PoE 1 PC servers are restarting in:
They should be back up in approximately .
PoE 1 Xbox servers are restarting in:
They should be back up in approximately .
PoE 1 Sony servers are restarting in:
They should be back up in approximately .
PoE 2 servers are restarting in:
They should be back up in approximately .

This is a mistake

The mistake was they knew that 3.26 will not under any circumstances be done before may-june and they delayed the band-aid pulling as much as possible, then they came up with the news at the last possible moment ("late january").

They knew about this before announcing new details about poe1 in late january.

The lack of transparency, respect for the og playerbase and most of all, love for the game that made them is astonishing to be frank. I may sound entitled but hey, our fandom's turn on the choping block was bound to come sooner or later so might as well wallow in it until it goes away.
Second-class poe gamer
this is what gross mismanagement of assets does when you put a noob with no relevant experience in charge
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Eleriol#4518 wrote:
Bleu42#4018 wrote:
The harsh truth is something you said yourself OP; the biggest part of poe's success is consistent content. That's what they're working on, but for Poe2. In order to capture and grow poe2 they have to completely focus on it.

It makes near zero financial sense to focus on the older game with a smaller playerbase when you've got this new game that's already hugely successful in early access. Mtx is shared, so there's no real isolated revenue that poe1 can make that poe2 can't.

The fact is, ggg was bought. They answer to shareholders now, and they must show profit and growing profit every year. Just the numbers on poe2s EA that had a price tag eclipsed poe1s.

I suspect they'll try to do something in poe1 in-between now and whenever 3.26 launches, but it's very clearly all focus on poe2 for the next big update.

POE 1 is.. or atleast was doing great before poe2 beta launch making them a good bit of cash every league launch so your point dosent make much sense.
Sure alot of us dont expect poe 1 to last forever we just didnt expect this situation as GGG did promise to keep developing poe 1 for the forseeable future.
They are essentially giving up something that works and makes their players happy for something thats going to be in a beta state for atleast another 6-12 months.
Had they kept up with poe 1 and released leagues it would have kept their core fanbase happy and if that would have meant a slightly longer development time on POE 2 that would have been fine people already know that they will have to wait for up to a year for poe 2's 1.0 launch.

This is the part that really worries me personally is that they are willing to take the hit to their reputation and dissapoint people just so that they can push the next poe 2 patch out faster.
Whats to say this isnt going to keep happening? What happens if the new playerbase they got with poe 2 dosent stick around and the poe 1 fanbase leaves?

Tencent has had a majority stake (86%~) since 2018 and seemingly GGG has been left alone to do their thing. If Tencent buying up the last 14% last year is the cause of this shift then that is really bad news for the fanbase.

So you kind of glossed over my point there, which was that GGG now has to show growing profits every year, and by certain percentages. And while I don't have any insider information, you brought up GGG being bought in 2018, and I'd like to point out that PoE 4.0 / 2 was announced the next year. It's pretty obvious part of the reason Tencent would just pay GGG $100 million would be because of the upcoming changes / new game.

What I'm saying is they HAVE to work on poe2, regardless of how they feel about 'veteran players' and their 'loyal fanbase'. Money has been the name of the game for 7 years now, it's not going to change.

Everyone needs to realize when a company is bought it's not so that company can just be left alone and continue doing the same thing, it's because whoever is buying the company believes they can turn a bigger profit faster. And in this case with Tencent 100% owning PoE now, there is no "hang back and let ggg just make a game for the small loyal fanbase", it's now "make this as broadly appealing as possible for the most amount of players".
Bleu42#4018 wrote:
Everyone needs to realize when a company is bought it's not so that company can just be left alone and continue doing the same thing, it's because whoever is buying the company believes they can turn a bigger profit faster. And in this case with Tencent 100% owning PoE now, there is no "hang back and let ggg just make a game for the small loyal fanbase", it's now "make this as broadly appealing as possible for the most amount of players".

All I ever hear is "Tencent is very hands off" so I doubt you're correct.

GGG is literally an insignificant speck of dust in the game that Tencent is playing worldwide. The thought that they'd put any extra effort to possibly get a few million extra out of GGG, an amount that doesn't even qualify as pennies for them, is laughable.
Bleu42#4018 wrote:
Everyone needs to realize when a company is bought it's not so that company can just be left alone and continue doing the same thing, it's because whoever is buying the company believes they can turn a bigger profit faster. And in this case with Tencent 100% owning PoE now, there is no "hang back and let ggg just make a game for the small loyal fanbase", it's now "make this as broadly appealing as possible for the most amount of players".

All I ever hear is "Tencent is very hands off" so I doubt you're correct.

GGG is literally an insignificant speck of dust in the game that Tencent is playing worldwide. The thought that they'd put any extra effort to possibly get a few million extra out of GGG, an amount that doesn't even qualify as pennies for them, is laughable.

Nah , Tencent's board of directors itself isn't monitoring closely GGG's situation ... but they got a whole squad of mid-level white collars goblins to do that in their name . These 100+ billions in revenue are there each year only because Tencent pay 100.000 employees to squeeze Tencent's assets in every way possible to turn profits , and if you believe the gross mismanagement displayed lately by GGG ( a fully owned Tencent's studio since 2024 ) will fly under the radar of their Chinese HQ you are very wrong here . If the next financial report(s) are no good adjustments will be made .

Btw Tencent is only hands off when they got a minority stake ( just look at the Ubisoft situation lmao ) . GGG sold their company to the devil , now either money keep floodin or Tencent will copypaste to the General Realm what is going on already on the Chinese realm : P2W MTX that reset on season end . Money money .
"Go buy a supporter pack and I might take you seriously." ~ Generic PoE whale

ICE BELL RINGER ~ Endgame Farming ~ Pinnacle Eraser ~ Gamepad Gameplay ~ Low Budget ~ 0.1.1 Version
Last edited by Ashyev#5110 on Feb 2, 2025, 5:10:38 PM
Ashyev#5110 wrote:
These 100+ billions in revenue are there each year only because Tencent pay 100.000 employees to squeeze Tencent's assets in every way possible to turn profits

Source? "Because I think so" isn't a source just so you know.

Ashyev#5110 wrote:
and if you believe the gross mismanagement displayed lately by GGG ( a fully owned Tencent's studio since 2024 ) will fly under the radar of their Chinese HQ you are very wrong here . If the next financial report(s) are no good adjustments will be made .

And who are you to say that GGG is grossly mismanaging things? There are two sides to this, the feelings of betrayed playerbase and business realities within the company, the latter of which we have no concrete idea of. PoE2 is profitable and that is unlikely to change during 2025. They are being way too professional at handling things, far more so than before any league or patch in PoE1. 3.26 is going to be profitable, because at this point it's possibly the last hurrah for PoE1.

The echoes of their actions now will hit their finances in 2026 at the earliest. Speaking strictly businesswise, their betrayal of PoE1 fanbase is completely irrelevant in the short-term and depends on PoE2's success in the long-term.

Ashyev#5110 wrote:
Btw Tencent is only hands off when they got a minority stake ( just look at the Ubisoft situation lmao )

It has already been leaked that Tencent was actively driving Ubi down behind the scenes, so this is objectively false.

Ashyev#5110 wrote:
now either money keep floodin or Tencent will copypaste to the General Realm what is going on already on the Chinese realm : P2W MTX that reset on season end . Money money .

No they won't. This doesn't work outside of China and Tencent knows it.
Bleu42#4018 wrote:
Everyone needs to realize when a company is bought it's not so that company can just be left alone and continue doing the same thing, it's because whoever is buying the company believes they can turn a bigger profit faster. And in this case with Tencent 100% owning PoE now, there is no "hang back and let ggg just make a game for the small loyal fanbase", it's now "make this as broadly appealing as possible for the most amount of players".

All I ever hear is "Tencent is very hands off" so I doubt you're correct.

GGG is literally an insignificant speck of dust in the game that Tencent is playing worldwide. The thought that they'd put any extra effort to possibly get a few million extra out of GGG, an amount that doesn't even qualify as pennies for them, is laughable.

Yea dude for sure, they paid out 100 million dollars they probably don't expect a higher return this decade.

Some of yall are on a different plane of thinking I swear lol
Ah we've got another of these guys .

Source? "Because I think so" isn't a source just so you know.


No they won't. This doesn't work outside of China and Tencent knows it.

u not allowed to say stuff , only i

If you want to be taken seriously better start by not contradicting yourself so bad .

Bleu42#4018 wrote:
Yea dude for sure, they paid out 100 million dollars they probably don't expect a higher return this decade.

Some of yall are on a different plane of thinking I swear lol

Yeah this discussion got flat-earther energy .
"Go buy a supporter pack and I might take you seriously." ~ Generic PoE whale

ICE BELL RINGER ~ Endgame Farming ~ Pinnacle Eraser ~ Gamepad Gameplay ~ Low Budget ~ 0.1.1 Version
Ashyev#5110 wrote:
Ah we've got another of these guys .

Source? "Because I think so" isn't a source just so you know.


No they won't. This doesn't work outside of China and Tencent knows it.

u not allowed to say stuff , only i

If you want to be taken seriously better start by not contradicting yourself so bad .

And what part of that is contradictory? I guess I should throw in some examples of games that have dedicated Chinese servers split from the rest of the world and completely different monetization there? Oh idk, maybe PoE1 for starters.

Chinese servers/realms prefer heavy P2W. It's really not a big secret or an "I think so" point. And the reason why this isn't used outside of China(/other parts of Asia mb) is because it doesn't work here.

Bleu42#4018 wrote:
Yea dude for sure, they paid out 100 million dollars they probably don't expect a higher return this decade.

Not really interested in focusing the discussion solely on Tencent, but yeah, to a degree this is correct.
And what part of that is contradictory?

Playing dumb ? I stated :

1) Tencent got 100+ billions in revenue
2) Tencent got 100+ thousands in staff
3) Tencent got predatory monetization strategies

You responded by :

Source? "Because I think so" isn't a source just so you know.

1) & 2) are just absolute facts , 3) is well known by all , and yourself admitted that Tencent currently predate on PoE players in china . But keep morphin reality lmao
"Go buy a supporter pack and I might take you seriously." ~ Generic PoE whale

ICE BELL RINGER ~ Endgame Farming ~ Pinnacle Eraser ~ Gamepad Gameplay ~ Low Budget ~ 0.1.1 Version
Last edited by Ashyev#5110 on Feb 3, 2025, 5:30:22 AM

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