Legacy of Phrecia Endgame Specialisation System

I hope increased chance to get a map is on all those idols, or common enough to where we can rotate in and out of map ones and strat ones without it being to much of a hassle.
So.... 100% chance for a strong box to be opentable again?

Probably not. Since it seems like they take up different amount of slots, and that looks like a 4 slot item
NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO dont do betatesting for poe 2 in poe 1 please for the love of god, ur current atlas tree is one of the best things that ever happened to poe 1
I understand that you want to test some new systems but replacing atlas tree for this? Please dont, either add it on top or scrap it. This is so many steps backwards even for a temporal event. Please reconsider.
This is ridiculous.

1. If this is really a 1 month event, stop adding things that require extensive farming and mechanic testing.

2. As other's have said, this smells a lot like a POE2 content test

3. Please stop trying to 'fix' this league debacle with events that fracture the player base. Necro Settlers league just further destroyed the in-game economy of settlers for the few remaining enjoyers. Adding new events doesnt bring back nearly enough players to justify the damage to existing players.

4. Regarding 3, just patch in the events to the current league.
“Freedom is what we do with what is done to us.”
Last edited by Piousqd#0073 on Feb 10, 2025, 9:18:46 AM
I just can't figure out what is going on with the decision making process at GGG lately. Everything feels like 1 step forward 2 steps back. This event had me genuinely excited to hop back in with some mix to playstyles and then they mucked up what we'll be playing for.

1. Since this is an event, there will be or SHOULD be almost no patching after it goes live. The whole point of this event was to tide us over while they go back to 3.26 or POE2. They changed way too much for this not to have some issues.
2. POE1 players love the atlas system. If anything, the endgame of POE2 is garbage because it lacks the agency & options that 1 has. So we take all that away???
3. As ZiggyD said, these relics need to be waaaaaaay more powerful than existing atlas nodes to make up for the lack of agency. These things are going to be a nightmare to acquire and even when they do it will have downsides in mechanics you don't want to run. This is going to be a mess to micromanage and I'm sure it will need testing, which defeats the purpose of a temp league.

This feels like way more than they can manage right now and the relic system is a fix that nobody asked for. It's not too late to pull this. I think you and the community might be glad you did.
another poe 2 beta test?
Last edited by _ToShIc#3459 on Feb 10, 2025, 9:26:21 AM
But why's the rum gone?!
This is more like a test of Poe2's system, but please think about it: Poe1 now has many leagues, while Poe2 only has four basic end-game modes. This set of things can be used in the current Poe2 because there are fewer end-game modes, but if it is used in Poe1, a more convenient trading mechanism will be needed to trade these statues, because there are too many end-game modes and canceling the talent tree will make the end-game mode of each league very fragmented.
To everyone whining about this one-month design experiment league, I have some words:


What do you think PoE1 has been for the past several years? Ideas flow freely between the two games. PoE2 started life as Poe1 v4.0. A lot of the QoL and balance work of the last few leagues were directly influenced, if not lifted in some cases, from PoE2.

The atlas tree did not exist for nearly a decade. The atlas system has changed radically several times over the years. It's normal for them to experiment with it, and over the lifespan of the game it's normal to see things completely go away. Get over it.
Last edited by DankMuffins#6362 on Feb 10, 2025, 9:35:13 AM

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