State of Early Access Update

WHEN ARE YOU GOING TO FIX THE LAG SPIKE ISSUES. 30 ms to 200+ ms every few seconds. THIS IS UNPLAYABLE. This isn't even about QoL. This is about, "I can't even Fn play this goddamn game anymore" bad. I don't care about any of what you posted IF I CAN'T EVEN PLAY THE GAME. I'm done until this gets fixed. And there are thousands of us still suffering. have they even acknowledged this issue?
slownlow#6864 wrote:
WHEN ARE YOU GOING TO FIX THE LAG SPIKE ISSUES. 30 ms to 200+ ms every few seconds. THIS IS UNPLAYABLE. This isn't even about QoL. This is about, "I can't even Fn play this goddamn game anymore" bad. I don't care about any of what you posted IF I CAN'T EVEN PLAY THE GAME. I'm done until this gets fixed. And there are thousands of us still suffering. have they even acknowledged this issue?

The effect that the lag spikes have on our prefrontal cortex is insufferable!

I'm just joking :P

In all honestly, I'm not sure if what I get are lag spikes or frame rates dropping, or what, but my graph spikes at the worst of times... So much stuff blends/clips on the ground/screen, it can be difficult to see what is what. Especially when my graphics are locked in at medium and the only thing I can control is monitor display (tv is 2160 and laptop is 1080), as upscaling makes everything so blurry that it is "playable but looks terrible". If I go with the higher display, the graphics get better, but the frame rate makes it unplayable and makes me die frequently. 2160 gets roughly 5-20 fps and is unplayable, 1440 is 15-25 fps and I played most of the campaign like this, while 1080 is 20-55 fps, which is blurry but playable... My laptop only has a GTX 1650, and I am praying I can get a new PC soon...
Let's work together to make this world a better place :)
Last edited by LostSoulz289#8506 on Feb 11, 2025, 1:00:02 AM
Let's work together to make this world a better place :)
Last edited by LostSoulz289#8506 on Feb 11, 2025, 12:43:52 AM
Gamr23#4849 wrote:
GGG thanks for all the I know you have your hands full trying to juggle 2 balls instead of one, (POE1 AND POE2)...but to this dilemma...I would like to add some simple solve this...

1) POE1 has been legendary...(and I have enjoyed it since closed beta)

2) Loving is the shiny new toy...WASD is a game changer! Graphics are amazing, love the lighting...the sounds effects...the music...the gritty-darker theme, and the new classes and gem skill system, fantastic job!

Here is a simple solution...bring all the best...of what POE1 is...and blend it in to POE2...just make 1 fantastic Path of Exile Game. (Call it Path of EXile Ultimate!...or any other catchy title)

Bring back in the Zoom, Zoom game play of POE1 (namely movement skills)...and the crafting system...of POE1.(miss it myself)

Many players also miss their MTX's and pets...(I realize it may be a daunting task to mitigate old characters from Standard league)...but if people can have their pets and MTX's it would make a lot of people happy in the community.

I know you shared your plan was to keep both POE1 and POE2 separate...but why not just have...the one great game again!

Forever an exile!

POE2 is shit because they mixed a lot of things that exist in POE1. They said it would be a different game, but it isn't.

They managed to leave disappointed those who like POE1 and new players (like me), who came looking for a challenging, mechanically interesting game, but it's just POE1 with better graphics.

POE2 and POE1 are identical games in the end game, there are no mechanics, there is no challenge, just a few one shot builds, you kill in one shot or die without even knowing what killed you, even with 20k ES, 91% evasion, all resistances at maximum.

This skill tree is the biggest lie in this game, as everything comes down to a few builds.

And finally and the most dirty of GGG's attitudes, maintaining this rotten market, which is only useful for use by Bots and users who do RMT.

GGG no longer cares about delivering a game as entertainment, they want to deliver this garbage and make as much profit as they can.
I'm done, too.

I played 300 hours, completed thousands of maps, and not a single dropped item was usable. Dozens of divines, hundreds of exs and items crafted with essences were still not viable. A game that never pays for all the time and effort invested.

It forces you to constantly visit the trading site and buy something just to keep playing. So what are we farming for hours, to drop a few divines and search for something on the trading site? What a ridiculous setup...

Why don't you guarantee at least one item drop to support the character builds that the developers have designed for the endgame (for super challenging high level map completions, or pinacle bosses, for example)? Shouldn't you reward a player who can already do that? For what purpose is trying to reach that point then?

Anyway, if you look at the number of active players, it continues to drop rapidly. Because you can never get the reward for your efforts.

If these issues are not resolved, most of those who have expectations like me will never return.
Cool, another announcement of the announcements you already announced. Great job. This is exactly what we ask for.
Last edited by l_Caxius_l#7930 on Feb 11, 2025, 8:13:25 AM
I hope you give us this week some 0.2.0 infos...

Or did you really use all this time for poe1 to make the few whiner happy?

Every news I am seeing is about PoE1. You left the new game with huge potential to cather to the dying one?

If you really want to release this game this year start popping out new content to test in the EA, and that pronto else you lose all potentional tester.

You lost 21% of your player base the last few weeks alone on steam.

And still you go with your "we cant tell you are date or specifics for 0.2.0" while you are pumping infos to poe1... A game that doesnt even have 10% of the player that poe2 has in its worst day! Are you nuts?

Give up the old and focus on new content

Steam numbers:

Poe2 150.000 players average vs 7.000 poe1 the last 30 day.

And you really thought giving ressources to poe1 was a master move? Insert clown meme
If the forums were a mediaval court, it would be filled with jesters and doomsayers
Last edited by PregnantSpadula#1970 on Feb 11, 2025, 10:22:18 AM
Like I've posted before, we need timeline and summary for future, not the past additions.
There shouldn't be two games. I don't understand the path they are going down. Deliberately choosing to fail at two things instead of making one awesome thing.
There shouldn't be two games. I don't understand the path they are going down. Deliberately choosing to fail at two things instead of making one awesome thing.

The plan was zoom zoom first game and soulslike ARPG second
If the forums were a mediaval court, it would be filled with jesters and doomsayers

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