How "More" multipliers are ruining the new skill design philosophy.

We need to talk specifically about support gems that provide nothing else other then a direct damage boost. Of course it isn't just about the "more" multipliers... But these are the most impactful by far.

By design, support gems that give more multipliers become almost immediately a priority for every skill. Pair this with the limitation of 1 of each type across your skills and it quickly becomes a catalyst for 1 button builds/skill usage. Which was stated pretty clearly that it is not the intention in PoE2.

Some of you might wonder why I am not suggesting to remove the limitations instead so all skills could use all the more multipliers they can get?

That's fairly simple... that would make the whole system extremely boring and uninteresting.

I strongly believe that changing how skills work or how they behave is what makes for interesting customization and crafting through support gems, not how many "more" multipliers I can cram into one skill.


So they were completely aware of this. What went wrong?!?

Support Gems increase damage CORRECT.

Skills without supports do a fraction the damage of fully supported skills ALSO CORRECT.

And so.. the solution was to make every skill able to have 6 links, while simultaneously limiting how many SUPPORT GEMS THAT INCREASE DAMAGE can be placed on them. So essentially... nothing really changed.

I truly don't understand how this was the end conclusion. All you had to do was to remove all raw damage increasing support gems and replace them with more creative gems.


BUT WAIT... there's more:

I don't get it. I really don't.
Last edited by IonSugeRau1#1069 on Jan 18, 2025, 8:51:45 AM
Last bumped on Jan 31, 2025, 2:04:59 PM
I strongly believe that changing how skills work or how they behave is what makes for interesting customization and crafting through support gems, not how many "more" multipliers I can cram into one skill.

That's how they said it will be. I don't know why they lied about this.
On Probation Any%
Last edited by Dxt44#4050 on Jan 11, 2025, 6:18:07 AM
Dxt44#4050 wrote:
I strongly believe that changing how skills work or how they behave is what makes for interesting customization and crafting through support gems, not how many "more" multipliers I can cram into one skill.

That's how they said it will be. I don't know why they lied about this.

To me, personally, it feels as if they rushed a lot of things from PoE1 into the game because they were really behind schedule with the release most probably.
i dunno why the U turn here. did they just find they didnt have enough interesting support gems to really make the system feel diverse and interesting? so they looked for a way to allow damage supports back and felt that limiting them to 1 was enough to let themselves believe it wasnt a return to the state of supports in poe1?

heres the reality from my perspective so far:

i will not use a utility support on a skill being used to deal damage if there is a damage support available. the result is i almost always only use damage supports on my main skills, i will not use utility supports that change skill behaviour or provide some kind of secondary utility function ever unless in forced to by simply running out of viable damage supports.

i think the system is 95% a return to the system of exclusively using damage supports in poe1 vs the 'supports dont provide damage% they just change how skills function' idea that was being sold at one point.

i think thyre kidding themselves if they think limiting the gems to 1 is not a return to the poe1 way. in fact what i would argue is that while there is an interesting tradeoff with limiting gems that has real positive effects, actually what it also brings with it is that i dont have enough damage supports to make an array of skills do as much damage as my 'main' skill that ive put all the best damage supports on. this pushes me back to the 1x 6 link main skill 1 button build spam meme of poe1s skill system. i have a million 6 links but i can only make 1 or 2 skills actually deal competative damage at the same time therefor its functionally no different to when i had 1 or 2 six links in poe1.

so yeah, completely agree with what IonSuge is saying, ive come to exactly the same conclusions and was probably gonna make the same post at some point.
I love all you people on the forums, we can disagree but still be friends and respect each other :)
Last edited by Snorkle_uk#0761 on Jan 14, 2025, 1:21:40 AM

This is completely on point. Damage is still way to based around support gems instead of innate skill damage and interactions. Raw damage supports actually take a ton of uniqueness and design away from the game. If they are going to continue to exist they shouldn't be nearly as impactful as they currently are.
Last edited by LVSviral#3689 on Jan 14, 2025, 1:26:08 AM
nd it quickly becomes a catalyst for 1 button builds/skill usage. Which was stated pretty clearly that it is not the intention in PoE2.

Do not be naive.

I have played juiced ten-breech T15+ maps with a lot of different people, and I am yet to see two button build.

POE 1 and POE 2 are the same.

Tons of mobs, zooming through maps with high clear speed, hundreds of unique items (useless as fk and forces everyone to UBER STRICT), beyond useless VENDOR GARBAGE TRASH TIER 5 RARES, and of course, despite being 80%+ resist, 10k armour and 15k ES, with 35% block chance, you still get one-shotted like a dog every now and then.


It is POE 1 version, with nerfed max MS that costs 30 dollars.
Thats what POE 2 is...

+1. I hope as they add more interesting support gems, the pure damage gems will be reworked.
Updated the main post with a new, rather baffling, finding from 2023.
Last edited by IonSugeRau1#1069 on Jan 18, 2025, 8:36:43 AM
+1 in general and to snorkle who summarised my thoughts without me having to type them :p

I'd actually love to be able to use behaviour changing supports instead of damage but that isn't how it works.
The support gem limitations need to be removed. It seriously limits build diversity.

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