Approaching 2025 and still no Auction House in POE 2, I REGRET supporting this company

vio#1992 wrote:
since when can you block your profile so that people can't even see you created your account just for shitposting?

New accounts are set as Private by default, and have been for some time.
I do not and will not use TFT.
Gaming Granny :D
Are they quitting because of scammers?

Or just because they lose a bunch of stuff, and can now no longer progress?

I don't think they need an auction house in this game to fix it. I think they just need to fix the game revolving around an economy. That gets rid of bots, gold farmers, and scammers too.

And everyone elses experience is better because of it.
Yeah scamming got a lot more normal lately. 5/7 trades (5div+) people tried scamming me, which is sad. I still wonder how you actually manage to get scammed. I mean all information is on your screen, LOOK AT IT.
Farming salt on the forums since 2024
Yeah scamming got a lot more normal lately. 5/7 trades (5div+) people tried scamming me, which is sad. I still wonder how you actually manage to get scammed. I mean all information is on your screen, LOOK AT IT.

Seriously done with this company, should have never supported these developers after they sold their game to Tencent CCP.

They purposely refuse to put in an Auction House because it would cut into their profits for selling these useless garbage HideOuts so they purposely put bad game design choices that punishes players for playing the game while charging $30 to $60 for a game.

This is scummy stuff that Blizzard does, expected better than this from GGG but then it isn't GGG it's Tencent.

I should have NEVER given this company any money
KingHadu#3474 wrote:
Yeah scamming got a lot more normal lately. 5/7 trades (5div+) people tried scamming me, which is sad. I still wonder how you actually manage to get scammed. I mean all information is on your screen, LOOK AT IT.

Seriously done with this company, should have never supported these developers after they sold their game to Tencent CCP.

They purposely refuse to put in an Auction House because it would cut into their profits for selling these useless garbage HideOuts so they purposely put bad game design choices that punishes players for playing the game while charging $30 to $60 for a game.

This is scummy stuff that Blizzard does, expected better than this from GGG but then it isn't GGG it's Tencent.

I should have NEVER given this company any money

First of all, the shares that Tencent has are only shares in profits, without the right to make decisions.

After that, if you don't want to support the game or company, and you don't like the game... the exit door is right there.

Your arguments about $$$ would only be valid if the supposed MTX gives some advantage to the player. Now, if the "beauty of the hideout" increases the player's trade flow, you've just invented a new p2w model.

TIP: Next time check the items in your trade, to avoid getting angry and coming to the forum to cry
Add a damn auction house, too many scammers and trash around.
EA was launched in December, what do you mean approaching 2025 lol. Are you confusing this for PoE 1?

And btw they said there won't be an AH before you chose to support them, so why do you regret supporting them anyway?

Related points (they also apply to PoE 1 in case there is confusion):

- Deliberately not looking at what you are trading is not scamming, it is your own choice to do that. It is literally not possible to trade without checking what you are getting. You have to check the items you are getting, and then you have to confirm that you accept the trade.

- Hideouts have nothing to do with trading. They are just your main convenience hub for everything. You don't need a hideout to trade, you don't need it to map, you don't need it for anything at all.
KingHadu#3474 wrote:
GGG you need to fix this, I know you refuse to implement an Auction House because if you did that nobody would buy your useless HideOut MTX people only buy these to show off to buyers.

I know Jonathan wants to do an Auction House but management refuses to implement because Tencent doesn't want anything getting in the way of their shareholder profits.

I am sick of companies charging money for games then making bad game design just so they can promote their cosmetics, this game isn't free.

Tencent or Blizzard it's all the same scam if you ask me.

I never thought I would say this but I regret ever spending a cent on this game.

They can keep the current exchange, and add the auction house inside the game, so that I don't have to keep on trading all the time. Both things are compatible. All improvements to the game are welcome. Will they do it? It's about time they make a poe-2 that improves poe-1, not makes it worse... I say...
KingHadu#3474 wrote:
vio#1992 wrote:
since when can you block your profile so that people can't even see you created your account just for shitposting?

What nonsense are you talking about?

It's literally frontpage of Reddit that POE 2 is filled with scammers.

Why are you trying to derail the topic instead of addressing the issue?

Only one type of person supports the current scam system

What scammers? You can only be scammed in the current system if you are dumb, you literally have to hover over the items to complete transactions, an AH has no place in this game, it would completely kill the economy, bots would start insta buying every decent item and flipping it for profit and people, especially people like you would not have a chance to buy any decent item at a decent price, it´s like you guys dont even think about the consequences of the stuff you ask for, jesus christ.
IGN - Slayonara

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