This is a mistake

Bleu42#4018 wrote:
The harsh truth is something you said yourself OP; the biggest part of poe's success is consistent content. That's what they're working on, but for Poe2. In order to capture and grow poe2 they have to completely focus on it.

It makes near zero financial sense to focus on the older game with a smaller playerbase when you've got this new game that's already hugely successful in early access. Mtx is shared, so there's no real isolated revenue that poe1 can make that poe2 can't.

The fact is, ggg was bought. They answer to shareholders now, and they must show profit and growing profit every year. Just the numbers on poe2s EA that had a price tag eclipsed poe1s.

I suspect they'll try to do something in poe1 in-between now and whenever 3.26 launches, but it's very clearly all focus on poe2 for the next big update.

Not sure how true it is, but Palsteron claimed that they make a fairly huge amount on PoE league launches. PoE2 after the EA purchases won’t have new MTX sales until full launch. If they even spend a single day on MTX prior to fixing PoE2’s massive flaws it is a major red flag on the company direction. They will have to throw a league or 2 for PoE this year.

You can bet on it, brother. Next classes are Druid and Huntress, both will arrive with pets/shapeshift. That opens the box of pandora for sweet MTX sales. Who doesn't want to have a cooler bear or cute looking rhoa?

And don't worry, you can use soon your MTX from PoE, after the casuals put the game aside
Bleu42#4018 wrote:
The harsh truth is something you said yourself OP; the biggest part of poe's success is consistent content. That's what they're working on, but for Poe2. In order to capture and grow poe2 they have to completely focus on it.

It makes near zero financial sense to focus on the older game with a smaller playerbase when you've got this new game that's already hugely successful in early access. Mtx is shared, so there's no real isolated revenue that poe1 can make that poe2 can't.

The fact is, ggg was bought. They answer to shareholders now, and they must show profit and growing profit every year. Just the numbers on poe2s EA that had a price tag eclipsed poe1s.

I suspect they'll try to do something in poe1 in-between now and whenever 3.26 launches, but it's very clearly all focus on poe2 for the next big update.

POE 1 is.. or atleast was doing great before poe2 beta launch making them a good bit of cash every league launch so your point dosent make much sense.
Sure alot of us dont expect poe 1 to last forever we just didnt expect this situation as GGG did promise to keep developing poe 1 for the forseeable future.
They are essentially giving up something that works and makes their players happy for something thats going to be in a beta state for atleast another 6-12 months.
Had they kept up with poe 1 and released leagues it would have kept their core fanbase happy and if that would have meant a slightly longer development time on POE 2 that would have been fine people already know that they will have to wait for up to a year for poe 2's 1.0 launch.

This is the part that really worries me personally is that they are willing to take the hit to their reputation and dissapoint people just so that they can push the next poe 2 patch out faster.
Whats to say this isnt going to keep happening? What happens if the new playerbase they got with poe 2 dosent stick around and the poe 1 fanbase leaves?

Tencent has had a majority stake (86%~) since 2018 and seemingly GGG has been left alone to do their thing. If Tencent buying up the last 14% last year is the cause of this shift then that is really bad news for the fanbase.
Except, it's not.
I'll be honest my friend.... PoE1 is hot garbage in comparison. The amount of bloat and mechanics and systems in place need a refresh to the fundamentals.

Have you ever really sat and watched the game playing in PoE1. Zipping around at warp speed, everything on the screen is dead before you even see anything, the whole screen is full of loot, there's shit everywhere, and seriously man, it looks and plays absolutely stupid, I honestly don't know why any of you enjoy that.

It's time to move on, and I really just hope PoE1 disappears, so the new can flourish
I'll be honest my friend.... PoE1 is hot garbage in comparison. The amount of bloat and mechanics and systems in place need a refresh to the fundamentals.

Have you ever really sat and watched the game playing in PoE1. Zipping around at warp speed, everything on the screen is dead before you even see anything, the whole screen is full of loot, there's shit everywhere, and seriously man, it looks and plays absolutely stupid, I honestly don't know why any of you enjoy that.

It's time to move on, and I really just hope PoE1 disappears, so the new can flourish

Everytime a new game came with better combat mechanics, graphics and performance it was better than the games befor it right? right? riiiiight?

Just because you never got into poe1 you don 't need to throw your ragebait in here. Go look for towers on the atlas or whatever, beat it
Last edited by Strickl3r#3809 on Feb 1, 2025, 9:39:08 AM
Many companies have successfully supported 2 games at the same time, both everquest1 and everquest2 got support for 20 years after eq2 released, it can be done.

Temporary hitchup's can happen but I expect the return to regular POE leagues soon, anything else is unacceptable.
Last edited by kolpo#5585 on Feb 1, 2025, 6:53:29 PM
I honestly don't know why any of you enjoy that.

You don't need to know. The fact that they're enjoying the game is sufficient. ='[.]'=
=^[.]^= basic (happy/amused) cheetahmoticon: Whiskers/eye/tear-streak/nose/tear-streak/eye/
whiskers =@[.]@= boggled / =>[.]<= annoyed or angry / ='[.]'= concerned / =0[.]o= confuzzled /
=-[.]-= sad or sleepy / =*[.]*= dazzled / =^[.]~= wink / =~[.]^= naughty wink / =9[.]9= rolleyes #FourYearLie
They knew how people would feel about this. They just don't care.

I think they do care, they just can't do anything about it. The project leaders/managers messed up, clear and simple. They promised too much and are paying the price for that ambition. It's a shame it's going down dirty, because this lack of proper communication is so unlike the old GGG we knew and loved.

You bet your sweet booty that, if this disaster were happening a couple years ago, Chris would be all over the place with forum posts/replies and videos, taking charge while eating mud from the community and still making sure we got at least something. Essentially going "Yeah, we fucked up. Sorry. You also get nothing as nobody made anything because I said so." is a big L and very much unlike the GGG of the past.

Imo Jonathan could have said something along the lines of "Yeah, this was my call and I messed up big time. I'll make sure you guys get something ASAP. In fact, we will let you decide. In the meantime, I ask for a little patience."

Then they could have made a community poll (like they used to for a few things) and make us pick a combination of events/league mechanics or something. TotA, for one, was being asked for constantly.
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They knew how people would feel about this. They just don't care.

They don't have to care anymore. POE2 reached critical mass. They can afford to abandon us.
They knew how people would feel about this. They just don't care.

They don't have to care anymore. POE2 reached critical mass. They can afford to abandon us.
But they are greedy thats why they wont tell we dont support poe1 anymore to sell poe1 fans more stuff like they did the last couple years with low effort leagues like crucible or affliction. We noticed the drop in quality but we never said anything until now. They try to milk poe1 until they completly antagonized them.

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