Please do NOT add an Auction House
Add a auction house
Am on xbox The trade system is broke Am sick of trying to find and buy gear. Would make it so much easier. This is a joke having to have 489 accounts to buy gear on a broken system. |
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Why doesn't GGG just use the Trading System that they had on Console for POE1??? Use that but spruce it up a bit by implementing the trade website so that it works in-game....
POE1 trading system on console was great, but it would need to be updated a bit. The general idea is great. I loved that I was able to see dozens to hundreds of items on the screen at once (as if it was in an quad tab, or whatever the size was). The part that needs improving was the actual search/filter part of it. That is where the style and design of the POE2 trading website comes in... Literally, it does not need to be complicated. The market board / event board from POE1 console version was great. Now, as for people upset about how the actual trading works, I see it as a double edge sword... Some people post an item and then literally auction it off instead of just selling it to the first person who responded. If its a new player who doesn't understand prices, I can see how it could benefit them to perhaps raise the price and then resell it. But, there are predators who literally do this over and over and over again with items, stringing people along trying to see who will give them the most money for it. That is totally unfair. Maybe GGG can work in a system where if people do this too often, they will be forced to sell the item at the set price, or blocked from trading for X amount of time, and eventually banned from trading if they continue doing this. Maybe people should only be allowed to have a certain number of items up for "negotiations", and the rest of items have to be sold for the price it is listed at. Perhaps once an item is listed, it cannot be taken down and relisted at a different price for a certain amount of time. Perhaps GGG can "use AI" to keep track of trades and work out a "Pricing Guide" so that people can get an idea of how much their item is worth. Perhaps it can show a history of past seasons as well as current season, so people get an idea how much an item may be worth early on in a season and also later in a season. If there was an actual auction system with bids, I could see people taking advantage of that by intentionally bidding on items of colleagues in an attempt to inflate the price. I'm sure there are ways to combat this but I am not sure how it would work. I like how the current system works with the website, I just think it needs to be automated a bit better and incorporated into the game instead of having to alt-tab etc. It must be such a pain for console players as well. For the points I have mentioned, I think that the current system (trading website) should be combined with the Console Version of POE1 Trade Market, and that way it can all be done in game. Let's work together to make this world a better place :) Last edited by LostSoulz289#8506 on Jan 16, 2025, 11:07:34 PM
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Don't over complicate it. The current system is fine.
Maybe we the old geezers are fine with the system because we used to such kind of trading even in other games, remember back in the days MMO actually have much more varied trading systems including personal stores, message board, etc where people actually have to contact each other (mainly to avoid high auction taxes actually)? Just implement an in-game browser interface so people that don't want to tab out can do so. That's all. |
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" No it’s not fine. |
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" Hey bro. I have 1700+ hours in PoE1 and over 130 in PoE2. Dropped over $1k in supporter packs etc. You're wrong. |
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" Ruin it for you, because you can't easily abuse the trade system anymore and have to fairly compete with others. You are the problem. |
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" I may not be a true geezer, but I've been around the MMO block and have experienced my fair share of trading systems. P2P bartering in DAoC and Diablo 2, the EQ bazaar where players set up shop along a wall and acted as their own trading outlets (which was later changed to NPCs who did the vendoring for you), and so on. I understand the desire for player interaction, which leads to memorable trading experiences. But not all 'friction' in MMOs is good 'friction,' imo. Speaking of EverQuest, there was actually quite a bit of backlash against the updated Bazaar system back in 2005. Take a look at this time capsule here: In PoE2's case, I firmly believe we need some kind of in-game trading API, like the currency exchange. My dream would be to sell our items directly from our stash tabs, which would help cut down massively on scammers and price switchers. Maybe we'll see something like that in early access, seeing as how GGG relented on the currency exchange and other features like gold for PoE2. By the way, there's hardly any actual player interaction in PoE's P2P trading system. Most of the time, you're dealing with a bot or someone who uses automated messages to communicate across language barriers. It hardly feels 'alive' to me. In fact, it feels soulless. Maybe the old timers here who value player interaction in PoE so much are really no better than the grandmas and grandpas on Facebook who argue with bot accounts all day long... Last edited by Gwonam#5505 on Jan 17, 2025, 12:00:14 AM
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Maybe I'm just not familiar with it but I miss messages for my dump tab constantly. I would like at least access to the website from in game in some form because I get invalid query messages all the time. I would rather get my cheap items taken from the tab instantly because I've accidentally grabbed the wrong item when I have duplicates and I feel terrible that someone would assume I'm cheating them. The currency exchange feels super smooth. I'm not a game developer but it would be super rad to be able to do a limited form of that for year upgrades too. I always wonder how many things I salvage that someone else would kill to get
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We do need an AH, OP is in fact the tourist.
Here let me flash some cred since apparently we get to claim who doesn't have a valid opinion for any reason we want. Found it doing a Delve. There we go, now my opinion is better right? The lack of automation or any form of soft removal of players who pricefix by making false listings has been left unmanaged for an unforgivable amount of time. The more More you have, the less Less matters
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An AH is absolutely essential for the survival of this game, if the OP wasn't a tourist he would know just how bad trading in PoE has always been, and that an AH is the only way to save it.
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