fostaa#0384 wrote:
1. Settlers took more than 7 months already. It will be 11 months in late June.
2. The Legacy of Phrecia seems to be a temporary event and not an actual league, meaning that all items and progress will be lost? With respect for the content in Phrecia - it is almost a fully operational league with all these ascendancy changes. You better keep most of that in 3.26, seriously.
3. Ending this 'event' in late April but planning to release the new 3.26 league in June? That means 1 to 2 months of nearly 0 players in Settlers. Where's the logic in this? Why not just extend the Phrecia until the last week before 3.26 is released???

They're going to. The reality is they don't have hardly anything to announce and they have to be in a pure panic over the feedback. Steam has requirements about how often the game needs to be updated while it is in early access so they are just spreading out posts so if someone loses focus on the wrong month they have time to put something out. Normies aren't going to make Tencent money after this year and they are starting to realize that. You've gotta be a special kinda weirdo to like POE. You have to enjoy the punishment and reward of learning the 1,000,000 things. POE2 is just about punishing you without you needing to learn anything XD.
My feedback for what its worth on both games;

POE1 needs dodge roll and identification vendor options

POE2 needs bosses in every map, Atlas progression & crafting systems like POE1

Uniques in both games need some big power upgrades - all that hard work on artwork for literally nothing. #vendortrash

I struggle to believe this is a real person... There are 15 flavors of dodge roll in the game and you get access to most of them before the end of act 1... This doesn't make any sense at all, in fact dodge roll would never see a spot on the bar. You'd always use something that can scale with attack / cast speed, or something that is instant.

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