Quarterstaff needs Chaos related skills

so +30% dmg GAIN isn't good ?
Darkness replacing spirit isn't that bad, since it's free you up a skill slot, you get to play something else, and nothing beats 30% dmg gain, also darkness makes you crazy tanky
But... btw, are you standard league ? Cause i'd just pref not waste my energy then hahaha, not playing the same game
Last edited by cedet6d#7437 on Feb 21, 2025, 6:50:52 PM
cedet6d#7437 wrote:
so +30% dmg GAIN isn't good ?

No it really isn't that's a pretty mediocre gain in this game when compared to alternatives

Bypassing all elemental resistance on a crit is a much higher value than 30% increase

cedet6d#7437 wrote:
Darkness replacing spirit isn't that bad, since it's free you up a skill slot, you get to play something else, and nothing beats 30% dmg gain, also darkness makes you crazy tanky

Darkness is again just mediocre defense when you compare it to Grim Feast or Ghost Dance and SEVERAL things beat 30% damage increases

You're indeed playing a different game

I guess different than everyone with your amazing lvl 30 character...

ryo3000#2773 wrote:

No it really isn't that's a pretty mediocre gain in this game when compared to alternatives

Bypassing all elemental resistance on a crit is a much higher value than 30% increase

Did you forget it's as chaos dmg ?

ryo3000#2773 wrote:

Darkness is again just mediocre defense when you compare it to Grim Feast or Ghost Dance and SEVERAL things beat 30% damage increases

You're indeed playing a different game

I guess different than everyone with your amazing lvl 30 character...

Yeaaaaah yeah yeah...

Imagine writing "Monk melee abilities are noob baits" when wind blast is such a broken OP skill, making you able to kite for ever, perma knocking back, building daze which guarantee stun on vaulting impact... and you can buff vaulting impact, which is the highest monk AD scaling ability at my lvl, with mantra
I just got 6 lvls in few hours, 0 trouble in act 3 as melee

Ye, keep talking about my level you egotic capitalism product

Pick up your bow, and go play ranger monk, cause playing melee is too hard for the boomer you are :)

And don't forget to complain about bad design lmao
cedet6d#7437 wrote:

Did you forget it's as chaos dmg ?

No, that's part of the reason it sucks

Chaos damage is currently a bad damage type with no inherent ailments and very little support on passive tree and gems

cedet6d#7437 wrote:

Yeaaaaah yeah yeah...

Imagine writing "Monk melee abilities are noob baits" when wind blast is such a broken OP skill, making you able to kite for ever, perma knocking back, building daze which guarantee stun on vaulting impact... and you can buff vaulting impact, which is the highest monk AD scaling ability at my lvl, with mantra
I just got 6 lvls in few hours, 0 trouble in act 3 as melee

Ye, keep talking about my level you egotic capitalism product

Pick up your bow, and go play ranger monk, cause playing melee is too hard for the boomer you are :)

And don't forget to complain about bad design lmao

I wrote

"All phys skills in staffs are massive noob traps"

Not melee skills, phys damage skills

And... You're proving my point really

You're new to the game, you think they're amazing.

Everyone else that has played the game beyond tier 10 maps knows they're bad.

Falling Thunder with Power Charges is the highest damage ability available at your level, vaulting impact doesn't come close

Wind Blast is bad because of what you're describing

You know what's better than kiting and running around trying to build a stun to kill a white mob? Just killing it with Storm Wave

Vaulting Impact, Wind Blast, Mantra of Destruction, Whirlwind Assault they're all just bad skills

I would hope you're not having trouble going from 30 to 36

You're half way through the game's tutorial

It's not like you've came across anything hard

This is gonna be my last response cause i really can't be arsed to talk to you more

Chayula monk is one of if not the weakest ascendancy in the game right now, this is not an attack on you it's a statement of fact

You're too early in the game to know what you're talking about and no one is going to take you seriously

You're gonna get your teeth kicked in in maps

Don't forget to fill your quiver :)

I'll let you know when i cleared end game so you can netbuild mine !

Last edited by cedet6d#7437 on Feb 23, 2025, 6:38:40 AM
cedet6d#7437 wrote:
Duuuuuuuuude, that original sin tech made my day... Chaos jedi pretty soon ! hahahahahha

I made a build and it's decent:

I am clearing t16 ~50 Delirious maps easy
I do clear T4 Simulacrum, but it is the hardest event for me (i did it all).

cedet6d#7437 wrote:
and you can buff vaulting impact, which is the highest monk AD scaling ability at my lvl, with mantra

Evergrey#7535 wrote:
Falling Thunder with Power Charges is the highest damage ability available at your level, vaulting impact doesn't come close

I use Mantra vaulting impact on bell

5 power charges falling thunder is always overkill anyway

Falling thunder is 255% AD but 60% is converted, so it's only 255x0,4 so 152% physical dmg
Bell only converts 60% physical dmg
Vaulting impact is 237% (without full phys boost support gems)

Also, the raw shadow dmg gains from ascendency does nothing to converted dmg
So i'm definitely right
And i don't have any lightning passive points
Full physical, 25% crit on dazes

Are you really learning from lvl 30 (42 now) newbie ? :)

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