Approaching 2025 and still no Auction House in POE 2, I REGRET supporting this company

Only been successfully trade scammed once in all my time of playing PoE1, all I got to say after my one lesson all other attempts to scam me have been thwarted by reading comprehension. Read EVERY implicit on the item, make sure it's matches exactly what you asked for. If not, cancel the trade. Take ALL the time you need to read and if they rush you, that's on them. Better to have to search all over again than make a bad trade.

If you're legit, how were you scammed and how many times? What kind of items were they? I am curious. I've been burnt from wanting to ever buy boss clears from strangers, but I'm don't want to set fire to that community just for my two attempts and getting a raw deal. It's live and learn sometimes.

And while an auction house would be nice, I don't hate the current system enough to not play the game over it. I can either play SSF or trade exclusively with friends if I'm weary of the player market. Not trading doesn't mean you can't play the game, you just lose some convenience. As most of us would say to other new players: Buyer beware and if in doubt, ask a trusted friend/guild or reach out to the community. You might be upset and regret supporting GGG, which is fair, but I think that there was a better way to deal with the problem than lash out at the party not responsible for you having been scammed. Move on to another game or have some time to simmer and come back when you want to.
Hsover#6583 wrote:
First of all, the shares that Tencent has are only shares in profits, without the right to make decisions.

I have to disagree ( although completely irrelevant with the post and the AH, but I understand why it was mentioned ).

Peer pressure alone on subsidiaries to make profits for the controller company is reason enough to influence any and all forms of decisions. Even if that leads into quitting the company/position which is the ultimate price as a last resort because you don't want to distort your ethics or vision ( which again will result to essentially failing the end user ). It has happened a numerous times, and will continue to happen. That's the way it is.

There's no shares in "profits" alone. There's shares, and they own all of them, so they control everything one way or the other, else the world would be filled with only rainbows and unicorns.


In any case for the OP, I've been also advocating and in favor of an AH, but that is unrelated to scammers and the rest mentioned here I believe.

Player-2-Player trading will never cease to exist even if an AH is implemented, hence scamming is also going to be part of life. You need to do your own due diligence to avoid it and is unrelated to any MTX or anything else mentioned in here in my opinion.
vio#1992 wrote:
since when can you block your profile so that people can't even see you created your account just for shitposting?

Since profile are private by default, still dont know that after 13 years?
eldheim#2436 wrote:
QticaX#4168 wrote:
KingHadu#3474 wrote:
GGG you need to fix this, I know you refuse to implement an Auction House because if you did that nobody would buy your useless HideOut MTX people only buy these to show off to buyers.

I know Jonathan wants to do an Auction House but management refuses to implement because Tencent doesn't want anything getting in the way of their shareholder profits.

I am sick of companies charging money for games then making bad game design just so they can promote their cosmetics, this game isn't free.

Tencent or Blizzard it's all the same scam if you ask me.

I don't know where you're getting your data from but POE2 has maintained is player count consistently for 3 weeks now.

I am failing to understand how Hideout MTXs and a auction house correlate to one another.. it would be implemented like Alva..

AND character to character trading would still exist even if there was an auction house.

Trading Scamming has existed in every single APRG that has player-to-player trading and you literally need to highlight all the currency before you hit accept.

That is literally a threshold so you don't get scammed so you know what you're getting.

No, POE2 is not maintaining a consistent player count at all.
It's dropping like a stone. And the trajectory is bad -really bad. I work in statistics and have followed steam games for a decade.
GGG are in for a surprise if they think they have a stable player count, OR a stable economy.
It's both heading towards disaster, and rather quickly so too.
If no big changes are made, this game is dying around mid February, and already mid January half the players will be gone.

I agree with you completely.
>"We dont want to do another one poe1"
>Released a game where trade and ssf are the same as in poe1
I've never been scammed. but it's really stupid that they still not implemented an in-game auction house in a game that's over 10 years old
KingHadu#3474 wrote:
GGG you need to fix this, I know you refuse to implement an Auction House because if you did that nobody would buy your useless HideOut MTX people only buy these to show off to buyers.

I know Jonathan wants to do an Auction House but management refuses to implement because Tencent doesn't want anything getting in the way of their shareholder profits.

I am sick of companies charging money for games then making bad game design just so they can promote their cosmetics, this game isn't free.

Tencent or Blizzard it's all the same scam if you ask me.

I never thought I would say this but I regret ever spending a cent on this game.

Looks like the only support youve given the company was the $30 early access so its not a big loss.
Step 1 is to self reflect.
Yalodan#7800 wrote:
I've never been scammed. but it's really stupid that they still not implemented an in-game auction house in a game that's over 10 years old

there are reasons for it. you may not like them or have a different opinion, but there are reasons for it.
It has nothing to do with being scammed if you ask me; it's just infinitely more convenient for the end user. The lack of a market board just feels bad, full stop. Do any of you genuinely enjoy being interrupted in the middle of a map to sell something every 10 minutes? Only for the person who whispered you to not accept the invite and then go radio silent?

I've always been of the mind that if you can't say anything good about the implementation of certain game features, those features need to see change. And I don't know about any of you but I certainly can't say anything good about this trade """system""".

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