PoE 1 PC servers are restarting in:
They should be back up in approximately .
PoE 1 Xbox servers are restarting in:
They should be back up in approximately .
PoE 1 Sony servers are restarting in:
They should be back up in approximately .
PoE 2 servers are restarting in:
They should be back up in approximately .

This is a mistake

This whole situation reminds me of the nostalgic and closed-minded people in World of Warcraft. People who could never move on beyond Vanilla or Lich King and repeat the same content on a loop for twenty long years... Luckily I was able to appreciate the evolution of the game and I kept going and I enjoy the game or the retail version as you want to call it. So I imagine that history will repeat itself here, people unable to move on from Poe to Poe 2 and waiting for priority content when they are really a minority that GGG will have to leave behind because there will be no benefits compared to what they will earn with Poe 2, and if there is one thing I know for sure is that in the current state of GGG it will not be able to satisfy both communities at the same time and even less with Tencent hanging over its head.
This whole situation reminds me of the nostalgic and closed-minded people in World of Warcraft. People who could never move on beyond Vanilla or Lich King and repeat the same content on a loop for twenty long years... Luckily I was able to appreciate the evolution of the game and I kept going and I enjoy the game or the retail version as you want to call it. So I imagine that history will repeat itself here, people unable to move on from Poe to Poe 2 and waiting for priority content when they are really a minority that GGG will have to leave behind because there will be no benefits compared to what they will earn with Poe 2, and if there is one thing I know for sure is that in the current state of GGG it will not be able to satisfy both communities at the same time and even less with Tencent hanging over its head.

It's funny that you mention lich king as a turning point considering the game has been bleeding players ever since.
General discussion gaming forums are almost always a cesspit of ignorance and trolls.
Bleu42#4018 wrote:
The harsh truth is something you said yourself OP; the biggest part of poe's success is consistent content. That's what they're working on, but for Poe2. In order to capture and grow poe2 they have to completely focus on it.

It makes near zero financial sense to focus on the older game with a smaller playerbase when you've got this new game that's already hugely successful in early access. Mtx is shared, so there's no real isolated revenue that poe1 can make that poe2 can't.

The fact is, ggg was bought. They answer to shareholders now, and they must show profit and growing profit every year. Just the numbers on poe2s EA that had a price tag eclipsed poe1s.

I suspect they'll try to do something in poe1 in-between now and whenever 3.26 launches, but it's very clearly all focus on poe2 for the next big update.

" hugely successful in early access" - this part is meme. I can tell infinite amount of games which were quite good at the launch/beginning or overhyped and they gone or have huge issue. For example Last Epoch.I like LE and in some aspects like dungeon or craft i like it a bit more then PoE, but the development is too slow. Also same with D4. How much ppl playing? New world(mmorpg)? Like list could be infinite and all this time PoE1 was the Colossus which hold the company and generate profit. Now you saying that they have to shoot in own legs,right?( Actually 1 leg is already bleeding,you suggest delete both legs)
Last edited by Berzal#5810 on Feb 6, 2025, 4:14:37 AM
I had 13 years fun with poe1, why should i be angry because they made a mistake now ?

you can be angry if they abandon poe1 in future
Last edited by Delamonica#7854 on Feb 6, 2025, 5:32:36 AM
Berzal#5810 wrote:
Bleu42#4018 wrote:
The harsh truth is something you said yourself OP; the biggest part of poe's success is consistent content. That's what they're working on, but for Poe2. In order to capture and grow poe2 they have to completely focus on it.

It makes near zero financial sense to focus on the older game with a smaller playerbase when you've got this new game that's already hugely successful in early access. Mtx is shared, so there's no real isolated revenue that poe1 can make that poe2 can't.

The fact is, ggg was bought. They answer to shareholders now, and they must show profit and growing profit every year. Just the numbers on poe2s EA that had a price tag eclipsed poe1s.

I suspect they'll try to do something in poe1 in-between now and whenever 3.26 launches, but it's very clearly all focus on poe2 for the next big update.

" hugely successful in early access" - this part is meme. I can tell infinite amount of games which were quite good at the launch/beginning or overhyped and they gone or have huge issue. For example Last Epoch.I like LE and in some aspects like dungeon or craft i like it a bit more then PoE, but the development is too slow. Also same with D4. How much ppl playing? New world(mmorpg)? Like list could be infinite and all this time PoE1 was the Colossus which hold the company and generate profit. Now you saying that they have to shoot in own legs,right?( Actually 1 leg is already bleeding,you suggest delete both legs)

My dude, I said 'hugely successful in early access'. You see the last part of what I said there? "In early access"? You can't argue that point, it WAS a huge success in early access, with multiple TIMES the amount of players that poe1 has ever had, AND IT WAS PAID, not free. Sure, of course PoE2 can fail later on, but it's so weird to try to pick that part of what I said apart lol.
> ...Mistake

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