Is GGG struggling??

arknath#4740 wrote:
Tencent took over and microtransactions got more aggressive. its that simple

That's just a flat out wrong statement... Good job

To the OP that thinks they already have the assets for mtx and that it is just a some line of codes to enable them; No, they can't just do this with lines of code. They have to be adjusted(both looks, quality), in some case completely remodeled then rigged to all starting classes. And then through quality control before implemented. It takes time and right now other things clearly takes priority. For performance you don't want to add in too many things until the game itself is more stable. It makes it far easier to avoid unforseen issues.

The prices for mtx have always been high. It is what covers the cost for the entire company. It has to be like this. If a certain amount of people struggle to buy the smallest packs it is pretty clear that they don't rely on those people to pay for the game from league to league, nor do they want to? Nor do we want to. It wouldn't be sustainable. It is far better that that group can play for free and that the top half or even the whales pay for everything.

You ask for lower prices but fail to realise the impact it would have. It would mean less devs, less content, less f2p players, less everything. You might think that lower prices would mean more customers but no, there is a limit to the amount of MTX a player would buy. At one point you would realise those customers will stop buying since their characters feel fancy enough. Maybe except the top 0.0001% that are completionists xD

Not entirely accurate. You are ignoring borderline mandatory stash tabs which make the game much less stressfull, which is almost a guaranteed sale for every player that stays. You can't even sell your gear through the site without premium tabs lol
Last edited by SkilloSkillo#0062 on Jan 9, 2025, 7:45:29 AM

Not entirely accurate. You are ignoring borderline mandatory stash tabs which make the game much less stressfull, which is almost a guaranteed sale for every player that stays. You can't even sell your gear through the site without premium tabs lol

This is also not entirely accurate, you can sell gear through the trade site without premium tabs, it's just fiddly and not worth the hassle for cheaper items but it is doable.
Last edited by Randall#0850 on Jan 9, 2025, 8:06:39 AM
double post
Last edited by Randall#0850 on Jan 9, 2025, 8:06:32 AM
i think devs need to eat to ???
its a free game , no1 is forcing u to buy anything , basicly u kinda have to buy some stashes and thats it... if u truly wana play ...
and in modern world evrything costs
They've been like this forever, even before they sold out to tencent.

they're "supporter packs" because technically POE 1 is still in EA and they milk the whales for all their cash with that gaslighting.

People are scared to call ggg out for their insane prices because they know they won't be able to shill for them and get free flights, stock, boosted viewers and #ad if they do
migy1337#0164 wrote:
i think devs need to eat to ???
its a free game , no1 is forcing u to buy anything , basicly u kinda have to buy some stashes and thats it... if u truly wana play ...
and in modern world evrything costs

this is not a free game. it's PW2. or minimum P2P if you don't want to have an ass time. I have 30+ tabs and would still run out depending on how i'm playing and what version i'm playing.

even if every person spent 30 bucks on tabs and that's all that should be enough for them to put some good chase cosmetics IN GAME.

BUT NO they're greedy f's and charge 60 bucks for wings lolol
arpgaddict#1346 wrote:
migy1337#0164 wrote:
i think devs need to eat to ???
its a free game , no1 is forcing u to buy anything , basicly u kinda have to buy some stashes and thats it... if u truly wana play ...
and in modern world evrything costs

this is not a free game. it's PW2. or minimum P2P if you don't want to have an ass time. I have 30+ tabs and would still run out depending on how i'm playing and what version i'm playing.

even if every person spent 30 bucks on tabs and that's all that should be enough for them to put some good chase cosmetics IN GAME.

BUT NO they're greedy f's and charge 60 bucks for wings lolol

u must be doing something very wrong than :D i have 2 sale stashes 3 normal and i am fine ... in total ye arraund 30 was spent in 10 years + i bought wings for 20 long time ago .. and lately i bought this skin transfer things ... for 10 bucs u get 40 of them ...

thats like the most free game i ever played ... and also it has no pvp so no real deal in pay to win ... if there is any...

compared to eve online whic i am playing ... pure pvp game pure p2w game , game costs 60 $$ per month just to be in the game equal valued with others... than u wana buy some isk so u can actuly do something in the game... so thats another 500$$

Pricing has no correlation to employee payment, income, nor how hard is it to make/produce those assets.

Pricing is a simple marketing estimation and filtering.

They price higher so it weeds out people like OP because they don't expect you to pay for those stuff anyway

The cost of those assets are eat by investment and funds from their investors anyway, it doesn't matter.

To them, your post is just haggling for cheaper price. It doesn't matter they don't really care about if you will buy or not, they are looking for those who will buy.
Why are there so... SO many replies that consist of nothing but, "It's a free game, devs gotta make a profit"???

My whole argument is that they would MAKE MORE MONEY if they lowered the prices. It's not like they simply make more money if prices are higher, and make less money if prices are lower. I don't even... understand... how that could be your takeaway.

Here, I'll walk you through it:

If that were the case, they could just charge 10 billion dollars for a skin, and that means, HEY, NICE, they're making billions of dollars now!

Oh, what's that? They shouldn't do that? Okay, and why's that?

... ?

Oh? Because nobody would buy it? So, are you saying... the higher the price is... ... ... the... ... less that people would buy it?????

Wow! Interesting.

So now... if... we take that same logic... and apply it in the other direction...

The cheaper it is... the... MORE that people would buy it?????


To which, the next response you'll have is... "They are professionals, they ran the numbers, they're smarter than you, they know what they're doing!"

To which, my response is: That's a fallacy. That's actually several fallacies. You are now implying that they cannot make mistakes, just because pricing these products is their job. I also have a job, am I incapable of making a mistake while at work? I am also smarter than X amount of people, does this mean that I am always right when compared to someone less intelligent than myself?

There's no real defense of these prices. At the end of the day, yeah, I am simply speculating that I believe they'd get more profits if the prices went down. But I also believe THEY only have speculation as well, since, as mentioned... prices have always been high anyway. (They may have been lower than they are right now, but that's relative. They've still always been a bit steep.)
Last edited by ShadyC#1006 on Jan 10, 2025, 2:58:42 PM
The prices are for sure too high to be reasonable, but they get a pass from the community because they are actually a very consumer friendly company over all.

Outside of stash tabs you can play the game for infinite hours of entertainment for actually $0. Almost no games truly offer this.

They also gave away poe2 completely for free to their most loyal customers and that just felt extremely generous for a company that operates inside of a capitalist hellscape.

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