Quarterstaff needs Chaos related skills

cedet6d#7437 wrote:

Vaulting impact is 237% (without full phys boost support gems)

In fact... i got Fist of war support gem, which boost it for 20% MORE dmg and range, Heavy swing 35% MORE dmg, Magnified effect 40% MORE AoE

See, if you can't put your overboosted, for 0 reason, ego on the side, you can learn from interpreted newbie, which could be 20 yo older than you, and could have spent his entire life on video games
Last edited by cedet6d#7437 on Feb 23, 2025, 8:31:04 AM
And btw, i'm even thinking about throwing bell AND Falling thunder
Vaulting impact is so much dmg, it'd free me up space for better skills
cedet6d#7437 wrote:

In fact... i got Fist of war support gem, which boost it for 20% MORE dmg and range, Heavy swing 35% MORE dmg, Magnified effect 40% MORE AoE

And all that will be boosted by 30% MORE shadow when i'm done with trial
And imagine if i pickup a flame now :)

But.... maybe it's even better with flicker strike hahahahaha, need to get that one

NERF CHAYULA, seems too strong to me :D
Last edited by cedet6d#7437 on Feb 23, 2025, 8:35:03 AM
Well... the good thing with bell is that i have poison support on it, and it aoe breaks armor... i'll just replace falling thunder for charged staff which only converts for shockwave, and the added lightning is also gained as shadow
See, physical MELEE Chayula IS OP
How didn't you see that ?
I'm just level 30 dude, did you even read spells ?

Stop being meta slave and start thinking by yourself !
Last edited by cedet6d#7437 on Feb 23, 2025, 8:43:04 AM
Another thing that i learned yesterday is... When not going darkness, you can play Lingering illusion spirit gem, put minion pact support rune on main phys ability, vaulting impact in my case, probably flicker strike later on, roll to pop illusion, and on hit (only with Chaos inoculation passive [having 1 life]) it'll kill the clone and boost for 40% MORE DMG

Loosing the darkness 30% boost tho... but when darkness isn't good, it should be worth it
Last edited by cedet6d#7437 on Feb 23, 2025, 8:49:17 AM
Hehehehehe, glad you learning, you veteran
cedet6d#7437 wrote:
Well... the good thing with bell is that i have poison support on it, and it aoe breaks armour...

Naaaah i did throw bell, forgot i did put poisons on wind blast to break armor

Since anyway, on boss fight, i have to build daze first so i get +25% crit on daze, doing so, it also gets fully broken armour

See ? i did solve the build, so easily tho... i don't get how nobody saw that, full of meta slaves that cannot think by themselves

Edit... nvm, it's not about meta slaves, more about capitalism products that only have time for results.

Theory crafting is time and energy hard consuming, 2 weeks i don't sleep to figure out this
Last edited by cedet6d#7437 on Feb 23, 2025, 8:58:16 AM
So it makes me really edgy when i see peoples not spending any time learning, but crying for bad design
Sooooo much better without bell and falling thunder, way fastest paced
And bell is suuuuper clunky, they move, req you to stay melee
Charged staff + siphoning strike rather than bell and falling thunder is such a big gameplay improvement, makes it way more complicated, and the skill ceiling higher
Wayyyyy more power charges too
Aaaaand the added lightning dmg IS GAINED as shadow while only 40% phys with falling thunder...

I'm telling you, Chayula phys melee monk is perfection to me :)
Last edited by cedet6d#7437 on Feb 23, 2025, 9:14:36 AM

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