What is up with the decision making? They trying to kill their own game?

I am starting to think poe2 are just an early april fools joke.

Ruthless game mode from poe1: An unpopular and badly recieved mode by majority of players. poe2 = Let´s remove softcore and make Ruthless basegame in poe2!!!!

Trials of chaos/sekhemas: Both unpopular and badly recieved mechanics by majority of players. poe2 = Let´s make those two mandatory for progression!!!!

ARPG games, The entire point is more focus on combat and loot drops. poe2 = let´s make loot drops very bad and poor and force players to stand around in town not doing combat or getting loot drops but instead looking for items at vendors + stand in the chest "crafting" which are the worst crafting ever, it shouldnt even be called crafting how bad it is, it´s more like loot drops with a magnitude of extra steps, you got as little choices in the "crafting" as with loot dropping from monsters.


And now i just read the 0.2 announcement, WTF , seriously?????? The support gems showcased???? + the change in towers making them even more annoying???? Is this a joke????

Most people find the atlas towers annoying to do, so instead of making the towers for example free if you do a connected map it auto unlocks the towers. No,no,no absolutely not, this is poe2. poe2 = Let´s embrace this badly recieved annoying towers and make the towers like maps and extra hard and time consuming to do!!!!!

D4 got a lot of criticism for their loot system, it was badly recieved due to it was too many conditions required. The stats look like this "If it´s night on odd week days and you are eating a carrot while using an axe you deal x amount of troll damage", instead of "x amount of damage while wearing axes", basically just too many conditions that need to be filled for the effects.

poe2 = OMG YEAH!!!! A badly recieved system!!!! Let´s implement it into our support gems!!!!

And the list just go on and on and on with decision making like this.

It´s like they are trying to speedrun some guiness world record in most badly recieved past mechanics in a game genre into a new game.

At this point, if the ARPG player base in general like something in poe2 they should give the devs negative feedback on it, and if they don´t like it they should pretend they like it! The devs really trying hard to kill the fun and embrace everything with negative feedback
Last edited by ScandiDiver#0604 on Feb 27, 2025, 11:14:30 PM
Last bumped on Mar 1, 2025, 4:14:44 AM
Most ppl think "towers" are annoying because there is basically nothing in them, but with bosses and mechanics we can add... where is the problem!?

And what is wrong with the new support gems? I mean, they don't showcased all new gems.

We don't know much about 0.2.0 atm and ppl still go nuts...
Most ppl think "towers" are annoying because there is basically nothing in them, but with bosses and mechanics we can add... where is the problem!?

And what is wrong with the new support gems? I mean, they don't showcased all new gems.

We don't know much about 0.2.0 atm and ppl still go nuts...

And there´s nothing in them because the entire base design of towers are narrow corridors with not enough place to spawn monsters nad it work against the end-game mechanics like breach/delerium etc that need open spaces to spawn monsters to be worth juicing up.

They have just made a significant overall nerf to the atlas with this tower change. Adding bosses and breaches changes nothing with that! Rather the opposite, it makes the towers even worse, since now not only do you need to spend more time on these useless maps that still will have nothing in them compared to normal maps. But also when you now put tablets into towers end-game effects they are more diluted and some of the "things" will be wasted on towers, instead of good maps worth to put resources into and juice up!

They have no clue what they are doing!

And the support gems, i just explained in the original post what´s wrong with them, if you can´t understand from my explanation there it´s no point for me to explain any further.
Last edited by ScandiDiver#0604 on Feb 27, 2025, 11:48:07 PM
We don't know much about 0.2.0 atm and ppl still go nuts...

I think people will go nuts no matter what and it doesn't even matter, people will play the game anyway just because it's awesome.
We don't know much about 0.2.0 atm and ppl still go nuts...

I think people will go nuts no matter what and it doesn't even matter, people will play the game anyway just because it's awesome.

I don´t need to try a car with squared wheels to know it´s gonna be bad! A person knowledgable about cars and physics will instantly know before trying it´s a bad decision!

Same with a lot of these changes they showed. You guys that are absolutely clueless about ARPG games and how the mechanics function might not know enough. But for anyone that have knowledge about these types games and how different mechanics work with each other can instantly see how bad these changes are, just like we don´t need to try a squared wheeled car to know it´s bad.
Last edited by ScandiDiver#0604 on Feb 27, 2025, 11:51:25 PM

I don´t need to try a car

But you will :)

And the support gems, i just explained in the original post what´s wrong with them, if you can´t understand from my explanation there it´s no point for me to explain any further.

You mean this nonsense?

D4 got a lot of criticism for their loot system, it was badly recieved due to it was too many conditions required. The stats look like this "If it´s night on odd week days and you are eating a carrot while using an axe you deal x amount of troll damage", instead of "x amount of damage while wearing axes", basically just too many conditions that need to be filled for the effects.

Darling, you are the one not understanding the new support gems...
They are not designed this way for the lulz, they are that specific in their effect because they are meant for SPECIFIC skills and interactions and not as a super viable thing for every skill. Anyway.

Furthermore, to your tower take - tell me you only play "Breach" without telling me.

The tower layouts are actually really good for "Delirium" while "Expedition" and "Ritual" don't really care about the overall layout.
Last edited by JakkerONAIR#4902 on Feb 28, 2025, 12:05:12 AM

And the support gems, i just explained in the original post what´s wrong with them, if you can´t understand from my explanation there it´s no point for me to explain any further.

You mean this nonsense?

D4 got a lot of criticism for their loot system, it was badly recieved due to it was too many conditions required. The stats look like this "If it´s night on odd week days and you are eating a carrot while using an axe you deal x amount of troll damage", instead of "x amount of damage while wearing axes", basically just too many conditions that need to be filled for the effects.

Darling, you are the one not understanding the new support gems...
They are not designed this way for the lulz, they are that specific in their effect because they are meant for SPECIFIC skills and interactions and not as a super viable thing for every skill. Anyway.

Furthermore, to your tower take - tell me you only play "Breach" without telling me.

The tower layouts are actually really good for "Delirium" while "Expedition" and "Ritual" don't really care about the overall layout.

I absolutely understand the new support gems. It´s you that don´t understand. There´s always an argument for how and why about anything and everything, you making an argument for how and why don´t make it good. Overly specific conditions for effects are not liked by most players, it´s already tested and proven, most people don´t find stuff like that fun. Reason being overly specific item effects destroy build diversity, and build diversity are what a lot of people find fun.

You can go on all day about how and why, since it´s already proven oversly specific items that kill diversity are not liked by most there´s nothing to discuss about it. You are right now arguing for why how a squared wheel car are so good!

Yeah, like expedition and ritual gonna be great spawning in narrow corridors.

This is an everall atlas nerf, diluting the tablet effects onto thin corridor maps with less monsters spawning and most people find annoying to play.

Last edited by ScandiDiver#0604 on Feb 28, 2025, 12:31:49 AM

I absolutely understand the new support gems. It´s you that don´t understand. There´s always an argument for how and why about anything and everything, you making an argument for how and why don´t make it good. Overly specific effects are not liked by most players, it´s already tested and proven, most people don´t find stuff like that fun, you can go on all day about how and why, since it´s already proven not liked by most there´s nothing to discuss about it. You are right now arguing for why how a squared wheel car are so good!

Yeah, like expedition and ritual gonna be great spawning in narrow corridors.

This is an everall atlas nerf, diluting the tablet effects onto thin corridor maps with less monsters spawning and most people find annoying.

You, in fact, don't understand the new gems. It literally doesn't matter that "most ppl" don't like gems with overly specific effects because these gems don't form the "base pool of support gems" - they are an addition to help "Skill Gems" that don't have really great support gems to choose.

And btw. where proof of your claim "most ppl don't like"?
You think the D4 mod comparison is some kind of proof? It's not.
This system wasn't disliked because it was overly specific, instead, it was disliked because it was nonsense.
Nobody wanted 7 mods that technically did the same thing, with the only difference - that each of them deals damage on a different day of the week.

Furthermore, wdym all the time with "narrow corridors"? The tower layouts are not just pure narrow corridors. They are linear, but linear is not the same as "narrow". You know, "Crypt" is narrow, but "Strand" is linear. One has not much space to spawn any mechanics in a useful way and the other one has.

I absolutely understand the new support gems. It´s you that don´t understand. There´s always an argument for how and why about anything and everything, you making an argument for how and why don´t make it good. Overly specific effects are not liked by most players, it´s already tested and proven, most people don´t find stuff like that fun, you can go on all day about how and why, since it´s already proven not liked by most there´s nothing to discuss about it. You are right now arguing for why how a squared wheel car are so good!

Yeah, like expedition and ritual gonna be great spawning in narrow corridors.

This is an everall atlas nerf, diluting the tablet effects onto thin corridor maps with less monsters spawning and most people find annoying.

literally doesn't matter that "most ppl" don't like gems with overly specific effects

This is all i need to read to know it´s completely pointless to even try to have a reasonable discussion with someone like you.

Some people like to eat bugs and animal brains, but that´s a small minority, bringing that up in a discussion how to make a great popular mainstream restaurant are completely pointless and nothing but strawmanning. And this is exactly what you are doing now. "literally doesn't matter that "most ppl" don't like bugs and animal brains"... "ok"

It´s common sense and a normal person understand such a simple concept that when discussing anyting at all trying to reach mainstream and wide popularity, decissions are in need to be made for what´s widely popular and most people like , and not a small niche minority.

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