PoE 2 has lost over 80% of its players in 3 months.

Bro this game f@cken ROCKS its supposed to be stupid hard, Nigh impossible... just keep ripping and gripping it, power will come make sure u research the top meta builds so the items u find ur knowledgeable about and their value, try crafting, do some homework watch some deadly streamers. this game is not for the faint of heart, i sold my first 1 div item for 1 EX i sold my first poe 1 fishing item for one chaos. i know i suck too! keep playing keep learning and ull get there my friend! u can do it bite its f@ken head off!
k4ncy#8648 wrote:
Bro this game f@cken ROCKS its supposed to be stupid hard, Nigh impossible... just keep ripping and gripping it, power will come make sure u research the top meta builds so the items u find ur knowledgeable about and their value, try crafting, do some homework watch some deadly streamers. this game is not for the faint of heart, i sold my first 1 div item for 1 EX i sold my first poe 1 fishing item for one chaos. i know i suck too! keep playing keep learning and ull get there my friend! u can do it bite its f@ken head off!

Hope you and your buddies have enough lunch money to foot GGG bills then:) Studying boss pattern in elden ring is not the same as suddenly ripping to completely random poorly telegraphed hazards and same looking mobs changing their damage by a margin every map. Gameplay remains dead straightforward, hold your 1 button (2 with new dodge roll), and hope your RNG defense holds. Not everyone considers this "difficulty".
k4ncy#8648 wrote:
Bro this game f@cken ROCKS its supposed to be stupid hard, Nigh impossible... just keep ripping and gripping it, power will come make sure u research the top meta builds so the items u find ur knowledgeable about and their value, try crafting, do some homework watch some deadly streamers. this game is not for the faint of heart, i sold my first 1 div item for 1 EX i sold my first poe 1 fishing item for one chaos. i know i suck too! keep playing keep learning and ull get there my friend! u can do it bite its f@ken head off!

Hope you and your buddies have enough lunch money to foot GGG bills then:) Studying boss pattern in elden ring is not the same as suddenly ripping to completely random poorly telegraphed hazards and same looking mobs changing their damage by a margin every map. Gameplay remains dead straightforward, hold your 1 button (2 with new dodge roll), and hope your RNG defense holds. Not everyone considers this "difficulty".

What’s your point? They should not play it and should play another game because this isn’t for them.
I tried Avowed, because it’s free to me on Xbox, because the internet told me it was good and I loved the Pillars of Eternity games. I hated it but didn’t jump on the forums for Avowed to say why and how they should fix it for me, didn’t even make a forum account.
There is an infamous historical saying (It’s so old that USA President Lincoln is claimed to have (he didn’t) paraphrased it replacing please with fool, but it’s origin is about 100-150 years earlier and was said in French by Jacques Abbadie) that says…
You can please some of the people all of the time, and all of the people some of the time, but you can never please all of the people all of the time.
Change the word people to players and you get the point ;)
(ALL typos lack of caps, punctuation and general errors are copyright Timbo Industries - Laziness Division)
Last edited by Timbo Zero#8289 on Mar 2, 2025, 3:19:40 AM

What’s your point? They should not play it and should play another game because this isn’t for them.
I tried Avowed, because it’s free to me on Xbox, because the internet told me it was good and I loved the Pillars of Eternity games. I hated it but didn’t jump on the forums for Avowed to say why and how they should fix it for me, didn’t even make a forum account.
There is an infamous historical saying (It’s so old that USA President Lincoln is claimed to have (he didn’t) paraphrased it replacing please with fool, but it’s origin is about 100-150 years earlier and was said in French by Jacques Abbadie) that says…
You can please some of the people all of the time, and all of the people some of the time, but you can never please all of the people all of the time.
Change the word people to players and you get the point ;)

I am not President Lincoln, but daresay you can definitely please more people with the single videogame by adding customizable difficulty levels, and not enforcing harsh death penalties because player loses a coin flip, or because game is still in rough shape with bugs.

If GGG did that from the start, there wouldn't have been such drastic CCU drops, which is this thread title. Building a game with ultra-heavy RNG influence is fine by itself, but then it will never be a "soulslike" game, and won't support soulslike penalties. People will vote with their legs (and wallets) away from it.
Last edited by Echothesis#7320 on Mar 2, 2025, 4:00:47 AM

What’s your point? They should not play it and should play another game because this isn’t for them.
I tried Avowed, because it’s free to me on Xbox, because the internet told me it was good and I loved the Pillars of Eternity games. I hated it but didn’t jump on the forums for Avowed to say why and how they should fix it for me, didn’t even make a forum account.
There is an infamous historical saying (It’s so old that USA President Lincoln is claimed to have (he didn’t) paraphrased it replacing please with fool, but it’s origin is about 100-150 years earlier and was said in French by Jacques Abbadie) that says…
You can please some of the people all of the time, and all of the people some of the time, but you can never please all of the people all of the time.
Change the word people to players and you get the point ;)

I am not President Lincoln, but daresay you can definitely please more people with the single videogame by adding customizable difficulty levels, and not enforcing harsh death penalties because player loses a coin flip, or because game is still in rough shape with bugs.

If GGG did that from the start, there wouldn't have been such drastic CCU drops, which is this thread title. Building a game with ultra-heavy RNG influence is fine by itself, but then it will never be a "soulslike" game, and won't support soulslike penalties. People will vote with their legs (and wallets) away from it.

In principle I agree, there are for sure things in this game I would personally have opinions on. For example things like the single portal issue (which imo should be a character creation option not forced) etc
But a thread about (what for this game and its predecessor) ‘natural’ retention loss over time in a beta is naive imho
(ALL typos lack of caps, punctuation and general errors are copyright Timbo Industries - Laziness Division)
Last edited by Timbo Zero#8289 on Mar 2, 2025, 4:11:58 AM

In principle I agree, there are for sure things in this game I would personally have opinions on. For example things like the single portal issue (which imo should be a character creation option not forced) etc
But a thread about (what for this game and its predecessor) ‘natural’ retention loss over time in a beta is naive imho

Natural retention loss is a thing for any game, and any game has features to increase retention. Some benevolent (just keep releasing new content along with harmless achievements like "collect all 200 animus fragments") in story-based franchises, some predatory and invasive, like all kinds of daily activities in MMO, where you basically lose progression if you don't log in and do stuff regularly.

GGG chose predatory, poe actively screws you over trying to appeal to your pride and tenacity, so you keep banging your head against the wall and remain on the hook. But what irritated me most when I first learned about it, is how GGG hides those features deep into endgame. You only meet penalties, mandatory trade, mandatory farm methods, full brunt of juiced RNG oneshots after putting quite some time (and possibly money) in this game.

Even trash anime MMO projects are up front about what you are signing up to, and remain consistent in their player experience and learning curve. In poe common new player won't expect a wall to suddenly rise in front of him at level 70+. So to continue playing he must familiarize himself with paid stash tabs, our stellar trade site, build guides (probably requiring to ditch his character and restart from scratch, yay +retention), and several 3rd party tools.

If this is what your game must resort to in order to sustain itself, can it really be called "state of the art" as some on this forum do?:)

In principle I agree, there are for sure things in this game I would personally have opinions on. For example things like the single portal issue (which imo should be a character creation option not forced) etc
But a thread about (what for this game and its predecessor) ‘natural’ retention loss over time in a beta is naive imho

Natural retention loss is a thing for any game, and any game has features to increase retention. Some benevolent (just keep releasing new content along with harmless achievements like "collect all 200 animus fragments") in story-based franchises, some predatory and invasive, like all kinds of daily activities in MMO, where you basically lose progression if you don't log in and do stuff regularly.

GGG chose predatory, poe actively screws you over trying to appeal to your pride and tenacity, so you keep banging your head against the wall and remain on the hook. But what irritated me most when I first learned about it, is how GGG hides those features deep into endgame. You only meet penalties, mandatory trade, mandatory farm methods, full brunt of juiced RNG oneshots after putting quite some time (and possibly money) in this game.

Even trash anime MMO projects are up front about what you are signing up to, and remain consistent in their player experience and learning curve. In poe common new player won't expect a wall to suddenly rise in front of him at level 70+. So to continue playing he must familiarize himself with paid stash tabs, our stellar trade site, build guides (probably requiring to ditch his character and restart from scratch, yay +retention), and several 3rd party tools.

If this is what your game must resort to in order to sustain itself, can it really be called "state of the art" as some on this forum do?:)

I hear what you are saying and have played both types.
Prime examples Neverwinter,WoW etc for addiction I’d argue not predatory.
PoE (1 as it’s far far far too early to put 2 into a catagory) has historically been what you called benevolent, they add a new league (content) each 3 months and if the new content isn’t game breaking or just plain unpopular it gets added to the core game. Sadly for PoE2 at the moment it’s seen as predatory (to use your term) because whilst in beta there are no 3 month new content leagues, and what we are seeing (or rather being promised, and only time will verify) is old PoE1 league mechanics being drip fed to us.
I agree this is annoying if you are impatient (I am ASD diagnosed so very impatient by nature) but also part of the beta development process.
I am praying that one of the early true PoE2 leagues adds for us some basic crafting rather than what we have in the beta. In the beta there are so many more important things to deal with and a light balance parse to correctly fix (not nerf) the outliers (a full balance parse, which some here are demanding would be a waste of time until all the classes ascendancies and acts are in the game) would probably be a good thing as well.
The PoE2 game has so far to go and so much time to do it, I just don’t get the concern of the sort of players in this thread (yourself excluded, you seem rather level headed in our dialogue) have for a game they allegedly dislike and still hang about to try and ‘nuke’ it or make GGG change it to their own personal taste. It’s naive mentality imo.
(ALL typos lack of caps, punctuation and general errors are copyright Timbo Industries - Laziness Division)
Last edited by Timbo Zero#8289 on Mar 2, 2025, 5:39:32 AM
LeFlesh#9979 wrote:
PoE 2 has lost over 80% of its players in 3 months because of balance issues.

As someone who never played POE1, this is why I uninstalled PoE2. After Technical Fixes/Performance Optimization, Game Balance is the most important aspect of design in my opinion. The devs electing to ignore balance except for when they want to do a 'reset' cemented my disinterest.

I'm confused. You uninstalled Deuce, never played PoE 1... Why are you still posting here? =0[.]o=
=^[.]^= basic (happy/amused) cheetahmoticon: Whiskers/eye/tear-streak/nose/tear-streak/eye/
whiskers =@[.]@= boggled / =>[.]<= annoyed or angry / ='[.]'= concerned / =0[.]o= confuzzled /
=-[.]-= sad or sleepy / =*[.]*= dazzled / =^[.]~= wink / =~[.]^= naughty wink / =9[.]9= rolleyes #FourYearLie
usually it's within 3 weeks :)

ofc everyone's gone when 3 months have passed without anything new happening.

I'm confused. You uninstalled Deuce, never played PoE 1... Why are you still posting here? =0[.]o=

Is the EA Feedback Forum reserved only for those who post their unwavering satisfaction with GGG's mediocre decisions?

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