It has nothing to do with being scammed if you ask me; it's just infinitely more convenient for the end user. The lack of a market board just feels bad, full stop. Do any of you genuinely enjoy being interrupted in the middle of a map to sell something every 10 minutes? Only for the person who whispered you to not accept the invite and then go radio silent?
I've always been of the mind that if you can't say anything good about the implementation of certain game features, those features need to see change. And I don't know about any of you but I certainly can't say anything good about this trade """system""".
Posted byBK2710#6123on Jan 4, 2025, 8:41:58 AM
Less people care about a FTP dungeon-crawler videogame's "economy" than you expect.
Posted byLeFlesh#9979on Jan 4, 2025, 8:54:36 AM
Less people care about a FTP dungeon-crawler videogame's "economy" than you expect.
The only people who care about an economy are price fixer, discord groups who want to profit, RMT/bot farms, dupers who want to get rich or carry service sellers i.e. everything that is wrong with gaming.
Posted byBK2710#6123on Jan 4, 2025, 8:56:36 AM
The only people who care about an economy are price fixer, discord groups who want to profit, RMT/bot farms, dupers who want to get rich or carry service sellers i.e. everything that is wrong with gaming.
Posted byLeFlesh#9979on Jan 4, 2025, 9:04:53 AM
Less people care about a FTP dungeon-crawler videogame's "economy" than you expect.
The only people who care about an economy are price fixer, discord groups who want to profit, RMT/bot farms, dupers who want to get rich or carry service sellers i.e. everything that is wrong with gaming.
Hear hear, people who want to optimize the fun out of a game in the name of almighty dollars should be removed more actively.
Posted byArakki#6986on Jan 4, 2025, 9:23:02 AM