The most ridiculous, super delayed, on death, 1 shot, 4500+ damage effect


Why Troll? Because i don´t have a quadrillion Posts a Day or what?
Was not my Attention to Troll anyone, i mean it.

I'm not talking about you, unless you are the same person from the very first reply on this thread insulting OP by saying that he is incapable of learning. Such insults are a trademark of this community's army of forum trolls who swarm anyone who provides any feedback of their one-button low-skill game.

You are literally saying the same "yadda yadda troll" stuff in every single thread you are in. And that's not even antagonising you because everyone can see your posts and it's a fact.
On death effects are for the most part a garbage mechanic. I can see the logic for the mobs that die and leave behind a toxic pool, or the d2 style ones that instantly blow up and are easy to spot. There is no place in a properly made game for delayed on death effects with little to no indication.
Fisshh77#8479 wrote:

This is the mechanic that killed me.

Yeah those things explode. Whilst it doesn’t need removing it sure as hell needs a telegraph that maybe missed in a ritual but in this video should be clear as day.
(ALL typos lack of caps, punctuation and general errors are copyright Timbo Industries - Laziness Division)
360 degree on death effects with no visual or audio cue should not be stacking damage in such a way.

Ie standing on the enemy allows all 10 of the quills to land, where as standing 2 feet away would probably only allow 2 of the quills to land?

The game is sort of here - there and everywhere in terms of its mechanics. . And you have to be accepting to the game's jankiness to continue playing it. For a normal player though if they played the game and their character just instantly exploded. With no visual or audio cue of what happened. and it required research to find out that the enemy they just killed released a 360 degree on-death effect and they ate every single projectile. What are they going to think? they're going to think in that instance that the game is trash right, because it's not making any sense. Which is obviously not what you want your player base to be thinking in any instance whilst playing your game.
dwqrf#0717 wrote:

Yeay : I got a stalker. Noice.

Funny, I've never really played PoE1, so I don't know why I would be an elitist of this cookie clicker game.

PoE2 is a better game because it's slower and more punitive. I like it really much. And when I die, it's my fault, not the game's fault.

But for some, it's the game's fault. Somehow. For those players that can't make their own build, craft their own gear, and think running the hardest difficulty shouldn't be... what's the words ? ha yes : hard and difficult.

PoE2 was made more accessible, that's right. You have much more infos in the game about the mecanics and keywords. Did GGG ever said they were making an easier game ? Nah, they didn't.

So tell me again : next time you kill a mob, are you going to rush in to grab the loot ; or make another post about how you died from totally bullshit effects ? That's the question.

Shouldn't player die from their mistakes ?
Or are you saying you are the best player in the world and that you can't die because you never do a mistake ?

I’ve got news for you, sorry to say but after 7.5 years of PoE1 and played PoE2 since launch day and in several builds that PoE2 is so much like PoE1 it’s unbelievable. If anything it’s got less than PoE1, the ‘much more info’ is barely useful except to start learning the very basics of the game (unlikely but could get you to endgame) and the only major changes are a new engine which is damned superb, the dodge roll, boss one shot mechanics and the new campaign/atlas. Everything else about PoE2 is what’s missing at the moment, but will come as EA progresses.
(ALL typos lack of caps, punctuation and general errors are copyright Timbo Industries - Laziness Division)
ignore me, i'm dumb
Last edited by DEvil27#6183 on Feb 19, 2025, 12:03:04 PM
I remember when in PoE 1 you had shit like totems exploding corpses from offscreen and some people still defended it.

There's zero excuses for post-death oneshots but here we are again.
Hearing several voices of reason and logic enter this thread warms my heart and gives me hope for the future of this community.
Well, in General, not the Community is the Problem, the Problem is GGG wants to make everyone Happy (Poe1 and PoE2) with the same Staff and that CAN NOT WORK.

I mean, you just have to watch and read whats happening... With that no Direction Direction, they will crush it sooner or later.
Last edited by Wolfsgeist84#9693 on Feb 19, 2025, 1:26:37 PM
Well, in General, not the Community is the Problem, the Problem is GGG wants to make everyone Happy (Poe1 and PoE2) with the same Staff and that CAN NOT WORK.

I mean, you just have to watch and read whats happening... With that no Direction Direction, they will crush it sooner or later.

I think it’s fair to say every company wants to make everyone happy but are very aware that they can’t. It’s the old ‘can please all of the people some of the time and some of the people all the time, but not all of the people all of the time’.

They have a direction and that direction will vary slightly to adjust for ‘most of the people’ when it’s not game breaking. People need to learn to be patient with a beta being evolved over its duration.
(ALL typos lack of caps, punctuation and general errors are copyright Timbo Industries - Laziness Division)
Last edited by Timbo Zero#8289 on Feb 19, 2025, 1:58:35 PM

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