Quarterstaff needs Chaos related skills

Also, vaulting impact is GREAT when surrounded. It makes you pass up mobs. I couldn't play without it.
For Physical i was mostly focusing Flicker as it has good scaling as is fcking amazing. It placed me in awkward positions too often thou.

You cannot cancel it with roll or raise shield ? For sure you can, no ?
Raise shield interrupts almost every thing. Instant. Without making you move, and you block next attack. Raise shield is waaaaaaay better than roll for canceling. I think the only thing it doesn't cancel is the lock state at the end of a roll.
Last edited by cedet6d#7437 on Feb 24, 2025, 10:20:08 AM
I think the issue is more that Chaos doesn't do anything. It goes through energy shields... ok. That doesn't matter when you have 200k+ dps. Lightning and cold damage has better utility and access to "cast on" trigger mechanics which is actually helpful in the game's most challenging mechanics such as T4 boss encounters.

Chaos Monk also suffers from the fact that their main passive tree is defensive. In a game where damage is king. If you can clear a screen full of enemies you don't need a extra shield. And there's plenty of ways to metigate damage already. MOM, Grim feast, Life on kill etc. Why do you need a extra shield. And even if you did need a extra shield you wouldn't want one that removes all of your spirit entirely. They could actually remove the negative aspect of removing spirit from the shield. ANd Invoker would still be a lot better in the game's current form.
Vault never appealed to me as it has too slow animation.

It scales with attack speed and there is plenty of it in phys passive points.
I should've taken the time to answer entirely... used to WhatsApp haha

Evergrey#7535 wrote:

When planning a build, you need to consider a wide-ass AoE for really dense Breach-orgies and the single target for bossing. Vault Claps are just too small imo.

I now that... that's why building is sooooo stimulating to me. Super complex.
But, for what you talking about, you don't realise that the noob trap abilities you were talking about, you just didn't even play them. Melee monk has HUGE control. Full knock back. Daze into guaranteed stun, then much mobility and recover with flames. But yes, it requires more awareness for sure. But the game is sooooo boring to me playing range. And darkness is too appealing. Ice strike is 80% converted. You have so little benef from the ascendancy.

If you make it work and enjoy the build I am all in for you and I wish you share the build with us to check it out.
PS. Try Overwhelming Presence if you use stun build - you can reduce enemies Stun treshold by 99% (with jewels) and stun with genuinely each hit ;)

Ty dude, i'll try to keep it up... but i have to be carefull with burn out haha, ikr is energy draining to struggle refining but i think it's worth it. The goal to me isn't end game. It's learning and improving.
You are talking about meta... but the thing is, EA started 2 months ago. Obviously builds still needs to be figured out.
Yes, i have to get used more and more to daze/stun mechanic, passive points and support gems. But swapping skills every levels makes learning and muscle memory harder... it'll be better when capped.

PS2. I was also trying to make a physical base poison build but failed due to lack of scaling. Top poison tooltip dmg i got was 20k. I saw ppl getting over 100k, got humbled down and went back to chaos.

The dude was warrior ?
But why poison ? It only scales with attack dmg
I think several days about it but i don't think it's the way
Also, my goal is get the most benefit from chaos dmg gained
So it's either QStaff/2H weapon swap... Hammer of the gods seems the best to use mantra on, but still have to figure out if it works... it has to.
Or focus on spells, with elemental dmg QStaff and original Sin, which look sooooo nice too with contagion and despair curse getting spread, dark effigy, profane ritual...


PS3. Recently I got new weapon and now i'm sitting at 50% Crit chance Ice Strike. Cast on Crit goes fcking nuts. Perhaps a Cast on Crit physical build with like Bonecage and Spellblade or Chaos with Blasphemy Despair + Hexblast could work? Whirling as a base ability or Profane Ritual+Flicker.

Haha i did play bonestorm, but had to give it up... but for sure it also could work
But i read yesterday that... Bonestorm only procs 1 on hit... that turned me off because, i was thinking using it for Reality Rending. If it's only 1 on hit... not as appealing. Also Bonestorm the bell looks cool haha.
Ye, another thing that turned me off with Bonestorm is that i realised that power charges only makes the aoe larger... I really love that spell but no damage for power charges... what ?! hahahaha NEED DMG

Theres many options there. I am happy with my build for now, but you should definitely keep digging. If you make Vault working, that's amazing. If not, keep being open for feedback brother. There is no reason to disregard someones inputs when you aren't able to call it with experience/testing/proof. I Tried to bite Darkness, but it is just jesus fckng real bad, brother - and I tried really hard, Spirit gems are just too good to pass on. You can test it yourself, i'm just giving you the results of mine.

But do you get what i mean ? By "Darkeness gives you more skill slots". You are not only loosing spirit skills. You get to play 2 other ones. Ok crit spells are great (in fact, they are OP and makes the game braindead), but QStaff abilities are huge. Darkness open up for a more deep and complex gameplay.

Btw. Mantra is bugged, I am pretty sure about that. It just doesn't work. Tooltip dmg is never changed by it, no matter what I feed it with. On-boss damage doesn't seem to change neither. Wind blast is also pretty messed up. It's an Attack but not a Strike, not a projectile, neither an fissure. It doesn't benefit from shit.

Yeeeeah, it's sooo hard to investigate on PoE without having any dps meter. Idk if it's intended but it'd be such a big and easy improvement to me.
Really hard to test things, having to hit a though mob with tooltip opened or... estimate hahaha

Btw, i will pbly soon take the unarmed passive points. The 20% attack speed is huge because i build a lot combo points with them. i don't QStaff strike anymore. And it's also mobility... i'll try them at least.


Chaos Monk also suffers from the fact that their main passive tree is defensive. In a game where damage is king.

Defensive ? it's full of crit

If you can clear a screen full of enemies you don't need a extra shield. And there's plenty of ways to metigate damage already.

You just said that, as melee, you get stunned into one shot

MOM, Grim feast, Life on kill etc. Why do you need a extra shield. And even if you did need a extra shield you wouldn't want one that removes all of your spirit entirely. They could actually remove the negative aspect of removing spirit from the shield. ANd Invoker would still be a lot better in the game's current form.

When you don't need the darkness shield, you gain 30% MORE dmg AND 2 more skills
The bad part is that de darkness shield doesn't scale at all
cedet6d#7437 wrote:

Defensive ? it's full of crit

Where is the crit? I'm talking about the ascendancy passives. And the +chaos damage from Flame of chayula is pointless because the buff doesn't refresh. Collecting flames also is RNG and on a 10 second timer (that again doesn't refresh).


You just said that, as melee, you get stunned into one shot

I've played Chronomancer to level 90 as melee. Warrior to level 91 as melee. Two chayula monks. One to level 90. All melee. Never had a issue with being stunned once geared up properly. If a melee character can clear enemies and receive life on kill for each enemy killed. The likelyhoods of being stunned to death decrease. Qith quaterstaff and charged staff. You don't even need to engage in melee. If using Mind over Matter and melting maelstrom. You can be stunned and just sit there and mash your mana flask and be practically invincible during the stun.


When you don't need the darkness shield, you gain 30% MORE dmg AND 2 more skills

The dmg is all RNG and chaos based. And whilst the dmg is arguably not bad. It is nothing to write home about. And also not interesting to spec into. Look at hulking form, you can make a multitude of builds out of Hulking form. You can nothing with some increased chaos damage in the game's current form. And even after they add more chaos weapons it still won't open up anything creative.
you are kinda right sir

Where is the crit? I'm talking about the ascendancy passives. And the +chaos damage from Flame of chayula is pointless because the buff doesn't refresh. Collecting flames also is RNG and on a 10 second timer (that again doesn't refresh).

Ok, the ascendancy... i was tired. But all ascendancies have defensive side. Chayula can be super aggro if picking Grasp of the void and reality rending.

I've played Chronomancer to level 90 as melee. Warrior to level 91 as melee. Two chayula monks. One to level 90. All melee. Never had a issue with being stunned once geared up properly. If a melee character can clear enemies and receive life on kill for each enemy killed. The likelyhoods of being stunned to death decrease. Qith quaterstaff and charged staff. You don't even need to engage in melee. If using Mind over Matter and melting maelstrom. You can be stunned and just sit there and mash your mana flask and be practically invincible during the stun.

You wrote "Vault never appealed to me as it has too slow animation. Triple breach in 5 man party and im stunlocked into death for sure.". That's what i'm talking about. (And again, vault scales with skill speed and attack speed)


The dmg is all RNG and chaos based.

What is RNG whith Grasp of the void/Reality rending ? 0 rng. Yes, i need to see higher level content. But i feel like, with the high control monk has, i should be able to preserve darkness shield.
You are talking about the flames i guess.

Look at hulking form, you can make a multitude of builds out of Hulking form. You can nothing with some increased chaos damage in the game's current form. And even after they add more chaos weapons it still won't open up anything creative.

Hulking form is full passive... I'm not interested into passive stuff haha
Same, i did play mercenary... but i would NEVER go gemling legionnaire. I was building into witch hunter, which looks also SUPER strong to me.
And, again, my way of playing games isn't about clearing content easily.
It's about playing interesting and challenging mechanics and clearing with them.
Last edited by cedet6d#7437 on Feb 25, 2025, 2:47:35 AM

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